Chapter 3 - The Plan

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"Right everybody shut up!" Bellowed Athena over the bickering voices.

The conference room slowly quietened, the lightning of Thor and Zeus diminished, Loki put his knives away, Ra stopped trying to summon the sun to burn the place down and Venus put her mirror away.

"Everyone sit down!" Athena commanded. "Now if everyone is finished showing off myself and Isis may have worked things out a little!"

All the gods returned to their seats and waited, Loki noted that Thor looked petrified by the commanding nature of Athena, normally this would make him laugh but he wasn't feeling much braver.

"So it seems that things have moved along over the last few millennia" started Isis. "We weren't being prayed to so we, essentially took a long nap and someone, somewhere has done a prayer for us and that's why we are back".

"Stopped praying!" Splattered Zeus. "Why the hell would they do that?"

"Like I said, things have changed, no doubt the humans have some new god that they pray to now".

"So...what do we do?" Asked Apollo.

"Find out what the kid needs I guess" said Orsiris.

"How do we do that?" Asked Venus.

Suddenly one of the television's sprung into life and came up with a profile of a young man.

"Wow his life is shit" Apollo chuckled.

"So that's why he prayed!" Exclaimed Iris.

"Oh that's good! Makes complete sense actually!" Agreed Athena.

"Sorry for the slower members of the group" muttered Ra.

"For all that humans have changed over the years, a lot of things have stayed the same" said Iris.

"Exactly, why did people pray to us in the past? They wanted help and what does he want? Help!" Added Athena.

" why choose us?" Asked Venus.

At this the room fell silent.

"I mean not to shoot myself in the foot here but I was more the example of what not to do than you know...actually get prayed to" commented Loki.

"Well there will be a reason" said Ra. "I mean we all -" he paused and looked at Loki's sly grin, "most of us do something"

"As far as I can see the only one that's obvious is Venus" said Apollo.

"Wait why me?" She squeaked.

"Come on! Goddess of love, sex and fertility!" Laughed Apollo.

Venus turned to look at the screen, "well it does look like he could use it".

"Alright well what does the kid need?" Asked Zeus.

"A girlfriend" said Venus.

"Some gym time, could do with more of a warrior physique" added Thor.

"Promotion" piped up Ra.

"Nicer place wouldn't hurt either" suggested Orsis.

"So essentially the basics with the odd extra" said Isis.

The room all murmured in agreement.

"Right then, once we establish our own little Rota about who does what", Athena paused and looked between Ra and Apollo who had spent a lot of time arguing over who should pull up the sun, " we will then complete our end of the bargain and see what happens".

"Like I said the poor kid is buggered" said Zeus.

With this, the gods divided themselves into teams and got to work on the life of Gerry Ewing.

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