Chapter 1

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I woke up to my alarm clock beeping a mile minute. Of course the minute i heard it, i shut it off. I'm not a morning person and i don't understand people who are. So I waited about thirty more minutes to fully wake up. I slowly got out of bed missing the warmth and comfort it gave me.

On my way I tripped on a Lego. God it was like stepping on glass! If you weren't looking for it then you wouldn't know it was there. I landed on my back with a thud. On top of that an ache started in my foot. I knew my wolf healing would make it go away in a second so I forgot about the pain and went on my way.

I rushed in the shower because I only had 30 minutes until school starts. It took me 5 minutes to get in and out, that should be a record! I hurried to put on my white sweater and dark blue skinny jeans.I found some socks and put on my brown Ugg boots. I grabbed my book bag and headed down the stairs.

"Good morning everybody!" I said.

"Morning sweetie!" My mother said at the same time my dad said " You better not be late."

"Love you too dad." I said with a smile. I headed to the kitchen and grabbed a donut for breakfast. With that I ran to my Hummer and drove to school.


When I arrived at school all I felt was bad vibes. The presence of unknown werewolves got my attention. I could tell, thankfully, that all the werewolves belong to a pack. And yes there were more than one.

Making my way inside, I was greeted by my best friend who had a panicked look on her face.

"Did you hear?"

"Hear about what?" I asked.

"The council thought it would be a good idea to transfer a couple of white-wolf packs to our school. Including our enemy, the Midnight Pack." She said looking pissed.

"What for?!"

"Something about trying to get us to get along with each other. It won't make a difference. This war has been going on for years!" She explained.

I couldn't believe this! I headed to my locker and grabbed the books I needed today.

"Come on let's get to class before we're late!"

The day went on as usual thankfully. All I got was a few growls here and there from some white wolves. They knew I had alpha blood in me so they didn't try anything.

As usual I was in fourth period. Ms.Cain gave out papers and told us to pick people to do a project with. So of course I picked my BFF! You know how they usually say you better not pick your friends cause of what not? I didn't really care about that. Actually I didn't care much about what others said. Guess that comes with being an Alpha's Daughter.

Yes I'm Alpha's daughter but that doesn't mean I'm weak. I'm anything but! Yet my father treats me like fine china! He and everybody else is protective over me like do I look FIVE TO YOU!

Anyway back to the assignment.

As my BFF Mya and I talked about what we should do for the project something hit me! Not literally, but out of nowhere an amazing scent went through my nose! Suddenly these amazingly three hot guys stepped in the classroom. At first I didn't know which carried the scent, but then my eyes caught with the one guy in the middle. All my wolf kept saying was "Mate!" To say I was shocked was an understatement. I did not expect that.

Author's Note:
Hi everybody this is my first book so sorry if I take too long to update. Hope you enjoy it!

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P.S. the pic is her outfit BTW.

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