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Hey everyone, first and for most thank you so much for this wonderful support on this "book". It means the world to me, and fills me to the brink with joy. Now, with that being said I want everyone to know, that if you have depression, are having suicidal thoughts, and or feel terrible about yourself, please seek medical and professional help. This book's purpose isn't for sympathy or for votes, or whatever. I want people to see my struggles, see that they're not alone, and that it can get better. "When She Was Happy" isn't meant to glorify, mock, or spit on people with depression, I want people to know my story and the things I've been through, for people to realize that it isn't their fault how they feel or are treated. When I wrote the majority of these poems, Wattpad wasn't at my fingertips. I didn't know there were others who felt the way I had and that there were others dealing with the same or far worse circumstances than I. To feel alone in a dark world is something that everyone, depressed or not has faced and I wanted "When She Was Happy" to be someone's, anyone's light, no matter how minuscule and dim. 

I'm always here to talk if anyone needs it, I just wanted to clear any misunderstandings up. I myself have gotten and is currently getting help and I advise many to do the same. Depression isn't a fad, it isn't something you should aim to be, or be famous for, it is an illness that takes away lives and I want everyone to know just that. On a brighter note, more poems will be posted soon and thank you for this support, it means the world. It may seem like I'm beating a dead horse but it really puts a smile on my face everyday to see all the positive effects this book has given some people. Now before I waste anymore of your time, I bid thee farewell.


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