Ch. 2 Nagato

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💎💎💎 Tsunade POV 💎💎💎

I was sitting at my desk thinking about what I just did when something dawned on me.

'I had just send 20 ANBU to assassinate sakura, who had always been loyal it me, who was my most faithful student, who I thought of as a daughter, just because I felt threatened by the fact that she knew the information that I had told and taught her.

I had ordered her death without a second though when she was been my dedicated student. she never questioned me and did everything I asked of her without a complaint.

she had always looked out for me and helped me when I needed. then I realized that I was never going to see her smile or hear her laugh.' at this point I had tears streaming down my face.

' come to think of it I hadn't see her smile or laugh for a long time now and I had never bothered to ask how she was or how her life was going' ' I never bothered to as how she was doing with the hospital or how she was doing with her friends'

' come to think of it I don't even know if they ARE friends anymore' "lady Tsunade-sama are you alright?" Shizune asks me.

"no I'm not. I ordered 20 ANBU to break sakura out of the prison in the mist" I say tears still running down my face.

"Well that's good isn't it I mean sakura will be very happy. you know she thinks the world of you. she is always talking about how much she looks up to you and how she want to be like you when she gets older. She thinks of you as her own mom you know" Shizune says smiling.
' sakura thinks of me as a mom and I..... I just ordered her death. she isn't going to grow up, she isn't going to fall in love, she isn't going to have a wedding, she isn't going to have a family of her own because...... I killed her.

"And then on the way back to the village the ANBU are going to assassinate sakura" I say.

"w...what?" Shizune asks. she then smiles nervously and says "this is a sick joke right" "...." "Right sakura is going to come back home and we are going to go to the hospital together like we do everyday, right." She says desperately

"...." "Why! Why Tsunade-sama why would you kill her! She didn't nothing wrong!" Shizune shouts at me tears running down her face.

" she has to much information. if it ever got out it would be the end of konaha" I say hoarsely. "you ordered her death because she knew the information YOU told her!" Shouts shizune looking at my in disbelief.

"yes" I say quietly. just then an ANBU appeared in a puff of smoke. "lady Tsunade-sama I have new on that missions you have 20 ANBU this afternoon" yes I say quietly

"well it is best if you come with me" the ANBU explained I nod. "I'm going too" shizune said. I nod again. and we teleport to an area in the Forest outside of konaha and what I say shocked me beyond belief.

There lying in the middle of the clearing was the bodies of 20 dead AMBU. my jaw drops and I look over at shizune and she hers is dropped too. "over here Hokage-sama" the ANBU said.

I walk over to him and see that he is pointing to a tree with " you will all pay" written in blood on it. 'she is still alive' I think happily but then I realized that 'she was alive'.

'You will all pay' that line keep repeating itself in my head. then I realized that 'she was alive and now enraged and out for blood and the first place she was going to go the feed this blood thirst was konaha.'

🌸🌸🌸 sakura POV 🌸🌸🌸

I was walking through Amegakure. I walked into a large building in the middle of the village.

I had decided to bring back Nagato first because he was the leader of the akatsuki, well I know the obito was the actual leader but he wanted to destroy the world while Nagato just wanted world peace like me.

I wandered around the building for about an hour when I finally found the burial room that konan made for Nagato and Yahiko.

I walked over to their bodies and saw two men lying on a bed of thousands of paper roses. one of the men had orange spiked hair an piercing all over his face and body.

the second was a man who look like he had never eaten in his live, with white hair and hollow cheeks. I knew the orange haired man was yahiko so this must be Nagato.

I walk over to Nagato and kneeled beside him. I placed my hands on his chest, close my eyes and focus my chakra into his body.

I opened my eyes to see his body had started to change. his thin body became muscular, his white thin hair became blood red and look really soft, and his hollow cheeks faded.

after about 20 minutes of concentrating my chakra into his body healing him his eyes slowly opened, his eyes were beautiful.

They were a lavender colour with rings around them. when they opened I stopped my chakra and let my arms drop.

I was breathing heavily, I had used much more chakra then I thought I would because I had had no idea that his body was in such bad shape.

"Who are you?" I hear someone ask and look over to see Nagato looking at me.

❤️❤️❤️Nagato POV(is it just me or is Nagato REALLY attractive looking) ❤️❤️❤️

I feel warm as chakra courses through my body. Wait a minute I'm dead I shouldn't be able to feel anything. I try to open my eyes and slowly they open.

as soon as my eyes open the flow of chakra in my body stops. I hear heavily breathing and look over and see a woman with pink hair, emerald coloured eyes and pale skin kneeling beside me. She was beautiful.

Normally if I woke up to find a stranger kneeling beside me I would have attack but I didn't attack her for two reasons 1. I could barely move my head and 2. This women just brought me back to life without dyeing which is something even I can't do.

"who are you?" I ask. her head turns towards my voice. "before I tell you who I am you must tell me. you are Nagato right?" The beautiful women asks.

"yes I am Nagato but I would prefer to be called Pain." I reply. she smiles "thank god I was worried I brought back some random person." She says.

"oh right well I am Sakura Haruno. it's a pleasure to meet you Nagato" she says smiling again. "Pein. and like wise I think" I say unsurely after all I have no clue who she is or what she wants.

" I like Nagato more so........ Nagato it is" she says giggling. I furrow my brow 'this girl does know that I am the leader of the akatsuki and a god and could kill her in an instant and here she is deciding she is going call me by my name' I think myself.

"you do know that I am a god right?" I ask her. " of course I do and now thanks to me you look the part" she says. "what?" I ask. "just look at yourself." she says.

I look down and gasp my body that had once been skinny and thin was now muscular. I grab a piece of my hair and see it is back to it original blood red colour. I bring my Hand up to my face and feel that my hollow cheeks were gone.

"how?" I ask in shock. "how could you bring me back to life and restore my body?" I ask. she smirks "you may be a God but I am the Angel of life itself" I stare at her.

I smirk 'she would be a great addition to the akatsuki' I think, then my eyes widen. "the akatsuki what happened to them?" I ask. "well rate now they are all dead. everything started to fall apart after your death." she answers.

I see sadness flash in her eyes but ah quickly covered it up. ' that is a pity they were all strong ninja' I think. then I realize something that hits me like a ton of bricks. "konan is she......" I ask. "I'm sorry" she says placing a hand on my shoulder.

I feel sadness start to fill me. konan was like a little sister to me and it hurt to know that she had been killed. "that is one of the things that I came here to discuss with you" she says.

I look at her and said "yes what is it?" "I want to bring the akatsuki including yahiko back to life" my jaw drops. "could you do that? Could you bring yahiko, konan, an the rest of the akatsuki back to life?" I ask my eyes wide

"Yes " she answers. "we have a lot to discuss then" I say. "yes we do" she answers.

Angel of life (sakura x akatsuki) (nagato love story)Where stories live. Discover now