Ch. 3 Cruel and corrupted

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❤️❤️❤️ Nagato POV ❤️❤️❤️

"Yes we do" she said. We walk into a bed room with my arm around her neck because I am still weak from being brough back to life.

I lie on my back on the bed and she sits in a chair beside the bed "my first question is how long have I been dead and what has happened in that time?" I ask.

"well you have been dead for around 8 years and in that time all the akatsuki members died one by one until there was only obito and zetsu lef-" I cut her off by asking "who is obito?"

"Oh I guess you didn't know well obito Uchiha is the person you knew as madara.

Anyway obito declared war on the 5 great nations and in order to beat him the 5 great nations made a truce and became the allied shinobi forces.

after months of fighting it was the final battle and they reanimated the actually Madara Uchiha and create the 10 tails using the tailed beasts that the akatsuki collected.

their plan was to cast an infinite Tsukuyomi also know as the eye of the moon plan that would put the entire world under a internal gen-jutsu.

however they were defeated by the allied shinobi forces, the four previous hokage, sasuke Uchiha and naruto Uzamaki ( I noticed she said naruto's name with venom dripping from her mouth).

This all happened about 7 years ago. after the shinobi world was safe we all went back to our villages however the great nations became very hostile towards each other and less then a month after the 4th great shinobi war the 5th one began.

all the nations did was kill without mercy. they would actually target the children of the other nations so that they wouldn't have any shinobi later.

the world has become a cruel and corrupted place. that I why I brought you back and want to bring the akatsuki back because you are the only shinobi left in this corrupted world that understand what pain, suffering and betrayal feels like and want to achieve world peace just like me." she say.

my eyes widen trying to comprehend all the information I just heard. "wait what about naruto isn't he trying to achieve world peace too? I ask.

as quick as lighting sakura jumped and landed on me so she was sitting on my stomach with a kunai to my throat and leaned for forward so her mouth was rate beside my ear "never say his name in my presence ever. do you understand" she said in a deadly calm voice in my ear.

"yes" I say. "good then we won't have a problem" she says lifting her head so she was sitting on me, smirking and dropped her arm so the kunai was no longer pressed against my throat .

"Now get off me" I demand because she was basically straddling me. "Oh and what if I don't?" She challenged. "this" I say as I quickly flip us over so I am straddling her and pinning her hands above her head with my left hand

"what are going to now" I ask smirking down at her. she smirks and says "this" before she put chakra into her hands and because of my weaken state when she pushed me I toppled off the bed and because I was holding her hands I pulled sakura with me.

we landed in a tangled of legs and arms and were smacked up against each other. " I- I'm sorry" sakura stuttered as she attempted to get off of me. however when she tried to get up she fell again do to our arms being entangled.

after about a minute of untangling we ended up with her straddling me again. " looks like I win" she said triumphantly. "whatever" I say rolling my eyes.

she giggled before getting off of me and offering me her hand, which I excepted. "alright back to business" she said in a serious tone. i nod "do you agree that it would be best to bring back the akatsuki?" she asks me.

"yes I do" I say. " alright 3 more questions 1. Do we bring back all the members or only just some. 2. Do you want me to bring back yahiko as well and 3. What order do we bring back the members?" She asks.

"for the first question I would need you to tell me more about what the members were like after I died but I think you should bring back all the members at this point.

for question 2 yes I would like you to bring back yahiko and for 3 I would like to to bring back yahiko and konan first because I trust them and would like a second opinion on the first question." I say.

she nods. "very well let's go pay yahiko a visit then" she says.

🌸🌸🌸 sakura POV 🌸🌸🌸

"Let's go pay yahiko a visit then" I say before turning around and walking out of the room the the burial room where yahiko'a body was. I walk over to his body and kneel beside him.

"Nagato this will take about 1 hour for me to bring yahiko back to life. normally it would take about 20 minutes but because I already brought you back to life and had to heal your body which uses a lot of my chakra so it will take an hour, ok." I say.

he nodded his head watching my hands closely, obviously curious how I was going to bring yahiko back to life. "Alright let's begin" I say.

❤️❤️❤️ Nagato POV ❤️❤️❤️

"Alright a lets begin" she says. I watch as she closes her eyes and places her hands on yahiko's chest. her hair starts to float and flow around her head and golden coloured chakra starts to surround her. When she opened her eyes I saw that they were gold.

her hands are covered with the chakra and start to glow gold and I saw that the gold chakra was entering and circulating through yahiko's body. after about an hour of sakura putting the gold chakra into yahiko.

I saw his eyes slowly open and sakura stopped her chakra. Yahiko looks around and when he sees me he says "Nagato?".

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