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🐸🐸🐸 yahiko POV 🐸🐸🐸

I felt warm. how is that possible? I'm dead so how can I feel warmth. I concentrate on the warm feeling and realize it is chakra.

I slowly start to have feeling in my legs and then my arms. I slowly open my eyes an look around. I then see Nagato standing in front of me.

I try to sit up but find that I can't. "Nagato?" I ask. "yahiko" he says his eyes wide with shock and his jaw drops. i hear heavy breathing beside me and look over to see a women with pink hair that went to her waist and emerald coloured green eyes kneeling beside me breathing heavily.

"ummm Nagato who is this person" I ask. nagato snapped out of his trance and said "this is sakura she is the one who brought you back to life." "Ooh" I say "ummm well thanks" I say smiling at her.

she weakly smiles back and then says "Nagato I am going to go rest in the bedroom and leave you and yahiko to talk. ok." the woman sakura said. "sakura are you ok?" Nagato asks.

I am really confused now but I stay silent. "Yes Nagato I am just tired. Then is usually Weeks in between me bringing someone back to life and to bring you and yahiko back in 2 hours has just tired me" sakura explains.

"alright then just call if you need anything" Nagato say "I will" sakura says before smiling at us and slowly walking out of the room leaning on the walls for support.

I slowly turn my head to look at Nagato. "Hey Nagato" I say "yes?" He says "are you going to tell what the hell is going on now!" I demand. Nagato smirks "maybe" I growl at him "please Nagato" I beg.

"fine" Nagato sighs in defeat. "what do you want to know?" He asks "well first thing I want to know is HOW THE HELL AM I ALIVE!" I start at a normal volume but am shouting at the end. "Yahiko my ears" Nagato said holding his ears.

"sorry but seriously Nagato how am I alive?" I ask. Nagato signed and said "alright I am going to tell you everything I know until I died then you are going to have to ask sakura for any details."

"wait you died!" I shout. "yes I died. Now the way that we are both alive again is because of sakura." he explained. "and how did she bring me to life?" I ask

"sakura calls herself the angel of life because she has the ability to bring the dead back to life. not a reanimation but to life an-" I cut him off my asking "what is reanimation?"

"Oh that's right you have been dead for longer then I have. well reanimation is when a ninja reanimated your body and can control you and your powers." Nagato explained. I nod for him to continue.

"well after your death konan and I we had a deal with madara Uchiha who you meet before you died an-" I cut him off again. "Nagato I told you to have nothing to do with him!" I shout.

"yes I know and I should have listened to you but he found me at my weakest after your death and I was anger and confused and was unsure what to do because I had always gone to you for advice or guidance." He said and I look down feeling a bit guilty after all Nagato and I had always relied on each other for everything advice, support, comfort, guidance, a friend, a family and I left him alone.

"he wanted to become partners in leading the Akatsuki but not the Akatsuki that you made they had all been killed shortly before you were because they learned of hanzō plan and came to warn us. konan, madara and I made a group if the 10 strongest rough ninja and had then go and collect the tailed beasts which we would store in a Gedo statue an"

I cut him off again " Nagato didn't I tell you not to use that too" i say. Nagato raised an eyebrow. "what are you my father? Anyway we only had the nine and eight tails left to capture when I died." He says and I look down feeling guiltier then ever.

I had promised they would be ok and Nagato died. "Nagato where's konan? Is she alright?" I ask desperately. Nagato looks down and says " sakura told me that she died shortly after I did. I died 20 years after you did and that was eight years ago so you died 28 years ago" I look down trying to stop the tears that were threatening to escape.

"hey" Nagato says crouching down to my level and putting a hand on my shoulder. "sakura is going to bring her back next. we just have to wait for her to recover" he says with a small smile

"and then we will all be together again." I return his smile. "beside I think you and konan have some unfinished 'business' to take care of, if you know what I mean" he says smirking.

I turn red and bring my hands up to cover my face in embarrassment. when my hands reach my face I screech. "my ears" Nagato said. covering his ears again.

"NAGATO WHY TO I HAVE LIKE 50 FUCKING PIERCING IN MY FACE!" I shout at him. he laughs nervously and rubs the back of his neck "well you see that I kind of a long story so-" "oh no you don't we have time now spill" I say.

"well you see rate after you died I kinda went into a rage and used the Gedo statue and used special jutsu that sucked the life and chakra out of me with black rods. damaging my body beyond repair and after I had freed konan." I can feel the guilt I had been feeling double after hearing that Nagato had been through so much pain and I had probably only scratched the surface of the pain Nagato has been though "I killed all the ninja but hanzō got away. I couldn't walk very well and it was extremely painful so fighting with my body this became a problem so madara showed me how to control bodies with the black rods and my chakra. And one of the bodies was you" he said nervously.

"Nagato" I say calmly. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU" I shout jumping at him. he jumps out of the way and takes off running out of the room. "get back here nagato" i yell.

we are running through a Hallway when Nagato turned a corner and when I turn the corner I stopped dead.

Angel of life (sakura x akatsuki) (nagato love story)Where stories live. Discover now