Ch. 5 piercings

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❤️❤️❤️ Nagato POV ❤️❤️❤️

"Nagato" he said calmly. 'phew he isn't mad' I think mentally wiping my forehead.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU" he shout. 'or not' I think before he jumps towards me. I dodge and run out of the room at full speed. " Get back here Nagato" he yells before chasing after my.

' oh shit' I think. I run down a hallway and even though I am being chased by my best friend who is probably going to beat the shit out of me I can't help but enjoy how amazing it feels to be able to run again.

I quickly turn the corner only to smack into something and land on it. I hear Yahiko stop and sigh with relief. I then look to see what I'm lying on. when I see what it is my eyes widen. I was lying on top of sakura.

"What the hell? oh it just you Nagato" she says rubbin her head that had just smacked against the floor. I can't help but smirk and say "well it looks like I'm winning" "oh shut up" sakura says with a pouty face.

I chuckle and get off of her and hold out my hand to help her up. she takes my hand and when I was about to pull her up she push her self up and tackled me to the ground.

she sat on my stomach straddling me again and leans forward so her face was about a foot from my and said "sorry Nagato but I looks like I win" "ya whatever" I say rolling my eyes.

"Anyway" she say sitting up straight but still staddling me. " Yahiko I was coming to ask you if you wanted me to remove your piercing and heal all the holes" she said.

"THANK GOD" yahiko yelled. sakura giggled and said "ok we can go now or you can chase and then beat up Nagato" "OR you could remove the piecing and then I could chase and beat up Nagato" suggested Yahiko smirking.

"oh I like that option best" sakura says. I try to push her off me so I can continue to run but she wouldn't budge. "good god woman you are strong" I say trying to push her again.

she giggles and said "don't worry you aren't really this weak it will take about a week for you guys to have your normal physical strength back and about two weeks before you guys can use jutsu again."

"also I greatly surpassed my teacher the Hokage Tsunade and Tsunade's specialties are brute strength and healing." "that's no fair" I say

"who ever said I was fair" said sakura smirking. "Hn" was all I said.

🌸🌸🌸 sakura POV 🌸🌸🌸

"Hn" he said. "What are you an Uchiha?" I ask. I get off him and hold out a hand to help him up. he looks at it hesitantly

"awe is the big bad God Pein scared of a girl with pink hair" I ask smirk. He rolls his eyes and taking my hand. we walk to the living room "Yahiko lie on the couch please." I say. he nods an lies down.

I start pulling out the piercing causing him to wince. "sooo is someone going to *wince* tell me who *wince* Pein is?" Yahiko asks.

"Pein is the name I went by after your death. only konan and madara knew my real name and only konan used it." Nagato explained his face and voice emotionless.

I finished pulling out all te piercing and started to heal all the holes. once I had finished "I'm going back to the burial room to bring back konan. are you guys coming?" I ask.

"of course" they say at the same. when we get there I kneel on the ground and say "this will take an hour again because I have to summon konans body."

🐸🐸🐸 Yahiko POV 🐸🐸🐸

I watch as sakura places her hands about a foot of the ground. She closes her eyes and her hair starts to float and flow around her body.

gold chakra surrounds her body and her hands started to glow gold. she opened her eyes and they were gold. The air under sakura's hands started to move and konan's body materialized.

I almost started to cry when I saw konan lying on the ground cold, pale and limp, I look over at Nagato and see he has the same expression.

sakura's hands were now on konan's chest and the gold chakra from her hands entered into her body and started to circulate through it.

After about 45 minutes of this konan's eyes fluttered open and sakura stopped the chakra flow causing her appearance to go back to normal.

"Konan" I say. her eyes snapped towards my voice. "yahiko! Nagato!" Konan exclaimed with a huge smile on her face. "this isn't possible I'm dead" she mutters to herself her smile dropping.

"your not dead anymore konan. sakura brought you to life like she did to me and Naga-." I was cut off by konan jumping up and throwing her arms around Nagato and me.

"I finally have my family back" konan says smiling while tears of happiness run down her beautiful face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2014 ⏰

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