Bonding Jokes

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The Light needed The Dark just as much as The Dark needed The Light!

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The Light needed The Dark just as much as The Dark needed The Light!

Felicity woke up to her phone's incessant buzzing it had been a week since she moved back to Gotham and everything was abnormally quiet on both ends her and Starling's but all good things have to come to an end or so everyone's told.

"Hello?" Felicity mumbled.

"Felicity" Oliver answered.

"Oliver?" Felicity exclaimed trying to sit up but instead falling over her own limbs and landing up on the floor.

"Felicity? Felicity? Are you okay?"

"Fine, fine, what are-what are... what's going on?" Felicity asked her head hitting the bedside table she was cocooned in her blankets and she's in no mood to unravel herself right now.

"Just wanted to see how you were doing," Oliver said he missed his hacker and just Felicity in general, "how's New York?"

"New? New York, New York's great" Felicity replied quickly remembering the lie she came up with for Oliver and Dig, "yeah, so much hustle and bustle, love it!" Felicity added trying to sound as excited as she possibly could after just being rudely awoken.

"That's... that's great" Felicity could hear the clear disappointment in Oliver's tone and it hurt but she had to remind herself she was keeping him and Dig safe, "so, uh, when are you planning on coming back to Starling?" Oliver asked trying to sound more like his regular serious self.

"A few weeks" Felicity answered she knew it was an outright lie but she could always drag weeks out to months and months out to years until Oliver and Dig just gave up trying to get her back it was cruel but it was also the easiest option.

"Dig and I miss you, Felicity" Oliver spoke his voice soft and caring before the Bat alarm sounded making Felicity jump up in surprise only to face first on the hardwood floor still trapped in her comforter.

"I miss you guys too so much" Felicity quickly replied ripping the blankets off and scrambling to her feet, "I gotta go but I'll talk to you soon, I promise," Felicity said before hanging up on Oliver and stumbling into her closet for clothes and shoes.

"I miss you guys too so much" Felicity quickly replied ripping the blankets off and scrambling to her feet, "I gotta go but I'll talk to you soon, I promise," Felicity said before hanging up on Oliver and stumbling into her closet for clothes and ...

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