Tracking Lies

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Starling City

Oliver couldn't shake this feeling that Felicity was lying to them she was way too calm about the bombings and almost being blown to bits normally when something like this happened him and Diggle would know exactly who was after Felicity because their endgame would always be revenge on Oliver, but this time they had no clue and it worried them. Oliver also had the feeling that Felicity wasn't actually in New York and he had a simple way of finding out but why would she lie nothing that happened over the past month made any sense and now Felicity was ignoring both his and Diggle's calls which only led Starling's vigilante to do the one thing he thought he'd never have to do unless under extreme life or death circumstances.

"I thought we weren't going to track her, Oliver?" Dig raised a brow as he watched Oliver type away on Felicity's favorite computer it was almost painful to see how much he lacked hacking skills.

"We weren't," Oliver stated, pulling up a satellite frame, "that was until she stopped answering her phone something could have happened to her and-"

"And what?" Dig questioned when Oliver cut himself off his eyes turning into slits as anger and worry flooded through him, "Oliver, what is it?"


"Felicity, what, man?" Dig urged on.

"She's in Gotham," Oliver replied before zooming in on the photo.

"Gotham?! Why the hell would Felicity be in Gotham?" Dig asked puzzled at the newfound information.

"I have no idea, but I know who she's with," Oliver said.

"Who?" Dig asked before Oliver scooted to the side revealing a picture of Felicity with Gotham's one and only Billionaire, Bruce Wayne, "guess you were right about him," Dig stated worry overtaking his features.

"Pack your bags," Oliver said getting to his feet, "we're going to Gotham, I don't know why Felicity's there or if she's being forced to be there or what, but I'm going to find out" Oliver stated before he walked into the elevator.


Gotham City

"No, what?" Felicity laughed in shock.

"Checkmate!" Bruce smiled, "you left your king completely vulnerable, didn't I teach you any better?"

"I was trying to lure you into a false sense of security" Felicity huffed, "you always go for the queen first," she argued.

"I changed tactics," Bruce shrugged getting up from his seat.

"You never change tactics," Felicity stated, "I've been playing this game with you for over ten years, and not once have you ever changed your tactics, why now?"

"I had to adapt in order to win," Bruce replied.

"Whose the girl?" Felicity asked grinning as they stepped into the elevator.


"Diana Prince," Tim smirked catching up with them and sliding in next to Felicity before the doors closed.

"Diana Prince," Tim smirked catching up with them and sliding in next to Felicity before the doors closed

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