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the day went quicker then zach expected it too go. too quick. he was relieved that he got too go home.



"i've got detention!" remembered zach.

zach walked in the hall way while all the other students walked towards the door.

"where are you going?" asked daniel.

"the door is that way." he said pointing at it.

"yeah no shit!"

"i've got detention, remember?" said zach.

"oh yeahhh. about that. good luck." said daniel walking towards the exit of the school with a smirk.

"fuck you!" yelled zach and did the middle finger.

zach turned around and started walking around the pretty big hallway with his head down. he was ready too get this over with.

zach abruptly fell on the ground. it seemed he had bumped into someone or possibly something. he had dropped all his books and his bag.

"watch it dumbass!" yelled zach still looking at the floor.

"maybe you should watch it!" yelled someone. their voice sounded fimiliar to zach. too fimiliar.

zach looked up at the person he had bumped into. his eyes grew wide as well as the stranger's one.

"oh shit, long time no see avery." said zach with a smirk.

zach looked carefully at jack and noticed he had changed. he didn't have his curls anymore. his hair was now blond and straight. he noticed tattoos scattered around his now muscular arms. he had a nose rings and his ears pierced. he looked a little more intimidating but in the good way. it was pretty hot.

"no." thought zach.

jack also took a look at zach. corbyn wasn't wrong. he haired wasn't gelled anymore. it was messy and fluffy. like if he didn't care about it. he even had gotten a tattoo on his arm. his ears were also pierced. he had gotten a fucking huge glow up. and a great one as well.

a few seconds passed by and zach has shoved against a locker.

"don't speak too me like that, princess." said jack as he shoved zach harder against the locker.

"don't call me that dumbass."said zach trying to get out if the older male's grip.

"are you still mad about what I did last year baby?" jack whispered into zach's ear.

"you think avery?" zach said. he felt so weak under jack's presence. he hated that.

"i've changed sweetheart." said jack slightly kissing the younger's check bone."

"get the fuck away from me!" yelled zach as pushed jack away. by this time he was late too detention.

"stay the fuck away." said zach too jack who was shoved too the ground by zach.

zach quickly got out of the school and ran back home not daring too look back. he just ran and ran and ran until he reached his house. this day was okay but of course, someone has too ruine it. and the last person he was expecting too do that, was jack motherfucking avery


"today, we will be making groups for a science project." said the science teacher walking too the front of the class. the whole class groaned as the teacher explained the information.

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