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zach had woken up the next morning in daniel's car.

he looked around the car too find daniel sleeping in the front seats.

he held his forehead in pain and tapped daniel's shoulder too wake him up.

"daniel wake up." zach whispered.

"what?" daniel said yawning.

"what happened last night?" zach asked resting his back on the seat.

"we went too a party?"

"and then what?" asked zach.

"look you got drunk with finn and then somehow you ended up with jack in the basement."

"jack?" zach asked confused.

"what was i doing with jack?"

"there's no easy way of putting this, but you kissed. that's what i heard. and that's what everyone heard." daniel sighed.

"i'm sorry what?" zach chuckled.

"you two. kissed. and according too jack it was a stupid bet he made with corbyn. everyone found out about that too. jack told everyone that you were a bet." daniel said quietly.

"your fucking joking." zach groaned.

"i wish i were zach."

"no no no!" zach yelled.

how did it even happen?!

i was with finn!

"w-what happened with finn? wasn't i with him?" zach asked nervously.

"you were, but i don't know what happened. i wish i could tell you z." daniel shrugged.

"you've got to be fucking kidding!"

"i'm sorry zach." daniel put a hand on his shoulder.

"how did this even happen?" zach sighed.

"the only thing i saw was you and jack together. you also kissed a lot. like an uncomfortable amount of times." daniel chuckled.

the thought of him and jack kissing made him turn red.

"wow thanks for the help asshole." zach rolled his eyes.

"i don't know. you seemed like you enjoyed it." daniel smiled playfully at him.

"oh shut up. i was drunk."

"i'm just saying. you looked like you enjoyed your time with jack. he looked like he missed you. you should go on a date with him." daniel said.

"yeah right. over my dead body." zach sarcastically laughed.

"whatever." daniel rolled his eyes.

there is no way i am dating jack avery again.

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