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merry christmas my lovelies!!✨ hope you have a good one :)

merry christmas my lovelies!!✨ hope you have a good one :)

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“i'm in the kitchen!” john called out once he heard his friends' voices in the hallway.

he grinned when he turned around and saw roger and brian standing in the kitchen door, brian's arms wrapped around roger's waist. gosh, they were adorable. “merry christmas.” he smiled at them.

“aw, merry christmas, deaks.” roger rushed to john to pull him in a tight hug. “so, whatcha doing?” brian asked, walking closer to the two boys.

“uh, biscuits. christmas cookies.” he replied, his attention shifting back to the dough.

“do we get to have any?” roger tried to look over john's shoulder in hope of getting a glimpse of the treats.

“once they're finished, yes.” john chuckled, pushing him away as he placed the last biscuit on the tray and put them in the oven. “if freddie doesn't eat all of them, of course. remind me to take these out in about 15 minutes.”

“freddie's already here?” roger asked.

“talking about me when i'm not present, rog?” freddie's voice suddenly interrupted their conversation. he was leaning on the doorframe, still in his pajamas (a pair of sweatpants and a baby blue sweater) “merry christmas.” he made his way to john, wrapping his arms and his waist (,making him chuckle as he saw the resemblance to brian and roger earlier) and pecking his cheek.

“gee thanks, fred, we're also here.” brian snirked.

“oh, you know that was meant for all of you! i just don't wanna kiss you too, you've had roger's disgusting ass mouth on your face.” freddie laughed. “besides, deaky's actually cute.” he said, a light blush rising to john's cheeks.

“freddie slept over last night.” john explained. “nothing... happened, he just slept over.” he added, this time aimed at roger who was smirking and wiggling his eyebrows like an idiot.

“wow, you guys have been literally inseparable since you made up.” brian smiled, looking at the two boys. “i'm glad you figured things out.”

“yeah, so am i...” freddie said, his gaze fixed on the boy in front of him.

“quit staring at me, idiot.” john giggled, turning to face freddie.

“you have flour on your face.” freddie pointed out, grinning. he reached out and traced john's cheek with his fingers. “it's alright now.” he mumbled.

“this is sickeningly sweet. it's literally disgusting.” roger chimed in, ruining their little moment.

“you didn't even have anything, he literally just wanted to touch your face.” brian smirked down at freddie.

𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 - 𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙚𝙣Where stories live. Discover now