chapter 5

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Kirishimas pov

I woke up to the sound of moving around I was confused at first but soon remembered bakugou was sleeping on my bed and I was on the floor, I look over the bakugou and see he's moving around "hey bakugou you ok?" I say in a slit whisper as I get up. he's still asleep the for sure, I sit on the edge of the bed he looks distressed like he's going to cry or something he starts mumbling something I don't understand I carefully try too wake him up buy shaking him slightly and whispering his name tears start to run down his face and he grabs onto my arms I know he's awake now, he sits up slightly and raps his arms around my neck as I hand onto his back leaning down closer to him as he cry's into my shoulder I just sit there rubbing his back 

bakugous pov

its that same fucking dream again but this time as Kirishima walks towards me he's speaking to me it echoes around my mind and suddenly everything goes black and and I wake up looking up at Kirishima I already know I'm crying so there's no point in trying to hid it I hold on to him like something bad will happen if I let go, like he's going to disappear.

Kirishimas pov

we just sit on the bed him crying onto my shoulder and me comforting  him after some time he stoped crying and said in a deep voice (you know that voice when just after you wake up and or crying and its weird I guess idk its hard to describe) "if you tell any one about this I won't hesitate to kill you" all I can do is chuckle a bit "don't worry bakugou Im not going to tell people you have other emotions other then angry" I hear him chuckle as he shakes his head, wow this is really out of character for him. "seriously though are you ok it seems like that was really bad nightmare" I say as I lift his head off my shoulder to look at me and oh my the sadness's in his eyes are unbearable, we just look into each other eyes for a little while when suddenly he stands up and goes to the door but stops half way and turns to face me and says "I umm I get nightmares a lot some times there.. there different and some times its not I.. um I guess he" sounds so shy. he start to head to the door gain but before he can open the door I get up and grab his arm "bakugou I think you really need to talk to someone about this Maybe a professional or at least to someone you trust you know to get it of you chest ya know" he nods thinking about it hi sighs and walks to my bed and sits down I walk over to him and sit opposite him.

bakugou pov 

I have to tell him.. I have to tell him about the nightmare, I either tell him or no one I sigh making sure I'm ready, I walk back over to his bed and he follows well here goes nothing...

"ok umm if I tell you I'm going to have to tell you something I am not proud of ok" I say as I put my knees close to my chest glancing at him before looking at the ground and continuing.

if you have any ideas for the story comment it  :)

I was going to make this chapter longer but I realised its 4am so ill see if ill continue soon 

also I got a new laptop so its less likely to get rid of all the work *yay*

sorry for any spelling mistakes tell me if so see a mistake

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