chapter 03

106 4 17

Night had settled over this day and the stars shimmered in the dark sky, as the only sound that could have been in this dark of a time in the middle of nowhere in these vast waters would be the sound of the waves in the night

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Night had settled over this day and the stars shimmered in the dark sky, as the only sound that could have been in this dark of a time in the middle of nowhere in these vast waters would be the sound of the waves in the night.

A sound slowly faded in as it slowly got louder and louder, the source of it was nowhere in sight but the sound of it was still there. A streak of white went through the waters as something so fast had passed them, it showed the silhouette of a black dragon flying over the waters.

On its back was a rider their identity hidden behind a mask, they had been flying towards an island not far from where they were from.

The rider on its back kept looking around trying to see if there was an undiscovered land around them and not far from them was an island. The rider chuckled in relief and patted his dragons head "how about one final trick?"

The dragon huffed in disagreement shaking it's head slightly "oh come on bud! Yeah it did go wrong the first time but second time is always a charm!" The rider tried trying to coerce his dragon into agreeing.

The rider had began to flip some switches and adjusted his dragons to tail fin so it would be able to glide on its own without him.

"Alright.." The rider said as if he was trying to assure himself as he stood on his two feet on the dragons saddle. Well, one foot. He breathed steadily before shouting "here we go!".

With that he had leapt off of the dragons back and plummeted downwards towards the see, adrenaline rushing through his veins as he had felt the wind fly past him he looked infront of him as he saw that his dragon was looking back at him with a gummy smile.

"You ready!?"

The dragon let out a throaty sound in response to his question. The rider reached for his boots and pulled out leather like wings and glided in the air, his dragon behind him keeping an eye on him ensuring that he does not fall to his death.

The rider laughed "this is amazing!" He shouted joyously, not soon after rocks appeared through the mist and he panicked "spoke to soon!" He shouted to himself before calling out to his dragon "toothless!".

Toothless rolled his eyes and darted towards him shooting bolts at the figures of rock. Not far from them was Rian and Hugo observing them waiting for something to go wrong.

"Should we?"

"That boy is gonna get himself killed someday. " Hugo scoffed while flying towards the two, he chuckled lightly before saying "no wonder the two of you make such a good couple"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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