Mistletoe - Part 1

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Today is December 24th. Christmas Eve. An hour from now would be Christmas, the holiday Adrien disliked the most. Not because of religious purposes, but because of the solitude he had to face with.

Now that he had his new friends, he wasn't as lonely as he used to be. He had them for support and it made him so happy. Nino was always by his side, Alya was there to make things more fun, and Marinette...


He adored her. She's always there to cheer up those who are down, and was the most creative person Adrien has ever encountered. She was always so kind and very selfless, like Adrien's mother.

Speaking of his mother, he missed her so much. He remembered spending Christmas with her, and missed the feeling of joy. Now that she had disappeared, all of that joy is gone. His father suddenly became cold and distant.

He wasn't able to celebrate Christmas like he used to, which is one of the reasons why he disliked this holiday so much.

Then, a friend came to his mind. A friend that he always felt happy with. He wondered if she would still be awake at this time.

Of course she could be awake, it's Christmas.

A little visit wouldn't be bad, would it?

"Plagg, claws out!"

He jumped over the roofs of each house until he could see his destination. After many leaps, something caught his eye. A girl on her balcony. He went towards her.

"Mari Christmas Princess!" Chat Noir exclaimed with joy.

"Merry Christmas Chat Noir." Marinette replied. "Say, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be spending time with your family?"

Chat frowned. Family. "I- I actually came to see you because Christmas with my family-"

"It's okay Chat, you don't need to tell if you're not comfortable with it." Marinette smiled.

"Thank you for understanding Marinette." Chat smiled back. This was one of the things he liked about Marinette, she always made him comfortable.

"So.. what would you like to do?" Marinette asked. Chat Noir hummed in wonder. "I don't know, don't you have something to do?"

Marinette shook her head. "I'll be opening presents when I wake up. Other than that, I have nothing. I came up here to stargaze."

"Oh." Chat Noir had nothing in mind. He just wanted to escape from his cold house.

"Would you like to come inside?" Marinette asked with a smile. "Don't mind if I do Princess." Chat quickly responded back.

They dropped through Marinette's trapdoor. "I'll get some treats for us, okay?" Marinette said as she went down to her kitchen.

Chat nodded. He looked around the room he was in. His eyes wandered to the pictures of him. They weren't there when he visited her house as Adrien. Why were there so many pictures of him?

Would it be because she liked his civilian side? He smirked at the thought of Marinette having a crush on him. He then shook his head. No, Marinette couldn't possibly like me, she has Luka anyways.

"I'm back!" Marinette called out. She laid the tray of hot chocolate and cookies on the floor. She tripped as she tried to get through the last step of stairs.

Chat Noir lunged as an attempt to save her from a harsh landing. He gladly caught her. Marinette looked up to see a pair of emerald green eyes staring back at her.

"Falling for me already Princess?" Chat Noir smirked. Marinette rolled her eyes. "Sure." She said. She was happy that she left the tray of treats on the floor instead of bringing it with her in the fall.

Chat froze for a second. Was she serious? "Hey, aren't you glad I saved you from crashing back there?" Chat Noir said with a pout.

"Yes, thank you." Marinette said. "Look at this." She pointed to the cookies. "I made Chat Noir themed cookies for Christmas! Good thing I had some leftover."

Chat Noir blinked in surprise. She had the cutest smile plastered on her face. "That's really cute Mari!" His eyes brightened up.

"Thanks." Marinette smiled. Chat leaned to get his cup of hot chocolate. He smiled when he took a sip. Marinette did the same.

For a while they were chatting about life as they finished their drinks and cooking.

"Princess." Chat Noir called as he stood up to see the pictures of him. "Yes Chat?" Marinette questioned. What was he up to now?

"Do you fancy this person?" He said as he pointed at the picture of himself. Marinette almost choked on her hot chocolate.

When her mouth finally cleared up, she answered with a blush. "Maybe." Chat's smile got wider. "Why?" Chat asked in wonder.

"He's one of my friends. I find him and his life pretty interesting." Marinette's eyes wandered around to prevent his eye contact.

"His schedule is so packed because of his father. So many photoshoots, and fencing lessons. His father isn't the best to him too. Either way, he still is very kind, and pretty selfless. He always tries the best for his friends and has the best grades. He's also pretty good looking too." 

"I hated him when he first came to school, I thought he would be like Chloe, but he then proved me wrong after giving me an act of kindness. When he gave me his umbrella I sort've started to develop a crush on him."

Chat Noir's eyes widened. Is this how she thought of him? She liked him for his personality, not for his looks. He looked at her.

She had the same look Ladybug always had. Speaking of Ladybug, she always reminded him of Marinette. Could they be the same person?

He saw that he had a blush on her face. Has she always looked this adorable? He felt his face heat up, matching her blush.

He then had an idea.

"Princess, would you like to go out of the house? I'd like to take you somewhere, for a Christmas gift." Chat Noir asked, hoping she would accept.

"Okay Chat." Marinette smiled. Chat's eyes lit up. "Do I need to dress up?" She asked. "You can if you'd like, I won't mind seeing you more prettier than you already are." Chat replied back.

Marinette blushed and went into her closet. She wanted to wear something simple. Maybe jeans and a turtleneck would do.

She went into her bathroom and changed. She added a beanie, scarf and boots to her outfit. She pulled out her pigtails to finish the look.

Marinette walked out to where Chat was at. "I'm ready." She replied with a smile.

Chat Noir's eyes looked to where the cute voice was coming from. He stared at his lady, his princess. The way her long hair was glowing was pretty. He blushed.

"Let's go then Mari." Chat said as she picked her up bridal style.

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