Work it out

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Sorry for the late update guys and gals, life and my job got in the way of me writing, but here you are the next chapter, hope its okay

My name is Peter Benjamin Parker, and i'm in so much trouble right now, I have promised my girlfriend Felicia Hardy to be at the white wyrm for a hangout and pool tournament, but lets look at this again, I have a girlfriend, me Peter Parker, oh right, so my problem right now is that I also promised one Veronica Lodge that I would be at the babyshower, which funnily enough is at the same time as the tournament, am I not the luckiest guy in the world?, because most of the time people dont get in as much trouble as me, most people dont have made two promises at once, oh right just say no to one of them, yeah its totally my fault right, erhm, I can pull it off, whats the worst that can happen?, I'll tell you, Felicia could sick the serpents on me, but on the other hand i'm more afraid of what Veronica can so on her own, damn you parker luck, oh right you dont really care about this, you just wanna know how I dig myself deeper into the hole, fine so be it.

Riverdale (Peters pov):

My phone started to ring, I picked it out of my pocket and saw the name Archie flash across the screen, "whats up Archie?", I asked.

"Hey Peter, I need a favor", Archie said, something must have happend.

"Sure, what is it?, if its a dead body the  count me out", I said with a light laugh.

"Well", Archie said and I interupted, "dude", I said, but Archie just laughed into the phone, okay so not s dead body, I have to hide for him, because lets be honest this town is crazy enough for someone to just casually lay it out there we need to bury a body, "my dad and Hermione Lodge is in trouble, their Crew have quit on them, so for now I have gathered, Jughead, Moose, Kevin and Laurence, and hopefully you", he said with what sounded like hope in his voice.

"Ofcourse, I'll be there", I said and hung up the phone, so I guess i'm a handyman now, whatever that means, oh god and tomorrow i'm gonna either be hung by Felicia or Veronica, I love my life.

Construction side:

"What the hell guys, you drove here?, and you made me walk all the way out here, how Rudd", I said, they just laughed at me, what is so funny?

"Check your phone Parker", Kevin said, and shook his head.

K.keller: we're driving there want a lift?

K.keller: I guess your just walking then, good walk

Dang nabbit, "fine, lets just get this started", I said as the laughter died down.

The door to the office opened and put walked Fred and Hermione, Fred gave us all a look over and said "what is this", as he gestured to each one of us.

"You're new Crew, we're reporting for duty", Archie said, as we all held the equipment we took from the truck, Well to be honest i'm kinda pissed I didn't see the message sooner, it was a long walk, maybe I'll just take a nap in the back of the truck then.

"I appreciate it, I really do, but isn't there something more important you have to do?, like football, maybe even the little thing called school", Fred said.

"Well mister Andrews, I dont have football practice, but we have all talked this over, we can work after practice for the footballers, after school For us regular folks and even on the weekends if we need to", I said, they all gave a nod of approval, "so Fred what do you say, you need the Crew?, well until you find a new Crew, we can help keep the things on schedule", I finished, as Fred looked at all of us

"come on, desperate times Fred", Hermione said, as she gave him a smile, the same damn smile Veronica can flash and i'm doing what she wants me to.

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