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Imagine: this is a part 2 to 71. (Part 3 will be the last chapter to this)

 (Part 3 will be the last chapter to this)

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As you and Brooke were making out, your phone kept going off. "That thing in your pocket keeps beeping and it's really annoying, no offense."

You sighed, taking your phone out of your jean pocket. "This thing, is a phone. I already told you that, remember?"

Your eyes moved toward the door, and you spotted Tommy, who was unexpectedly home early. "Jesus, Tommy! Knock next time will ya?"

He chuckled. "This is my shed, and you didn't even invite me to the party?"

Brooke was paler than usual, and that brought unwanted attention from Tommy. "So, who's your friend?"

"Tommy, Brooke. Brooke, Tommy." You smiled, completely satisfied with your short but sweet response.

If it wasn't for Tommy and your clingy ex, you would probably still be making out with Brooke. And you tried to stop thinking about her lips, but you kept finding your eyes back on them.

"Do you have a car?"

Your eyes darted away from Brooke's lips and you were met with her green eyes. "What are you doing?"  You mouthed.

Tommy smirked, he probably thought that was some ploy to get him and Brooke alone but it wasn't. She was trying to hitch a ride to Redwood.

"You bet your ass I do! Come on, sweetheart, you're gonna love this."

"Fucking hell!" You trailed behind your best friend and the new girl from 1984. He was about to show her his pride and joy, the love of his life, uh you get the picture.

"Wow!" Brooke was stunned. But you? You were annoyed and irritated, because well, who wants your best friend flirting with the  one person you're interested in?

"It's a 2019 Lexus UX."

She was all smiles, but you could only roll your eyes at her excitement. "It's not that impressive, daddy bought it for him."

"Do you think you could give me a ride to Camp Redwood? I don't have a car, because if I did I wouldn't be asking."

Now was the time to step in, you placed a hand on Brooke's shoulder. "She's joking. She doesn't want to go to Redwood."

She shrugged your hand off. "No, I'm not. I'm serious, I would like a ride to Camp Redwood."

You told Brooke a numerous amount of times that they shut the camp down years ago, just right after what happened in 1984. There was absolutely nothing there.

"Okay, well hop in." Tommy waved his hand and opened the front door up for Brooke. "Redwood is an hour away, but it shall be a fun little drive."

You tried to ignore the not so subtle wink he sent her, and you were not about to let her drive in the car alone with him for an hour, so what did you do?

"Can we stop for snacks?"

Somehow you got shoved into the backseat, whilst Brooke took the passenger side, which was your seat but you were not gonna complain.

Tommy and Brooke both sighed, they knew you were just trying to delay the trip to Redwood.

"No, really. I'm starving and a little trip to the ladies room would really come in handy as well." You made sure to smile at Brooke so she took the hint.

"You know what, Tommy?" Y/N is right, oddly I do have to use the ladies room."

He nodded and smiled, but the truth was that he just wanted to get this over with and hook up with her.

He pulled into a nearby gas station, and asked you guys what you wanted to eat.

"Whatever is fine, Tommy. Now go!" You pushed him out of the driver seat and waited until he was completely inside.

"Brooke, what the hell?" You jumped over the cup holders and adjusted Tommy's seat. "Don't pretend I didn't tell you all the information you wanted on Redwood."

"Sorry." She mumbled.

She reminded you of a child, one that would mumble an apology and cross their arms over their chest with a pout. How could someone be so cute yet so annoying?

"You gotta stop ignoring me, Y/N. We're right for each other, you'll see that one day."

"Can you turn that stupid thing off? I'm sick of it beeping! I just want to go back to 1984, that's what this whole trip is for."

"Why would you want to go back there, huh? So they can frame you for murders you obviously didn't commit?"

"Fuck you, Y/N."

Tommy was now back with the snacks and a toothy grin on his face. "Okay, ladies. I got licorice, the red kind because Y/N hates purple."

You pretended to smile because that's what you were supposed to do, put on a brave face and get through the day.

"Um, chips–" He tried to continue but you put your palm over his mouth.

"Can we just go." You moved out of his seat and went back to your previous position.

"Yeah, sure." He looked at Brooke confused and he noticed the tension.

"I'm just gonna–" She didn't even bother finishing her sentence because she was already in the backseat next to you.

Before you even knew what you were doing, you had your head on Brooke's shoulder. "Oh, okay." She started patting your head.

Halfway through the drive, you fell asleep comfortably on her shoulder. Tommy decided to spark up a conversation with the brunette girl.

"So, where you from?"

"1984." Brooke quickly covered her own mouth with her palm. It was a mistake.

Instead of saying something, anything, he chose to stay quiet. He thought he might've heard wrong, but he couldn't be sure. It sounded exactly like, "1984."

Tommy hit a speed bump and you immediately woke up, "Oh, sorry." You wiped the drool off the corner of your mouth. You were asleep on Brooke for half the drive and she didn't even mind.

As you guys entered Redwood, memories started flooding Brooke's mind.

"Hey! Welcome to Camp Redwood. I'm Margaret Booth. I'm the owner."

"Boss lady chopping her own wood. Choice."

"Are you sure it was really Mr. Jingles? Hasn't he been locked up since, like, the '70s?"

"You did this! You selfish, evil whore!"

And the last words she remembered saying, "I know you're there Margaret. I have committed no crimes. I am and always will be innocent. And you are gonna burn for wanting to watch me die."

"Time of death, 12:02 AM. The sentence of Brooke Thompson has been carried out. Please exit."

"Brooke." You gently tapped her shoulder causing her to inhale sharply.

"What is it?" She wrapped her arms around herself.

"We're here."

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