Chaos Level Threat

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After the war against Dr. Eggman the resistance had been hard at work to rebuild the planet and reestablish all that was lost. One year later and the world is once more at peace. Dr Eggman is nowhere to be found and city's are now full of life, along with vibrant gorgeous nature wherever you look. With hills once again lush and green, the world can finally rest.
It was in this environment Sonic the Hedgehog found himself at one of his favorite places, Station Square. The streets were busy as always with cars rushing through the roads in the golden glow of a setting sun, the beaches had family's packing up boogie boards and sandcastles were spread out aplenty. With all the people out living and having fun, it was hard to believe only a year prior the world had been ruled under the iron fist of Dr Eggman's evil robot army.
As Sonic leapt from building to building snacking on chili dogs at every vendor he passed, he couldn't help but reminisce at all he's been through since his early adventures. Chaos, the Space Colony Ark, Dark Gia, it all came flooding back as he grinned and increased his speed with newfound excitement for another adventure to find. He heard a voice call out to him while the sound of swirling air grew stronger "Sonic!" He turned and smiled to see Tails flying in his direction.
"Long time so see buddy! How's life at the resistance going?" Said Sonic with adventure on his mind. "Anything on Eggman?"
Tails replied with a proud look on his face. "Well to be honest the resistance is needed less and less by the day, everywhere we were needed they've gotten back on their feet." Tails began to count his fingers as he spoke. "Soleanna, Central City, even as far as Apotos and Spagonia! They've all been liberated from Eggman's forces."
"Buddy that's amazing! I knew that genius brain of yours would be a big help." Sonic said realizing just how much Tails has grown.
"Thank goodness Amy was there to lead us though otherwise our resistance probably wouldn't of had any backbone at all." Tails sad with nervous laughter.
"What about Knuckles?" Asked Sonic.
"Well he was good at leading battles but not the whole rebuilding part." Replied Tails as if thinking about it for the first time.
"Makes sense considering breaking things is always what he's best at." Said Sonic with laughter in his voice.
"That's actually why I'm here Sonic. Knuckles said he needs you and after leaving the Master Emerald unguarded or so long he wanted me to tell you so he could stay by its side on Angel Island." Tails began to speak with concern in his voice. "I don't know why but Knuckles said it was important and he looked very serious about it, so you should get to him ASAP."
"Knuckles needs me? Can't blame him he probably lost the Master Emerald again!" Sonic said in between chuckles. "But seeing as I'm already here I guess go over to the Mystic Ruins and get to Angel Island from there."
Tails began to hover above the ground. "I've actually got a mission to get to myself, some official business of the resistance with Team Dark in fact. I'm meeting them in Radical Highway so I should get to the Tornado and take off."
"Oh must be serious if it requires Team Dark. Well good luck Tails." Sonic moves to stand on the edge of the roof. "Once this is over let's go see Emerald Hill, I've been itching to see it again after so long, wanna go?"
Tails face lights up in excitement "Of course I wanna to go!" As he flies further from the rooftop he shouts. "But remember, be careful Sonic!"
"Same to you!" Sonic yells as he jumps off the roof and begins to sprint at top speed. As he races down the side of the concrete structure he leaps off the building with precision and grace. He rolls through the busy streets of the city with his signature spin dash and sprints onto the white coastline sand with a sparkling red sunrise across a vast ocean before him, as he rushes to Angel Island.
Sonic approached the ocean under Angel Island and it was as majestic as ever, soaring so far out of range it, yet so massive, like it truly was from the heavens themselves. Sonic however was given a secret warp ring my Knuckles some time ago in case access to the Island was ever needed. Sonic hurled the ring in front of him and dashed through and popped out of the other side skidding on the lushes jungle floor of the islands soil. He walked a little ways to the shrines alter in order to appreciate how diverse it truly was with Ice Cap, Sandopolis, and a jungle all inhabiting the same space. It was truly a testament to the Master Emeralds mystic ways.
Sonic saw the Master Emeralds brilliant green glow with Knuckles stern powerful figure standing before the emerald. His determination brought out even further by his fists, even now in times of peace if anything were to approach him he'd be ready. "Long time no see Knux!" Sonic said putting his arms behind his head with a large smile.
"Hey Sonic it's good to see you too. I'm glad you came." Knuckles said with a smile of relief.
Sonic and Knuckles stood by the Master Emerald and looked at each other.
"Yeah Tails made it sound really important, so what's up?" Sonic asked with his typical nonchalant demeanor. Knuckles was physically stiff from his unwavering stance of protection against forces to harm the emerald. He clearly hadn't moved all day if not longer. As Knuckles stretched he turned to Sonic trusting no threats were near. Then the real reason for this confrontation came to the front of his mind and his mood became far less pleasant.

"Yeah, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it Sonic, we're looking at a Chaos level threat." Knuckles said without hesitation and dead seriousness.

Sonic turned to the ocean. The old enemies turned to the closest of friends looked out to the vast endless horizon, their quills blew calmly in the wind.
"What are we looking at specifically. More importantly how long do we have?" Sonic asked.
"Well I'm not sure but we need to act fast" Knuckles responded.
"Well then we'd better get going!" Sonic said with a giant smirk. "Must be really important if you need me to tag along."
"Unfortunately it is, but I'd knew you'd be ready." Knuckles responded with great enthusiasm. "I've already called in and Amy said the Chaotix and Silver will look after the Emerald while i'm gone, they should be here any minute."
"Our next big adventure since the war, aye general?" Sonic said.
"I'll explain on the way." Knuckles said with fierce determination.
"Then let's get moving!" Sonic shouted as they went from a jog and began to sprint. They both looked over the edge of Knuckles' world, looked at each other, and then jumped off Angel Island. They fell for hundreds of feet in glorious free fall. In sync they readied themselves to meet the water below. Once braced for impact our titular hero slammed the water. Sonic landed on his feet in a running stance, clenching his hands into fists behind him, ready to boost. Meanwhile Knuckles drilled through the water. He didn't loose but instead carried his momentum through the water in order to shoot himself back up and began gliding faster than he'd ever gone before. Both of them, now at max speed raced towards land.

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