Tougher than Leather

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As Sonic's feet hit the ocean water waves began to shoot off behind him further temping him to break the sound barrier but considering how close he was to land he decided against it. Knuckles was gliding high above him with only his silhouette visible from down below. But in order to explain the situation to Sonic he unleashed a downward spiral before taking Sonic's hand. The tag team were used to this as Sonic instinctually spun around rapidly before throwing Knuckles forward as he caught up. They approached land while Knuckles was still trying to find the words to explain just what it is they might be dealing with. A mighty cliff impeded their progress causing Sonic and Knuckles both to run and climb up the wall respectively. Upon reaching the top Knuckles found Sonic already energetically looking around.

"Ok Knux no one is around here, I doubt Eggman could get a spy in here." Sonic said while pointing to the lush green behind him. The young echidna had begun to turn to the sea once more motioning for Sonic to do the same.

"I had a vision" Knuckles began "After the war I finally took the Master Emerald out of hiding once I knew it was safe. Everything was back to normal, just me and the emerald. To be frank I was bored. But last night It felt like it had taken a toll on me and I was going to leave the island and run around just for the night." The guardian of Angel Island had lowered his head ashamed, his voice almost cracking. Sonic took notice but decided to keep his arms crossed and expression still filled with curiosity instead of risking making his friend feel worse. Knuckles cleared his throat. "Excuse me. But what I saw was well, while I dont know its meaning I saw Chaos."

"Isn't he supposed to be in there?" Sonic leaned his upper body into Knuckles eyesight and motioned his hand in a questioning manner. "Or at least linked?"

"I had thought the same thing, but unfortunately it wasn't just Chaos. It was Chaos and from what I saw It was a dragon, and alongside him a serpent, all of comparable size. The dragon was covered in a brilliant white glow with baby blue patterns on it's scales. The serpent glowed red with yellow eyes and scales as dark as a starless night sky." Knuckles folded his arms. "Lastly, locations. It didn't tell me where but the Emerald did tell me about vague areas to go and it's a safe assumption that those are linked.

Sonic gave up putting on a face his expression was that of shock and awe. "Huh. I can't lie to you Knuckles, I was not at all expecting that. Ugh why can't the Emerald ever reveal something good like the location of the worlds best chilly dog stand." Sonic groaned.

Knuckles laughed "I'll ask next time. But what's most important is getting to those locations asap."

Sonic began hopping up and down stretching his legs and arms. "Ok Knucklehead, where's our first stop?"

As the red echidna began to stretch himself and throw some punches in the air with perfect form he said "Think you can make it to Solieana?"

"Down in Solieana? Haven't been there in quite some time. Anywhere specific?" Sonic asked, getting on his mark.

Knuckles did the same and as he lowered down said "Yeah actually, we're heading to Kingdom Valley."

Sonic let out a determined grin knowing just how much fun this run is gonna be. "Then, let's get moving!" He shouted as they both launched into free fall once again. The heroic hedgehog's feet practically dug holes into the mountain side with the force of his legs. The tougher than leather echidna launched off with a mighty kick to the rock as he shook the mountain, breaking the sound barrier. "Show off!" Sonic shouted "But you'll have to do better to keep up with me!" He yelled at the top of his lungs as he launched himself to the water revving up his dropdash with the force of a hurricane. The millisecond he made contact with the water he shot off like a bullet letting out a boost that Knuckles could feel from miles ahead. As our heroes traversed side by side the adventure had truly begun.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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