•Chapter 3•

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Chapter 3:You didn't have permission!

It was the next day and the school newspaper was out, Jessie and Annika were looking at the newspaper with Annika happy and Jessie scared,

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It was the next day and the school newspaper was out, Jessie and Annika were looking at the newspaper with Annika happy and Jessie scared,

"Annika are you sure this was a great idea, Josie is my friend and I don't want to invade her privacy," said Jessie Annika removed the newspaper from her face

"Jessie what Sebastian did was wrong and all of bayside needs to hear about it," said Annika "besides Josie will thank us,"

As Annika said that Zack and Kelly came with a not so happy face

"What's the meaning of this?" Added Zack as he held up a newspaper that says women are not objects and they can do more than boys can do

"We need to get people's attention about this topic because girls are not objects to boys and it's disgusting that people think they are," said Annika

"Thanks to you Josie is at home afraid to come to school," said Zack as he slammed the newspaper down and walked away Kelly gave the two a apologetic smile and followed Zack


Meanwhile it was after school and a Josie was at home in her room crying when all the sudden the gang came in

"Josie are you alright?" Asked Kelly as she knocked on the door Jessie didn't waste no time as she sat down on the end of josies bed

"I'm so sorry Josie I hope you can forgive us," said Jessie, Josie looked at Jessie and stood up

"You did this?" Asked Josie

"Not just me Annika did this to, I told her it was a bad idea but she wouldn't budge," said Jessie

"You didn't have permission!" Said Josie "neither did Annika do you two realize how much this hurt me inside, thanks to you two everyone thanks I'm trash," said Josie as she walked out of her room

Zack went to chase his sister but skater stopped him

"I'll go maybe she will feel better talking to someone who isn't her brother," said Slater Zack gave him a nod and smiled

"Go ahead get my sister back to normal," said Zack Slater smiled and went to follow Josie who was sitting outside on the stairs of the house

"Mind if I join you?" Asked Slater, Josie looked back at Slater and nodded motioning him to sit beside her while looking back at the front, her eyes were puffy and swollen from crying

"You know what Annika and Jessie did was really the right thing, everyone needs to know how Sebastian is what what he did was wrong," Josie cried again

"Yea but I want them to understand that Sebastian hurt me he didn't even have the right to do such a thing," said Josie as she sobbed

"I know and if you want I can punch him for you," said Slater this made Josie smile but laugh in the inside

"No need to do that," said Josie

"Just know that if you need anyone to talk to me and the others aren't going anywhere," said Slater Josie smiled while looking at Slater

"Thanks that really cheered me up," said Josie "now if your excuse me I think I need to apologize to Jessie," said Josie as she got up while she got up she stopped and kissed Slater on the cheek before leaving, leaving Slater dumbfounded


Later that night, Josie was having a sleepover with Jessie, Kelly, and Lisa after everything that happened they wanted to make sure that everything was fine

"So how are you feeling?" Asked Kelly as she gently rubbed josies arm in a comforting way Josie smiled

"I'm actually feeling really good," said Josie as the girls kept talking they heard a click at the window, it was Sebastian, so Josie told the girls to go outside for a while so Josie could talk to Sebastian

Josie opened the window and let Sebastian in

"I'm sorry for what happened I shouldn't have done it," said Sebastian

"Sebastian what you did really hurt me, and I think it's going to take me forever to forgive you," said Josie

"Listen I want to be with you, but I can fix this do you want me to fix this?" Asked Sebastian as he was storming out of the room but Josie stopped him

"Sebastian I don't have feelings for you and I certainly do not want anything to do with you after what you did," said Josie

Sebastian sighed and nodded

"Ok, I understand, just know that whenever your ready... I'll be here," said Sebastian

"Thanks that's really sweet but I think you should get out before my brother kills you," laughed Josie Sebastian almost walked out of the window but Josie stopped him once again

"And I hope you want to be friends because that is what I will allow," said Josie Sebastian smiled wide and nodded

"I would love that," said Sebastian then he left while the girls walked back in with josies other friends, Annika, Pippa, Johanna who was tad shorter than everyone else with boo dish brownish hair, and Nina who was a little heavyset with short brown hair

"Look who decided to come along," said Lisa as she said that Annika ran over to Josie and embraced her in a tight hug

"Oh I am so sorry for doing such a thing do you ever forgive me?" Asked Annika Josie smiled

"I forgive you Annika," said Josie then they all hugged and did fun stuff the rest of the night


Hope this was good if it was vote and i will write later ok bye


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