•Chapter 5•

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Chapter 5: old feelings and Jealousy

Josie was hanging out with pippa at her house, the two girls were spying on the new boy that moved into the house next to pippa who happens to be josies ex boyfriend from camp, Josie was sitting on the bay window that sat next to the window where ...

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Josie was hanging out with pippa at her house, the two girls were spying on the new boy that moved into the house next to pippa who happens to be josies ex boyfriend from camp, Josie was sitting on the bay window that sat next to the window where you could get a a clear view of the house, pippa had a pair of binoculars with Josie by her side Snacking on some potato chips

"So what is he doing?" Asked Josie as pippa was taking a look out of the window

"He getting his stuff moved into his house," said Pippa as she set the binoculars down that was until Zack came into the room

"Hey Josie, do you and pippa want to come to the Max with the gang?" Asked Zack Josie smiled

"Sure, pippa do you want to come?" Asked Josie pippa nodded her head

"No thank you my sister is coming home from college today and I want to spend the day with her before she goes back," said pippa, Josie smiled and walked out with Zack

"Ok but let me know if you have more information about davey," said Josie pippa held up a ok sign with her fingers and sat down on her bay window with the binoculars


Josie and Zack arrived at the max to be met with everyone else

"Hey guys," said Kelly, Josie slid into the booth next to Lisa while Zack slid next to Kelly slipping an arm around her

"So what have you two been doing all day?" Asked Jessie

"I was at pippa's house spying on a boy," said Josie, this caused Slater to turn his head toward Josie

"A boy? What boy?" Asked Slater Josie laughed

"My ex boyfriend from camp," said Josie Lisa piped in Clapping her hands

"Girl tell me all about this boy," said Lisa, Josie laughed

"Alright, well I met him at camp, we dated for a brief while, that was until he cheated on me with a girl from flower cabin, so after I found out I broke it off with him and we never talked since the last day of camp," said Josie

"Wow what a story I remember that time I met a girl at camp," laughed Zack, Josie joined in

"I remember that time he lied saying he was in the 9th grade just to get her to like him," said Josie As she was talking to Kelly sack looked at the two

"What, she liked me didn't she?" Asked Zack

"She did after she found out that you were an eighth grader,"


It was the next day and Zack and Josie walked into school, When they walked in they were greeted by there principal Mr Belding

"Hey Josie can I borrow you for a second?" Asked Mr Belding, Josie smiled and nodded

"Sure what is it?" Asked Josie, mr Belding sighed

"We are having a new student his name is davey and I would like you to show him around," said Mr Belding Josie smiled

"Sure!" Said Josie then she walked out Of the office and when Josie walked out she bumped into Kelly

"Sorry," said Kelly "I was looking for Zack have you seen him?" Asked Kelly Josie shook her head

"Um if I'm not mistaken I think he probably skipping class," said Josie Kelly looked at Mr Beldings door

"Why are you standing out of of Mr Beldings Office?" Asked Kelly Josie smiled

"He wanted me to show davey around so I said it was fine with me," said Josie

"Aww your very Sweet, I still can't believe your related to him," said Kelly

"Me neither," said Josie as she shrugged then after a few minutes Josie walked to homeroom with Kelly and they both sat down next to each other, until Kelly spoke up

"So how did you and the new boy know each other?" Kelly said, Josie sighed

"Well again he used to be my ex boyfriend from camp, but then he cheated on me, but we're still friends," said Josie Kelly nodded her head

"Good to know," after Kelly said that Mr Belding walked into Mr Tuttle's room

"Mr Tuttle, May I borrow Josie Morris?" Asked Mr Belding Mr Tuttle smiled

"Why of course, go on Josie," smiled Mr Tuttle Josie got out of her seat and followed Mr Belding


When Josie and Mr Belding Entered his office there was a boy sitting in one of the seats,

"Josie I want you to meet your New Buddy, Davey Nickleson," said Mr Belding Smiles "Davey meet Josie Morris one of our fine students,"

Josie waved at Davey

"Now he will have to follow you around for a couple of classes how since your schedule is almost identical but I want you to show him the gym as it is his last period of the day," said Mr Belding Josie nodded

"Yes sir alright let's go Davey," said Josie then Davey went to follow Josie into Me Tuttle's classroom, and when they get in there mr Tuttle looks at Josie

"Hey Josie who's you're new friend?" Smiled Mr Tuttle

"This is Davey he's new," said Josie Slater looks at Zack

"That's the guy from summer camp?" Asked Slater Zack shrugged his shoulders

"How do I know I didn't go to camp last summer," whispered Zack

"Davey why don't you sit next to Josie?" Asked Mr Tuttle Davey looked at Josie and smiled

"Glad to," said Davey which made Josie giggle and they sat down next to each other, Slater leaned to Zack

"We need to find a way to break them up," said Slater Jessie looked at Slater

"Why I think they would make a better couple then her and Sebastian did," said Jessie

"I know but-"

Lisa piped in

"Slater please don't tell me you like Josie," said Lisa, Slater looked at the gang and back at Zack who had a 'do you' look on his face and Jessie with a 'don't you dare' look in her face

"Yes I like Josie," said Slater which made everyone gasps


Hope this was good if it is please vote and I'll update later bye!

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