•Chapter 7•

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Chapter 7: Secret Feelings

It was a Chilly Monday morning in palisades California, and Josie was getting ready for school, when she was getting ready she heard a telephone go off

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It was a Chilly Monday morning in palisades California, and Josie was getting ready for school, when she was getting ready she heard a telephone go off. So Josie went over to her phone that she has in her room and picked it up while sitting on her bed

"Hello?" Asked Josie as she was putting on her converse while holding the phone with her shoulder, it was davey

"Hey Josie I was wondering if you wanted me to take you to school this morning?" Asked davey, after davey said this josie looked out of her bedroom door and got back on the phone

"Let me ask my brother so can I put you on hold?" Asked Josie

"Sure!" Said davey

After davey said that Josie places the phone on hold and walks to her brother zacks room, when she got in there she saw Zack looking in the mirror that was placed in his closet

"Hey Zack Davey called and he wants to take me to school is that alright with you?" Asked Josie Zack kept looking at himself in the mirror trying to get his hair in place and faced Josie

"Sure but as long as I tag along," said Zack, after Zack said this Josie had a really look on her face

"Zack that's embarrassing, besides I can handle myself," said Josie

"It's not that I don't trust you I do but it's Davey I don't trust," said Zack

"So is that a yes?" Asked Josie "because he's on hold,"

Zack smiled and nodded, which made Josie give him a hug and she ran out of his room but after a few seconds he stopped her

"But please just be careful, I don't want to see my baby sister get hurt," said Zack Josie nodded and smiled


When Zack and the gang has arrived at bayside high, Zack noticed that Josie wasn't there yet.

"Where's Josie she's suppose to be here already?" Asked Zack

Kelly sits next to Zack

"Maybe she got caught up in traffic, she'll be here soon," said Kelly, Jessie piped in

"Yea you know school traffic can be a bust in the morning," said Jessie

After everyone said that Zack smiled and nodded and walked to class until Mr Belding stopped him

"Zack May I have a word with you?" Asked Mr Belding

"Sure what's up?" Asked Zack mr Belding looks at Zack and Looks around

"I think we better have this talk in my office," said Mr Belding as he walked to his office door and opened it with Zack Following behind him

"Now you may want to sit for this because what I'm about to say your not going to be happy with," said Mr Belding

After Mr Belding said that Zack sat down in one of the chairs that were in his office, and Mr Belding sat down in his office chair

"I'm afraid your sister Josie has been missing and so has Davey and there is no sign of where they could be," said Mr Belding

After Mr Belding said that Zack stood up

"There's no way that has happened, she can't be Missing!" Said Zack as he stood up, mr Belding stood up as well

"Now Mr Morris calm down, Your mother has contacted the police and there doing an investigation on this crime scene and it is best that we stay out of it for now," said mr Belding "now I would suggest to go back to class and find out about more information at home," said Mr Belding

Zack nodded and walked out of the office and walked to Mr McGees class.

When he got in there everyone looked at him, so Zack sat down and stared at a wall for the longest time. Kelly took notice so she wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to Zack without the teacher finding out

Is everything ok? What happened in Mr Belding Office?

Zack looked at the note and wrote something down

I'll tell you and everyone else at the Max after school

After Zack wrote that he handed it back to Kelly, Kelly looked at the note and looked up to see Zack looking at her so she nodded


Meanwhile Josie and Davey Woke up in a middle of nowhere, it looked like a small town of Maine, but what they didn't expect next was weird

"Hey do I know you?" Asked a kid who was peeking through josies window, so Josie woke up and rolled down the window

"Um I don't think so can you maybe tell me where I am and how I can get back to palisades California?" Asked Josie

The kid looked at Josie weirdly and opened his storybook

"What are you doing?" Asked Josie The kid looked up to look at Josie

"Oh this is my storybook of fairytales, it seems to me that you stuck in Storybrooke and that your apparently in my storybook," said the kid

After The kid said that Josie looked at him with a double take

How did this happen? Thought Josie

Hope this was good but I'm sorry if it's horrible, and sorry if it seems short I've been caught up with exams and dance classes as we are learning our dances for the spring recital this year but hopefully I'm back so yea anyway bye

Oh and Im going to add in another show into this story but they will only be visible for a few chapters, if you haven't heard of the show once upon a time then I will be adding some characters from that show, so yea


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