It Just Started

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Everyone has their own special thing to keep, it can be a jewelry, luxury, family, relationship... anything could be something special and worth keeping. But for me, it is a blue bunny stuffed toy. Its navy blue ears that looks so elegant. Its dark blue hands and feet, and the body as blue as the sky that gives of the cool and gentle breeze of fall. Its soft fur ball at its back that is as white as snow. And of course its eyes that gives of that mysterious and attracting gaze, it is as dark as the night sky covered with twinkling bright stars as if you're looking at the galaxies. But sad to say, all of this ended at 12:49.

My name is Arliqueia Tazraeh, and I'm currently living my teenage life. The most amazing time of my life. Everything has changed about me as I started going to high school. From Barbie stuffs and girly things to minimalist designs and monotone colored things. But something still hasn't changed, and that is me still having my blue bunny stuffed toy. I do everything with it, I wake up, eat (breakfast, lunch, dinner), review, and even at sleep. As for where I got it? I actually don't know, because my mom gave it to me as a present when I was still a new born. I don't actually like this kind of stuff, but this one is really different. And I can't believe that this little thing will be the one that'll save me.

"Good Morning Arli!" The guard of our school greeted me with a big smile that gives of a positive vibe.

"Hey! Wassup Arli, ready for the tournament next week?" A girl from the sports club said.

"Arli! The audition for the singing contest tomorrow, don't forget about it okay?" the reminder of our music teacher is echoing across the hallways of our hallway.

"You got the highest score on our quiz once again Arli. Congratulations!" A classmate of mine said out loud.

"Your masterpiece will be displayed on the gallery today. You are expected to go there after classes to give a speech about it." The president of the arts club aforementioned.

"Sure! I'll be there. Thanks for the reminders." Is all I could say as I am running as fast as I could for my next class.

And I guess luck is on my side today, because my professor is not here yet.

"I thought you would be late for sure. But it seems like our professor is the one who's going to be late. Anyway, have you reviewed for our test next week?" Tala, my friend, asked.

"Of course, I have also finished the activity for next week." I stated.

"As expected." Is all that she said.

The day was done and I was about to go to bed already, when I suddenly noticed that my stuffed toy is not in my bed. I searched for it, in the bathroom, my cabinets, on my study table, underneath the carpet, under my bed, everywhere. But even a trace of it has not been found. I hurriedly went downstairs and went to my mom who is in the kitchen washing the dishes.

I asked her, "Mom have you seen my stuffed toy? I couldn't find it anywhere inside my room."

"Have you searched at the living room? As far as I remember, it was just in your room.", she stated.

I searched the whole house but I really can't find it. And there I went back in my room, I sat on my bed and started crying.

"Where is it? Why can't I find it? I certainly remember that I laid it here." I continued crying, then stopped myself when my eyes caught something glowing from my bathroom.

I walked towards the door of the bathroom and then I firmly hold the door knob.

"On the count of three. One...two...three..." There, inside the bathroom, I saw a silhouette of a man. He has wide shoulders, has a very tall height, and has a good figure.

"Who are you?" eyes wide open, I started calming myself. Telling myself that it is not a ghost. "Inhale, exhale... Now calm yourself, don't be scared."

As I opened my eyes I saw a face, a very beautiful one. Sparkling night sky eyes, blue hair, long eyelashes, and pinkish lips. But because I get scared easily, my mind went black and didn't continue to look at that beautiful face.

Blue at 12:49: A story about loyalty and sacrificesWhere stories live. Discover now