The Last Song of His

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(10:30 P.M.)

"Are you ready? We're going up that mountain." He stated clearly. "Yes I'm ready."

"You can take a short nap; it will take some time going there." I just nodded my head indicating that I will sleep for a while.

(11:40 P.M.)

"Hey, wake up now sleepy head. We're here already." I woke up as soon as I felt someone tapping my shoulders. I stepped out of the car and blinked my eyes quite some time.

"When will the meteor shower start?" I asked him, "Soon enough." I sat down beside him lying on the grass. "You brought the guitar with you?"

"Yes, I heard a song and I really loved it. Want to hear me play?"

"Sure go ahead."

Irresistible by One Direction

Don't try to make me stay or ask if I'm okay, I don't have the answers

Don't make me stay the night or ask if I'm alright, I don't have the answer

Heartache doesn't last forever; I'll say I'm fine

Midnight ain't no time for laughing, when you say goodbye

It makes your lips so kissable and your kiss, unmissable.

Your fingertips so touchable, your eyes irresistible

It's in your lips so kissable and in your kiss

It's in your touch and your fingertips

And it's in all the things and other things

That make you who you are and your eyes irresistible ~

"Arta, it may sound funny to you since I am just your stuffed toy turned into human. But, I want to say that I love you. And I'm willing to do anything for you, even if my life is at cost. Since the very first day when your mom handed me to you, I got a feeling that it is you who'll save me from my miserable life. Until the day you grew up, and so do I. I didn't help myself but drown into you, I like your strengths and even your flaws. Every inch of you is perfect for me. I, Kale will always and only love you 'til the day I die. I will always choose you, for better or for worse. My dream is to be with you until my last minute in this world. And I'm thankful enough that it is happening. Being here with you, and confessing my true feelings towards you is enough for me. Now, I would want to know, even if I'm not sure about your answer, about your side. Do you feel the same way?"

"Kale, I... like you too. No, I love you. I don't care if you're my stuff toy turned to human. Don't you forget that you are Kale, The Kale that I appreciated, love, cared, anything. And you are MY Kale. And I will choose you as well no matter what. I will always be loyal to you, and to you only. And thank you for everything that you've done for me." I ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

"May I? Have your first and hopefully last kiss?"

I didn't talk to him, instead I tiptoed to reach him and his lips. His sweet soft lips that I have been wanting to have. And there we spent the time looking at the continues meteor shower.

"Arta, what will be your reaction if you knew that your mom won't make it?" He asked.

"I will be sad of course, she is the only one I have besides you. My dad left me when I was still an infant and never returned until now. She is the one who took care of me, and loved me the most. She is my mother and my father at the same time. She does anything for my sake, to the point where she doesn't take care of herself anymore. And besides I still want to fulfill my promise to her. That I will be the one who'll help her be in a better situation in life."

"You love her that much?"

"Yes, that much."

"Do you want me to save her?"

"If you can, then please."

"Changing the destined thing to happen requires a sacrifice. You know that right? And by this, you may be in sorrow. But I know you can make it, please make it. Don't let any sacrifice go into waste."

"I will, I will do anything."

His hands glowed and a blue shining light went out of his hands. The let it flew up in the sky.

"What is that?"

"My sacrifice." I asked confused. "What do you mean?"

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. And in this case, a life for a life. I don't want you to die. So I'll give mine instead."

"No, tell me your kidding. Tell me it is not true. Kale...Kale please."

"Arta, at this rate do you still think that I'm kidding? This is final and I can't take it back. Now, in a few minutes I will slowly disappear. So I have a small favor, may you sing me a song as lay on your lap?"

"Kale, please don't do this to me."

"Please, Arta?"

Right Now by One Direction

Lights go down, and the night is calling to me

I hear voices singing songs in the street and I know

That we won't be going home for so long, for so long

But I know that I won't be on my own, I love this feeling

Right now I wish you were here with me, cause right now everything is new to me

You know I can't fight the feeling in every line, I feel it.

Right now I wish you were here with me

Late night, spaces. With all our friends, you and me, love these faces just like how it used to be

And we won't be going home for so long, for so long

But I know that I won't be on my own, on my own~ I'm feeling like

Right now I wish you were here with me, cause right now everything is new to me

You know I can't fight the feeling in every line, I feel it.

Right now I wish you were here with me

And I could do this forever, and let's go crazy together

Lights go down, and I hear you calling to me

Right now I wish you were here with me, cause right now everything is new to me

You know I can't fight the feeling in every line, I feel it.

Right now I wish you were here with me

"Thank you for the wonderful song Arliqueia Tazraeh. I'll keep it forever in my heart. I love you my Arta, farewell."

"I love you too Kale...forever"

As the time flows, Kale disappeared completely. Now, he is nowhere to be found forever. There really are times that you need to sacrifice to obtain something new. My mom survived and lived long, but my one and only love died. And it is also true that not all perfect match will be together forever. It is a perfect love made in a wrong time. And this time will be the time when I will forever remember him. It is Kale Blue at 12:49.

Blue at 12:49: A story about loyalty and sacrificesWhere stories live. Discover now