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When morning came around Lena found herself in Ian’s arm. Her face cracked into a large smile, but it  was wiped off as soon as Ian turned around and murmerd  a name she didn’t want t  hear from his lips. "Tanya‘ As soon as that syllable left his mouth, Lena felt a brick drop in her stomach, carrying guilt, fear and humiliation.

How could she have done this to sweet poor old Ian? He did have everything in his life except his best friend. Her. And he had already lost her once, could she let that happen again. She will have to be with him just like his best friend. He was always there for her after all the least she could do is return the favour.

She had over complicated everything for him. Of course if you tell someone that you love them things are bound to happen. Especially in there case, they had loved each other in that way at a point. Look how that turned out, they broke up and never talked to each other for such a long time, she can’t just travel that road again, Ian deserves his full chance with Tanya, his true  love.

Lena very timidly slipped out of Ian’s grasp and slipped into her  room to get dressed. Putting on a simple pair of black skinny jeans and a red rock shirt, she went into the kitchen to make Ian’s favourite breakfast. Scrambled eggs with cheese. She needed to get all her good girl points when she had that hard and fast talk with him.

Just as she was outing everything on the breakfast bar, Ian rose from the couch looking around like a meercat.

“I’m here you big doofus.” Lena tried to smile. “ Here, have some breakfast. I made your favourite.”

“ MMmmm” drooled Ian his hair messy and his face still plastered with sleep. “ So that’s what woke me up.” He took a seat on the other side and started attacking his plate. Lena laughed. Ian swallowed his food and said “ You know I was getting cold on that couch by myself.”

Lena sighed.  “ Ian, about last night. Look.. I mean it was just like before you know. Amazing. And blissfull. And what any girl would hope for. But, who are we trying to fool you know? I mean we’ve already tried all this, us. It didn’t work out last time so who says it will work this time? Esprcially when  you already have a girlfriend who adore you and you obviously like. I mean I have absolutely no right to come barging in and trying to prove anything you know? So I just say that we forget all about it and go back to being friends you know? Like, I don’t wanna go back to that weird stage we had back then. I don’t wanna loose you Ian. I just don’t think I can you know that right?”

  Ian had just been sitting there, tyring to absorb all that Lena had just poured on him at this time in the morning.

“ So did you feel nothing last night? Didn’t you mean anything that you did. What you said?”

“Ian no-“

“ Just don’t okay.  Why did you have to take those steps if you weren’t going to follow through huh?” he let out a exasperated breath and put his hands on his forehead as if he was trying to get something out of his mind.

“ You know what? You’re right. I mean we had a go right? Who’s to say that it won’t end up like it did before?” he got of his chair and walked over to the sink to put in his dishes. Lena turned around to face him.

“Exactly. And I mean you have Tanya, and we’re having such a good time just being friends like we were before you know. I just don’t know what we were thinking last night.” Ian stepped in closer and bore his ice blue eyes into Lena’s brown ones.

“ I knew what I was doing, and so did you, but just think. What if we had worked out Lena? It’s just the fact that you pull away whenever you get into something serious that just pisses me off. And trust me. You’ll regret not going through with this. Deep down you know you are.” With that he walked off into his room.

“ If only you knew Ian. If only you knew.” Lena sighed cleaning up the kitchen.

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