Kicked Out -- Part 1

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"You can't just thro me out on the streets like that! I am your daughter for god's sake!"

Everyone in the streets peeked through form their curtains catching a glimpse of the drama that everyone knew was coming. Elena Murphy, was the only kid of the Murphy family, and ever since graduation of college, has been living off of her parents. Now, Mr and Mrs Murphy love their daughter but she's twenty-five now with a college degree, no life, no boyfriend (after the hard breakup of course) and no job.

" Elena," yelled her dad " Get back in here. This is absolutely no reason to cause a scene in front of the neighbours."

" The fucking hell it isn't! You're kicking me out with nowhere to go and you expect me to not, not REACT like THIS! You've gotta be kidding me." She ran her hands through her hair and kicked the pavement, sounding more than exasperated.


" No I will not." She picked up her bags and glared at her father " Seeing as I don't live here anymore, I don't see why I have to listen to you. AT ALL."

"Elena, don't be this way. You know we love you. It's just that, well you need to get on with your life and we need to get on with ours."

'Yeah and chucking your daughter out is the right way to start afresh huh?"

"Lenn," her father sounded tired " Let's talk about this inside please."

" No, dad. I'm leaving. Now. Have goooooood time in YOUR house with YOUR wife WITHOUT YOUR DAUGHTER!"

And just like that she walked off the pavement lugging the bags, which carried everything she ever owned down the street. Then, she came storming back once again.

" I do own a car. Can I have that or is that something else you've decided to deprive me of?"

"We would never do that to you sweetheart," said her mom " you love that thing, of course you can take it take anything you want love. Just remember though, its time to start your own life, and all we want to do is support that. It's just we, just, well, we..."

" Save it mom, " she said getting in her car, " Well, thanks. Later" and she drove off in her smart car.

At the diner, Elena swiped through her contacts list. But even before she had begun one name came to her mind. Ian Wisemen. The thought and name rolled around in her mind over and over.

Ian Wisemen was her best friend. Like most of these friendships go in the movies, they ended up together and had a great time. But as time went by, they realized they just couldn't do it anymore, so they broke up. Unfortunately, though the break up was mutual they couldn't really stay be like they were before.

They were still friends, but they were never they same way again. Some things just felt wrong. They would be sitting outside and having coffee, and then remember that this was the same booth in which they shared their first cake.

Without thinking about it too much, Elena dialled his number, hoping and praying through the rings that this wasn't a mistake.

"Hello?" his voice rang through the phone.

" Uh... Hey Ian?"

"Len, is that you?"

" Yeah, yes it is."

" Uhm wow, well, how's it going what's up?"

" IvegotnowheretogsoIwaswonderingifIcouldcomelivewithyouforabit?"

"Oh my god, are are you okay, do you want me to come pick you up?"

" No. No, I am fine. I just need a place to stay until I find one of my own."

" Of course you can. I am offended at he fact that you actually have to ask your majesty." Elena laughed at his mocking tone.

" Thanks Ian. Umm can I be there in say, fifteen minutes?"

" Sure, do you want me to pick you up?"

" Naw, I'll be fine."

" K well see ya then."

On her drive to the house Elena could only think of spending her time with Ian. Maybe they could finally go back to the way they used to be. I mean, they only had dated when they were seventeen. They were both much older now; it is possible that their relationship might just work this time round. She remembered all the good times they used to have together, how she would feel when he held her in those cold winter days, their breaths fusing together after they kissed.

Smiling slightly, Elena walked into Ian's building.' Be cool. Be cool. Be cool.' She thought to herself. And then finally just as she was about to knock on his door, he opened the door. Slightly stunned she took her time to take in all of Ian. All six feet of him. He was just standing there, with his lopsided smile and his hands running through his blonde hair, her ice blue eyes looking into his pale ones.

" So you gonna come in or... were you planning on camping outside the house?"

She shook herself out of her trance.

"No. I mean, yes, yes I will. Umm... Thanks once again you, know. I just really didn't have anywhere to go." She lugged in her bag. Pulling it with all her might.

" Stop it. You're flattering me. WAY too much, you might just not have the best deal trust me." He stood there seeing her struggle with her bags till he decided to put her out of her misery.

" Here, let me help you with that." He picked it up in one swift motion and carried it into the corner room with what looked like no effort at all.

" So this will be your room."

Elena looked around. She definitely wasn't getting the five star treatment here. Her room was miniscule. There was a tiny creaky single bed, with an excuse of a bed side table, a built in shelf on the right side wall and a dresser cramped next to a tiny what looked like, study desk with a yoga ball for a chair.

" Told you," Ian said as he came by Elena. He was so close she smelled his cologne on him, she momentarily lost her train of thought. "Not one of the greatest rooms huh?"

"No, no, It's great." Elena tried to sound convincing.

"HAH! Who are you kidding. You've always hated small spaces unlike other people you somehow don't find them cosy. I know you better than that Len. Don't forget that."

How can I? She thought. They just stood there for a while. Elena saw something weird in Ian's eyes. Regret, guilt, sadness? Was he thinking what she was thinking? Could he possibly want to get back with her too?

" Len, I-" He was interrupted by the doorbell.

"Stupid doorbell." Elena mumbled.

" I should get that." Ian sighed.

" Go for it." Elena smiled, trying to look unaffected. She sat down on her bed looking around the room, there wasn't much to look at. What was Ian trying to say

before? Maybe he didn't want to get back with her at all and just wanted to make it clear. No we have to be friends at least, yes we will be the best friends we used to be. Just then, Ian came into her room. She lit up once again.

" Elena? There's someone I'd like you to meet."

" Oh my god! You're gay and you totally want me to meet your gay friends cause I'm the only one you could tell! Aww, I am flattered Ian." She tried to joke

around like they used to. Ian laughed. She took that as a good sign, and walked out of the room and into the kitchen. There was a tall blonde standing there, looking inside the fridge.

" What you opened up a girls hostel or something?"

" Jeez Len. Be nice okay?"


She turned around and Len was completely dumbstruck this girl was absolutely stunning. She was tall and the prettiest thing you'd ever lay your eyes on. Just then a thought came to her mind which made her want to throw herself out the window.

" Len, this is my-"

" Girlfriend." All three of them said together.

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