Showers and Towels -- Part 3

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The next morning Len got out of her bed and went straight into the kitchen for breakfast, she got out some juice, bread and cheese spread to make herself some toast. She was balancing all of these things at once and as soon as she turned around she saw Ian come out of his bedroom in nothing but his boxers, putting on his shirt. She marvelled at the sight and everything fell out of her hands.

" Good morning." Ian stated. Brilliant actually, Len thought.

" Morning yes, good not so much. Just look at what you made me do!"

" Me? I just got out of my room!"

" Well maybe you should dress... a little... more... appropriately now that you have a guest in the house." God please don't, I do not mind having a look at you

like that in the morning, she thought. Ian smirked and his eyebrows shot up.

" You find this..." he gestured whilst walking towards Elena " a distraction?"

He was walking closer and closer, Elena took two steps back for every single one he took. His gaze was fixed at her, not even budging.

" No... no, I just...hmmh... meant should be... uh, aware... that I live here now too."

He was getting closer the smirk still on his face and his eyes on hers. She was somewhat scared now. She was sure that he could hear her heart beating faster than a hummingbirds'.

" I see..."

Elena was cornered now, she had nowhere left to go, her back was pressed against the fridge door and Ian was so close, she could see the irises in his eyes. He put one of his hands above her head, Elena's breaths fastened. What was he going to do? What is he going to do? Then he grabbed an apple from the bench top on her left and turned around. Len breathed out, had she been holding her breath? God she was in so much trouble.

" By the way..." Ian said turning around, " You're one to talk." Then he walked away with his lopsided grin and his peacock strut, feeling like he had one this round. Elena stood there, thinking over what he had said. Then it hit her; she was still in her slip.

" SHIT!"

Ian came came out of the lift after his jog. He loved his job, he was contracted with a certain magazine and only had to go to work on some days. Too bad Tanya was constantly working, he hardly spent any time with her. Well at least he had Elena to keep him company now. He laughed, remembering the events of earlier this morning, Elena in her ridiculous slip. She was so unaware he just couldn't stop himself. But had he made things awkward between them now? Could she still look him in the eye? Naw...who was he kidding, it was Len after all.

He stepped into his house and was overtaken by the amount of steam in his house. He listened harder and heard Len... singing... in the shower. What was she trying to do? Cause a draught?

" Len? Len? LEN!!"

" Ian is that you?"

" No it's god. Who do you think it is? What the hell are you doing in the shower?"

" Oh you know, reading."

" Well you better stop it because the bill is going to be so high that you won't even be able to pay it off with your car insurance."

" GEEZ! Calm down. I am almost done!"

" ALMOST! ALMOST? You get out of there right now or I will do it personally!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Len came out dripping, with nothing except a towel on.

" Put your tongue back into your mouth mister." Elena mocked and carried onto her room to change. Ian leaned against the shut door.

" What on earth do you think you were doing? Do you know how much money hot water costs?"

" No, not really. I've never been that good at math you know. Remember, I used to make you do my homework in highschool?"

"Ugh, why do you have to shower for that long anyway?" she cam out of her room in jeans and band t-shirt.

" I thought you were at work." She replied. As if it was the most obvious thing.

" oh and what else were you planning on doing?"

" Nothing much... just maybe throw a party, raid the liquor and get a strip performance."

"You never really think about the future do you?" Ian sighed.

" And you think of it too much always have. Now, how about you take a breather and sit down. I will pay the whole water bill alright? It's the least I can do for

someone who's letting me stay without rent."

" Yeah well, we might have to change that." He shook his head. She knew him so well, how to calm him down. Tanya just made him want to shove his head in the oven. But he liked her, she was a nice person they had good times together and they liked similar things.

Elena jumped onto the couch and passed him a bottle of snapple.

"Enjoy. And just chill okay?" Ian smiled. Elena wasn't looking too well, she had a weird face on, like the time when...

" Oh my god into the bathroom. NOW!"

Elena threw up for a good ten minutes, and Ian held back her hair.

'Fucking chinese food.' She would say right before throwing up again. Elena always got sick quickly. He was going to have to take a few days off to look after her.

Well, this is going well Len thought. He is so gonna want me back now.

* hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the story, I am leading up to the romantic bits, I promise. i just really need to get the relationship built and everything. So I have added a few pics to the story. And just incase you're wondering who's who ( though I think you already know )

The first one is Alexis Bledel from Sisterhood of the Travelling pants and Gilmore Girls as Elena

The second is of Bradley James from Merlin as Ian

And the last one attached to this part is Maggie Grace from LOST and Jane Austen Book Club as Tanya.

Hope you are liking the story Love to hear your thoughts. BYE!!

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