I love you! I think...

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Karlof's POV

"How do you feel Gravis?" Bolobo asks. "M-My legs! I c-can't move them!" "It's okay! Your spine got hurt in the crash but the doctor said you should recover from it!" I quickly run out of the room and ask the doctor standing outside when he can leave. "It would be best if he stays a couple of days so he can get used to the wheelchair and the exercises that will help him recover!" "Okay, Thanks!" I answer and runs back in. I don't want to speak more English than I have to, it's pretty bad! "Gravis must stay for a few days..." I say. "Okay, you heard that Gravis?" "Y-Yeah... Are you sure I'll be able to walk again?" "Gravis! Don't worry you'll be back on your feet before you know it!" "Okay, I think you need to rest now Gravis! We'll come back tomorrow I promise!" Bolobo smiles and grabs Jacob. "See you tomorrow then I guess..." he sighs. "Bye Jacob I... love you!" "I love you too Gravis! Get better soon okay?" "Okay... I'll try!" When we walk outside a woman is standing at the door. "Who are you?" she snorts when we walk past her. "I'm Jacob, this is Bolobo and Karlo-Who are you?" "I just want to know why you three were in my son's room!" "Wait! You're Gravis's mom?" "That's what he calls me! Now, why where you visiting him?" "I'm his boyfriend!" Jacob answers. "And those two are my friends!" "Boyfriend, you say? Hmpf! We'll see about that!" 

Jacob's POV

"I can't believe she's even related to him at all!" I say when we walk out. "I know right... but you can kinda see that they're related based on her movements!" Bolobo states. I make a small gesture to him reminding him that I can't see her. "Oh, yeah right... But yeah, like I said! But, she seems pretty..." "Stiff? Strict? I don't like her!" "Well, she's your mother-in-law!" "Didn't you hear her?" I growl. "She said: We'll see about that! It's like she wants us to break up! WHY?" "Jacob needs to calm down!" Karlof says. "We need to get back now!" "I guess you're right..." I sigh. "Let's go!" As we fly away from the city back to the isle I start thinking, why wouldn't Gravis's mom want us to be together? She would want her son to be happy right? Argh! I just get a bad feeling about her! And the patch Gravis had on his cheek, I felt it when I tried to wake him up. Could that really have been from the crash? I'm pretty sure the doctor would've told us if he had a cut on his cheek! WHY DID HE HAVE THAT PATCH? "Jacob! Where here!" "Oh Okay!" I answer and land my dragon. "You're back!" Talla says as Karlof opens the door. "God! How is he?" "He's okay!" Bolobo answers, the doctor says that he should make a full recovery!" "Oh what a relief!"

I know I shouldn't but the moment I get up to my suite I pick up my phone and call him. "How are you, babe?" "My mom just left... she..." "What is it?" "She's obsessed with old traditions so she's pretty criticizing about our relationship..." "But... Why? She would want you to be happy right?" "Yeah... Look Jacob, I need to tell you something!" "Yes, honey I'm listening!" "Did you notice that I have a patch on my cheek?" "Yes of course!" "Well... THAT wasn't from the crash! When I was at my mom's house I told her about our relationship and she-" "SHE SLAPPED YOU?" I yell. "Yes... I'm sure she didn't mean to-" "Gravis, listen! You don't SLAP people by mistake!" "Jacob! The thing is that I dated a guy before you... His name was Vince but he cheated on me with a girl... When I told my mom about it she was furious, and said that that's how it goes when you date someone of the same gender... and I haven't dated any guys since... well until I met you!" "And your mom thinks the story is going to be repeated?" "According to her it already has, she says it's because of our relationship that I got into this crash..." "Gravis please don't be sad!" I beg. "You're strong! I know you will recover from this and don't listen to your mom! I love you so much Gravis! You love me too right?" "Of all my heart!"

Gravis's POV

I turn off my phone and look out of the window, I can't see much from my bed but it's still a nice view! It felt good talking to Jacob after what my mother said... I pull off my blanket and lifts up my right leg a bit. It feels kinda weird touching it and I can't move it the slightest... I hope that Jacob was right, that I will be able to recover from this! Then suddenly my left arm starts throbbing. Right... internal bleeding, forgot about that! Hmm... maybe I should just sleep now, it's not like just sitting here is going to help! I pull my blanket over me again and close my eyes.


"Mommy look what I made!" I smile, holding up my drawing. "That's very nice sweety but it's mom or mother, not mommy okay?" "Yes, mom..." I answer. "Good, now let me take a closer look at that!" She takes my drawing from my hands and examines it. "Is this you with your friend?" "No momm- Mom it's me and my crush!" "Crush? Honey, you can't have a crush on a boy!" "But why?" "Cause it's wrong! Enough questions and erase those silly hearts!" "Yes, mother..." I sigh and take back the drawing. "You know what Gravis? I would prefer if you just called me mother you hear that?" "Yes, mother..."

*flashback ends*

My mom has always been strict, I don't know why but... maybe she just wants what she thinks is best for me... I just wish I could make her switch her opinion about that...

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