chapter 4

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Andy's POV
The summer went by. And Jack had been wrong. Rye's phone wasn't broken. He just never answered. Or contatcted me. He was gone. I didn't know why and it hurted. I spent the summer listening to two different playlists. One with sad breakup songs which I listened to when I wanted to cry or feel bad for myself. And one with 'you're better by yourself' songs which I listened to when I wanted to feel like I didn't need him. Like he never meant anything to me. Which wasn't true. I spent most of the nights awake thinking about what I did wrong.

The biggest part of the summer I spent with Brook, Jack and Sonny though. And I also had a summer work at a shop which distracted me.  Sonny hung out with his girlfriend a lot (the one he found at the trip, which was a painful reminder of Rye) and Brook and Jack were obviously togheter which made me the third wheel in many situations. But I wanted them to be happy, even though I'd like to have Rye beside me as well.

Actually, I saw Rye one time. I had just ended my work shift and Jack, Brook, Sonny were there to pick me up. When I walked towards car, a saw a couple walk by. A girl, blonde, short and with blue eyes. And beside her, he walked. They held hands. Rye turned his head to his left and when he saw me he immediately looked down again. He and the girl kept walking and he continued to look down on the ground while she was talking. I almost fell into the car. I sat in the backseat beside Brook and didn't say anything. They had seen them as well and Sonny had to lock the doors to keep Jack from running after them.

"He's such a fucking rat. I'm sure he's not even out of the closet beacuse he's too much of a coward. I can't believe I actually liked him. That fucking bitch" he screamed out and I couldn't really feel anything.

"Jack you're completely right but maybe you don't have to do this now" Sonny said and Brook put his hand on Jack's shoulder and nodded my way. I understood they were trying to protect me but I was stronger than that. I was stronger that letting him destroy my summer. Even though I knew he already had.

"It's okay guys, really. They probably deserve each other" I said and they all looked at me with sad expressions. Thet all knew how it felt to have a broken heart, since they had been in love before. It was just me who was new to all of this. And I wasn't sure it was something for me.

"He doesn't deserve you, that's a thing I'm sure about" Jack mumbled and I could see how he clenched both his jaw and his fists.

Either way, it was the end of summer. Last day of the summerbreak. I was, as so many times before, togheter with my best friends. This time, we were sitting on the roof of the school. I know how it sounds. And it was risky, but it was a tradition we had. The day/ night before the first school day, we climbed the roof. It was around 8 pm and we had just climbed up. I sat with my legs crossed beside Sonny. Beside him Brook was laying with his head on Jack's lap. To look down at the schoolyard and the parking lot was weird. I could almost see all the students who were gonna walk there tomorrow. We sat there, all of us thinking about the coming year, last year of high school. We all had our own problems to face and own things to worry about. So, to just sit there on the roof, made us feel free in some way. At least that was my opinion.

"Guys" Brook broke the silence, but it didn't matter since I was in need of distraction before I began thinking about the person I'd have to face the day after. "I think we'll get through this year togheter. I know we will" he continued.

It was weird, sometimes Brook could say things no one exptected from him. None of us answered but we all thought about it and appreciated what he had said. The sun was about to go down, making everything prettier. I opened the can of pringles I had bought and started eating. I shared with Sonny, who had threw an arm around me and I had my head against his shoulder. I realized how bad I didn't want to see Rye again. But at the same time, that was everything I wanted to do. I had stalked his instagram all summer but he hadn't posted anything, aside some boring stories. Nothing about that girl. And nothing from the trip. I don't know why he should have, I guess I just wanted to know if he had forgotten about me.

Instead of thinking about that anymore, I started a conversation about our memories from last year. Brook was entertaining to listen to, since he always exaggerated. All of us laughed when he stood up to demonstrate how Mr Hank walked.

When I got home, it was almost midnight. I expected the house to be dark and silence, but instead, mum was sitting in the livingroom, watching a movie. I sat down beside her.

"No one got hurt this year?" she asked and I chuckled. Last year, Brook tripped on the roof and was close to glide down but instead, his pants got stuck in some way and he stopped. It was scary then, but I couldn't stop laughing when I thought about it now. It was so typical Brook.

"No" I said still chuckling. Mum knew about our tradition and she didn't stop us. While I foucused on the screen I felt mum's eyes on me.

"What?" I asked since she clearly was staring at me and not very discretely either.

"Who is it? Who is the boy you met at the trip?" she asked and I turned my head to look at her. How did she even know?

"How- i mean no" I stammered but she just shushed me.

"I know you Andy. I noticed how you acted when you got home and I've seen how you've been checking your phone constantly" she explained while taking my hand. "I've also heard you cry in your room and I've heard Jack and Brook talk as well"

No words left my mouth. I debated on wheter or not I should tell her. The feeling of shame entered me, I should've told her before. So I decided to tell her. Everything. Well, not the sex part beacuse it was too weird to talk about that. Sure, we had a close relationship but even I had boundaries.

While I told her, she squeesed my hand every now and then. She listened closely and I was on the verge of tears as I told her.

"Oh my Andy" she said once I was done. She stroked my hair and a tear ran down my cheek. I was probably way too sensitive.
"I knew this would happen eventually. Your first love and heartbreak" I sobbed in response as more tears ran down my face.

"I hope he's handsome though" she said and I smiled because she always knew how to make me feel better. "The name Ryan sounds promising on that front"

I pulled out my phone to show her the picture from the last morning, the one from the tent. She took the phone from me and examined the picture closely.

"You had sex" she pointed out and my mouth dropped open.

"Eh... no I... mean" I stuttered and she looked at me with a smirk on her lips. Puh, she wasn't mad.

"Well, I don't want details on that. But he's very handsome. Not handsomer than you, but that's impossible" she said and kisses my head. "It's late now, you should get some sleep before it's time to return to hell"

"You're the best mum" I said and kissed her cheek. I felt almost relieved now when I had told her everything. I was pretty fucked up though, since it was quite late and school didn't care about that fact.

I think I'll post one chapter everyday, beacuse I've finished it.


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