chapter 8

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Andy's POV
Partys weren't my thing. I didn't drink, my body couldn't really handle it. When we went on a party, which we did sometimes, I was the 'parent'. When we came into her house (I still didn't know her name) the first thing I noticed what how drunk people were already. It was people everywhere and I recognized most of them from school. Brook and Jack were excited and had immediately dissapreared into the crowd of people.

I said hello to Sonny when I walked past him in the kitchen, but he was occupied with kissing his girlfriend. I decided to take a tour around the house. I walked from the kitchen to the room beside, where people were playing beer pong. They were loud and it was mostly half naked girls in there. I kept on walking and glanced into another room, where a group of people sat and smoked.
They didn't look like my type of people so I kept walking. I opened a closed door to see a couple making out, probably on their way to have sex.

"Close the door if don't want to join" the girl said and the guy glared at her. He was clearly against that. And I didn't want to have a threesome with them anyways. I gave up and realized my only option was to go to the livingroom. I could go upstairs, but I could save that for later. I grabbed a drink (soda) on the way and walked into the livingroom. I sat down on a couch, beside a girl who cried and her friend trying to comfort her.

"I hate her" she cried and I felt sorry for her, even though I didn't know what had happened.
I saw Brook and Jack dancing with each other. But I couldn't keep looking at them, since they weren't exactly appropriate. My gaze wandered around the dancing bodies but I didn't find who I was looking for. I couldn't help but look for him. Maybe he wasn't here. But I had seen his friends earlier.

After a while on the couch, when the girls had gone away and when a kissing couple had replaced them, I stood up. I needed to pee. There was one door I hadn't opened yet, and I hoped that would be the bathroom. I was walking towards it, when a guy ran past me into the room. And it sure was a bathroom. As soon as he got in there, he throwed up in the toilet. Another guy came after him and sat down beside him. I wrinkled my nose, eeww.
I sighed and decided to check upstairs. I began walking upstairs. It wasn't a good idea to open all of the doors, beacuse there were probably couples having sex in all of them. I saw a door which looked like a bathroom door and tried it. It was a bathroom and I breathed out.

I did my buisiness and when I washed my hands, I heard something. The shower curtains were moving. Thousands of scenes flied through my head. It was a murderer. A clown. A ghost. A girl with long black hair. A doll. A demon.
Slowly, I walked to it and heard someone breathing. Something, which sounded like a bottle jingled against the bathtub. I took a deep breath and pulled the curtain aside.

"AHHH" the person screamed and I jumped backwards. Then the person stared laughing. My heart was beating like crazy.

"You scared me" I got out in a high pitched voice and looked at the person. You got to be kidding me.

"Hello" he giggled and took a gulp from the bottle he held in his hands. A drunk Rye. Exactly what I needed. This was certainly a typical party, couple inviting me to a threesome, guy throwing up and now drunk Rye in a bathtub.

"What are you doing?" I asked and it was like Rye didn't realize it was me. He hugged the bottle like it was a teddy bear.

"I was dancing with a girl, she wanted to" a pause for a giggle "have sex with me"

I furrowed my eyebrowns. Did I want to hear this?

"But I couldn't get it up if you get what I *burp* mean. She kind of freaked out" he continued and started to look more and more sad.
"It didn't work beacuse I only thought about another person. His name is Andy. Do you know him?" he looked right into my eyes and my heart was now racing again. Was that true? He still thought about me. I realized I hadn't answered.

"Well yeah, I kinda do" I said and Rye began sobbing. Tears ran down his cheeks and he dropped the bottle. I reached out to take it and placed it on the floor instead.

"I'm s-so in l-love with him" he cried and I didn't know what to do. He was talking about me with me.

"I think we should get you home" I said and patted his shoulder. He nodded, still sobbing. He looked so young and volnerable. Rye stood up and balanced himself against me. This was not how I imagined the party to end. When Rye had gotten out of the bathtub, he had his head against my shoulder and held my arm. I wanted to hug him, but decided not to since it would make things more compliacted for me.
We walked downstairs. I didn't really know what to do, but thought it'd be best to find his friends.

"Ehm Harvey" I said and poked his shoulder. He turned around and when he saw Rye, his face changed from happy to worried.
"He is kind of... gone"

"What happened?" Harvey asked and looked at us. It must have looked weird.

"I was in the bathroom, and he was sitting in the bathtub drinking and crying. So I though I'd help him" I explained and changed the story a little but since I didn't want to out Rye.

"That was nice of you" Harvey said and then Rye looked up.

"Harvey" he sobbed and clinged to my side even more.

"Come with me Rye" Harvey said and took him from me. Rye still cried, but not as much as before. I was about to walk away when Harvey shouted my name.

"Andy! I know about you. I know Rye is in love with you, even though he says something else" he said. I didn't do anything. I couldn't get any words out of my mouth. Too much information for one night. My brain needed some rest.

I texted Jack that I was going home. I put in my airpods and began walking home. It wasn't very far and I didn't have anything against walking. My steps felt lighter, beacuse I knew it now. Rye was in love with me.


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