chapter 12

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Andy's POV
Rye had slept over at mine, even though it was in the middle of the week. Mum had been more than surprised when I came down from my room with Rye behind me when she called for dinner. But she was happy. She kept telling us how cute we were, but also warned Rye of what she would do if he hurt me again. Before we went upstairs she grabbed my arm.

"He's even more handsome in real life" she whispered.

"I know" I whispered back and mum kissed my forehead smiling.

I woke up beacuse of my alarm I had set. I could barely reach my phone to turn it off, since Rye had a tight grip on me. But I reached it and turned it off. It seemed like Rye hadn't woken up beacuse he wasn't moving. His arms were around my waist and his nose was in my hair. Everything inside of me tingled beacuse of his touch. To wake up with Rye was everything I had wanted for months. I turned around, which wasn't the easiest thing to do. I faced him and appreciated the view for a while.

"Rye" I stroke his cheek and ruffled his hair to make him wake up. He groaned in response and reached out to pull me closer. I chuckled. "We have school"

"Don't want to" Rye mumbled and put his head in the crock of my neck.

We got ready for school togheter when I had forced Rye out of bed. Rye had taken one of my oversized hoodies beacuse, in his own words 'it smells so good'. I didn't stop him.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked him while we were waiting for Sonny, Jack and Brook to pick us up. We were sitting on my porch. I hadn't even told them I had Rye with me.

"Of course. I want to show everyone that you're mine. And I've accepted the fact that I'm into boys" he smiled and took my hand. I smiled back and kissed him. We jumped apart when a car honked at us. I looked up and saw Sonny's car in front of my house. I stood up and Rye followed, taking my hand again. We jumped into the car, me in the middle between Brook and Rye.

"Care to explain?" Jack asked before we even had the time to say hi. Rye and I looked at each other.

"Not really" I said and smiled at him. "Later"

"Okay, but let me get this clear. If you hurt him again, I will not hesitate to kill you" Jack said, staring at Rye who nodded.

"Understood" he said.

"Now I know!!" Brook exclaimed clapping his hands. Everyone turned to look at him. "You're randy"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Sonny asked chuckling from the front seat.

"Your shipname is randy" Brook continued, proudly. Rye and I looked at each other and neither of us could hold a smile back. Randy. We were randy.

No one really reacted when Rye and I came walking hand in hand in the hallways. A few girls looked dissapointed but other than that, nothing. Until Harvey came.

"OMG finally" he shouted and ran to us and hugged both of us. I chuckled while Rye's mouth fell open.

"Took you damn long" he said to Rye.

"Did you.. know the whole time?" Rye asked and Harvey nodded.

"Of course I did" he said and hugged Rye again. I smiled at the sight. Rye took my hand again when Harvey walked away.

"How are you gonna tell your other friends?" I asked.

"I won't. They will probably notice and I don't think they'll have a problem with it. We aren't that close" Rye explained and squeesed my hand.

I looked up at Rye, appreciating the fact that he finally was mine. I had waited ever since the camping trip. It had been months. Months of crying. Stalking his social medias. Getting my hopes up only to be dissappointed. But now, he was finally mine. And I couldn't be happier. Everything started with some camping and now here we are, boyfriend and boyfriend.

"You okay, Andy?" Rye looked down on me and asked beacuse I had stopped walking without thinking about it.

"Never been better" I replied and stood on my toes to kiss him.

And that's the last chapter. It's not the best chapter, beacuse it's hard to end a story. But I hope you liked it :)

I might continue writing shorter books now, we'll see what the future has to offer.


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