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[Mature content ahead! Skip the chapter if you feel uncomfortable reading such topics - I've warned you]

3rd person's P.O.V

"Do you know how much I hate it when Jisung is flirting with you? Even with that mark on your neck he has the balls to make flirty remarks. And you? Just giggling at everything he says. Was it because of his new hair color?"
A moan escaped Emilia as Chan placed wet kisses from her jawline down to the neck.

Her hands tightly held onto his shoulders as his lips moved against her skin rather aggressively, leaving even more marks on it.
"Do I have to show you who you belong to? Huh, babygirl?"

Not a single word left the young girl as she could only moan once the older finally found her sweet spot. Smirking against the already sensitive skin, he bit the exact same spot and sucked on it over and over again, almost driving her crazy.

"Now I'm having your attention? Do you think Jisung could make you feel the same way?"
Emilia shook her head at his question and wrapped her arms around his neck eventually to lower his body onto hers.

Tugging on the hem of his shirt, he got the signal and detached his lips from her skin to take it off. Her eyes roaming around his fit upper body, the older smirked and bit his lower lip upon seeing her reaction.

"Baby, I want you. Everything of you."
The younger blushed immediately at his words and loosened her hold around his neck. Chan widened his eyes as he got pulled back to reality and immediately backed away a bit from her.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me... It's okay if you're not ready yet. I was moving way too fast."
Emilia suddenly smiled brightly and shook her head, pulling him down once again.

"It's not like I don't want it, but you see- I've never- I mean, I am-"
The female started to stutter and blushed in embarrassment at how pathetic she may have sounded.
"You're a virgin?"

Emilia could only nod as answer and broke the eye contact with him. Chan smiled softly at her and carefully grabbed her by the chin to maker her look at him.
"I've kind of guessed it, but it's okay. We can wait more if you're not feeling comfortable with it yet.

The girl only rolled her eyes at his words and pressed her lips on his plump ones once more. Not hesitating for long, the male started to kiss her back with just as much intensity.
"I do want you. I'm sure about this. Chris, trust me."

He looked at her one last time for confirmation and she nodded, both of them smiling at the other.

-short time skip-

"That's right, baby. Let me hear those sweet moans of yours."
Emilia continued to moan softly as his fingers ran over her slick folds and she gripped tightly onto his dark hair as one of his fingers suddenly entered her.

Gasping lightly, she tried to get used to feeling of it and let out a quiet breath as she started to relax again. Chan watched her every move and looked at her with soft eyes, slowly entering another finger.

Moving his fingers in and out of her carefully, the younger hummed at the feeling and moaned as he started to pick up his pace as soon as she told him to do so.
"Does this feel good? Do I make you feel good? Tell me, baby. Do you like the feeling of my fingers entering your tight hole over and over again?"

Emilia nodded her head at him vigorously and clenched around his fingers as she felt a knot forming in her stomach.
"C-Chris, I'm g-gonna cum."

The male smirked at her words and leaned down to whisper into her ear.
"Then cum for me, babygirl."
The girl didn't even wait a second longer and came all over his fingers, moaning out louder than before.

"I haven't even shown you my full potential and yet you already look so fucked out. Are you sure you can handle more than just my fingers, baby?"
She nodded her head at his words and arched her back, asking for more.

"Please, Chris. I need you. Inside me."
The older's breathing started to get harder and he felt his pants tightening at his private area. Looking down at his girlfriend, he smirked before swiftly taking off the rest of his clothes, leaving both of them naked.

"You want me to take your virginity? You want me to corrupt you? Huh? Do you really think you can handle my cock?"
A moan left her at the words he said and she lifted her hips to meet his already hardened length.

The older groaned at the amount of pressure and swiftly grabbed her by the hips, pushing her lower half down again and looking at her with stern eyes.
"Quite impatient, aren't we? Didn't you just orgasm? So eager to hit it again?"

Emilia whined at his teasing and opened her eyes to look at him. Her body calmed down as soon as their eyes met and the two of them stared at each other for a moment.
"I want you, Chris. So please. Take me and I mean all of me."

The older smiled softly at her and drew soft circles on the skin of her hips, loosening his tight grip in the process.
"It may hurt in the beginning, but I'll make you feel as good as possible. Okay, baby?"

Emilia nodded at him and took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a second. Condom already put on, Chan lined up with her entrance and grabbed one of her hands to squeeze it. Nodding at him, the female felt his tip slowly pushing into her and she hissed slightly at the pain it caused.

Stopping for a second, Chan looked at her to make sure she was okay and pushed further in as soon as she told him to. Eventually filling her up completely, he let her adjust to his size and pecked her lips before starting to move slowly.

Squinting her eyes, Emilia tried to prevent a tear from slipping out of her eye and squeezed his hand.
Finally being used to the feeling of him inside her, she buckled her hips and he got the signal, picking up the pace of his thrusts.

Moaning his name softly, Chan smiled to himself upon seeing how good she finally felt and continued to move swiftly, making sure not to hurt her. He wanted her first time to be special and although he may've started a bit roughly, he now treated her with a lot more care.

Noticing how she started to clench around his length, he groaned once again and connected his lips with hers as he felt his high approaching. Grabbing ahold of his biceps, the female threw her head back at the amount of pleasure and moaned louder and louder.

Eventually, she hit her second orgasm and made Chan cum soon after as well, both of them panting as they looked at each other with red cheeks and heaving chests.
"Chris... This was great. Thank you so much."

The older shook his head and gave her an apologetical look.
"I'm sorry that I've started off so rough. I should've been more careful from the beginning..."
Emilia chuckled slightly at his words and kissed his swollen lips one more time.

"Don't worry too much about it. You made me feel amazing and not gonna lie, jealousy actually looked hot on you."
The older chuckled at her words and swiftly pulled out of her, leaving her insides to feel empty all of a sudden.

"I'm happy to be your first."
Emilia smiled lovingly at him and brushed her lips softly over his own.
"And I'm glad too that it's been you. I don't know what I've done to deserve someone as amazing as you, but I can't be more grateful."

"And damn, who would've thought that my first time would be in a practice room?"



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