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3rd person's P.O.V

"Chris~ Don't be like this. You know I only love you."
The male continued to sulk and adverted his gaze away from her.
"Oh yeah? What about Jisung then?"
Emilia sighed and threw an arm around his chest, pouting as she rested her chin on his shoulder and stared at him.

"I like Jisung as a friend. I mean he's cute and stuff, but you're my boyfriend. I'm in love with you, Chris. Okay?"
Chan bit his lower lip to prevent a smile from forming and subtly glanced at her from the corner of his eyes.

"I really can't be mad at you for long, baby."
Giggling softly, the female smiled cheekily and leaned up to quickly press a kiss on his right cheek.
"But I love you too, Em."

"Did you already sent the video to Hyunjin?"
Humming as response, Chan moved his arms to hug her back and pulled her body a bit more towards his.
"Yeah, I did. I've also apologized for not  being there and celebrating his birthday with him, but he said he understood and that I should greet you back. He was really happy about us congratulating him."

"That's great."
Smiling as he embraced her tightly, a soft sigh was coming from her and she pouted as she snuggled further into his chest.
"I don't want you to leave tomorrow..."

"Me neither, but I have to get back in time for my group's second anniversary. There still is a bit to plan and we didn't wanna do it last minute."
The male kissed the top of her head and adverted his eyes back to the movie playing on her TV.

"I totally understand that, but I still wish you'd be able to stay here a little longer."
Agreeing to what she's said, the couple continued to cuddle for some more time until Emilia's stomach suddenly growled, causing her cheeks to flush in embarrassment.

"Should we get up and get you something to eat?"
Shaking her head as answer, Emilia clung more onto him and heard him lowly chuckling.
"It's already 9pm. I can't eat now or it'll make me gain some weight and I don't want that."

"But you're hungry and I want you to eat. Also, don't worry about your body. You're perfect just the way you are, baby."
Blushing softly at those words, she raised her head from his chest and gave him a shy smile.
"I really appreciate that, but I wouldn't feel comfortable like that."

"I don't care. We're going to go in the kitchen and look for something to eat."
Shaking her head at his words, he moved away from her hold and got up from the bed while extending his hand towards her to help her getting up as well.

"You seriously sound like such a dad sometimes."
Smirking immediately at what his girlfriend had said, Chan wrapped both his arms around her waist and pulled her body closer to his so that their chests were touching.

"Well, I mean, I am your daddy."
Emilia instantly gasped at that, slapping his chest and causing him to laugh out loudly while letting go of her.
"I seriously hate you, Christopher."

"No, you don't."
Pulling her against him one more time, he leaned down and connected their lips in a sweet kiss, causing the female to sigh at the feeling of it and kiss him back eventually.

Breaking the kiss soon again, Chan grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room, leading the way to the kitchen. Reaching it a few seconds later, the couple looked through the fridge and pulled out some leftovers from the dinner her mom cooked earlier, simply heating it up and waiting while doing so.

Laughing at something Chan had said, the couple suddenly stopped as they saw Emilia's younger brother standing in front of them and the three of them just stared at each other silently.

Grabbing a water bottle and giving the couple a last look, the younger male left again at some point and Emilia chuckled awkwardly at her brother's actions.
"This was low key weird."

"It's okay. Your brother is kinda adorable."
Raising her eyebrows and giving her boyfriend a look, she scoffed and shook her head.
"He's 14 and the incarnation of the devil, I'm telling you. He's just shy around new people, but trust me once I'm alone with him? He's purely evil."

Chuckling at that, he wanted to say something again but got interrupted by the microwave beeping. Turning around, Emilia got the food out of it and made her way out of the kitchen with Chan following after her, sending her parents a light smile as she saw them sitting in the living room.

-short time skip-

The two of them finished eating and decided to watch some random kdrama they've found on Netflix, obviously turning on English subtitles so that she could understand everything that was being told.

Going back to cuddling with each other, Chan tightened his hold around her every once in a while and looked down at her occasionally.
Humming softly in response, she raised her head from his shoulder and turned her body slightly to get a better look at him.

"I love you. A lot."
Blushing slightly and smiling at what she said, she swiftly straddled his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck while he placed his hands on each side of her waist.
"I love you too. So much more even."

Grinning brightly at each other, the younger female leaned her head a bit down and brushed her nose against his. Closing their eyes at that, their lips eventually were placed on each other and moving rhythmically together.

Tilting their heads a bit to deepen the kiss, she softly moaned right into the kiss and felt a smirk forming on his lips until they've eventually pulled away.
"We shouldn't go any further considering your parents are here."

Emilia pouted slightly but obviously agreed with him, knowing that they really should better stop at a point like this.
"It's late and we should go to sleep..."

"I know, but I don't want to. Because that would mean as soon as we'd wake up it's the next day and you'd have to leave."
Chuckling at her pouting cutely, he brushed her cheek a few times before pecking her lips a last time, moving down to lay down completely on the bed and pulling her along.

Not saying anything after, he turned off the TV and moved on the side, wrapping his arms around her small body and kissing the top of her head. Whispering soft 'good nights' to each other, they've eventually fallen asleep in the arms of the others and enjoyed the feeling of it a last time.

Because not even 24 hours later, Chan would have to leave for Korea again.



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