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Recap on last chapter:

''Are you going to get some ice cream or just block the way?''I heard a voice behind me. I moved out the way and muttered out rude. The guy was about to walk past me and but stopped in his tracks as if he heard me.'' What you just say?'' he said turning around. ''I said rude.'' I said then looked up at him.

He looked me up and down and proceeded to speak, " I wasn't being rude at all ,you were in my way. It was either I told you to move or made you."

"If I was in your way all you had to do was say excuse me and I would have moved . You don't have to be an asshole about it and if I didn't hear, you could have just walked around me cause there is PLENTY of space." I replied back a little irritated. This is why I don't go out much. People are just so annoying.

" It's hard to move around when your damn fat body was blocking the way!"


I don't know when it happened but I only knew it happened when he was holding his nose. I punched him .I was breathing heavily and slightly shaking. Yes I am not on the petite side but I'm not that large either.


He began but I did it again. This time I kicked him in his side. Sage rushed over with Kaesar in her arms and Azar behind her.

"What's going on?"Sage asked

"This bitc....owwww what the fuck!" He inconveniently began to speak but I pinched his ear and pulled him down.

"Excuse us ." I said as I began to walk outside while I dragged him by the ear. We walked alittle further from the shop and I let his ear go and took a couple of steps away from him. I took in two deep breaths and closed my eyes . I turned around and opened my eyes only to see another dude next to him.

Where the heck did he come from???

"Is there a problem?" New guy asked looking between us .

"Yes this bitch jus......"he didn't finish the sentence before new guy hit him in the back of the head then proceeded to speak.

"In what world did you think it's okay to call a woman that? You know damn well you wasn't raised that way."

Well damn, okay. He then turned to me and asked,"What seems to be the problem?"

Man was his voice nice. Not extremely deep but not on the high pitched tone either . It was like water gliding down a silk cover. Smooth and satisfying. But at the same time it was like waves crashing onto rocks. Rough but satisfying.

He is definitely taller than the asshat and way better looking at that . His dark chocolate locks framed his face in a way that it didn't hide his features and it wasn't too long either . He stood roughly a lot of inches taller than me that's for sure.

"Excuse me ma'am,are you okay?" He asked me . Shit ! Was to caught up observing him I didn't say nothing . I hope I didn't stare at him . He probably thinks I'm a weirdo. I cleared my throat then spoke;

"Yes I am okay just frustrated by this little twat waffle." I replied

"What did the twat do?"he asked.

"Twat waffle?" The asshat questioned.

"Well we were inside creamy loops and I was just minding my business when he came into the shop and out of all the space around me he wanted go pretty much through me ......" I began to explain the situation to him . I told him everything that happened and I don't think I left out a detail .

"And then I dragged him out here because I didn't want him cursing around the kids in there and didn't want to make a bigger scene than we already did . I brought him here so we could try to talk like civil adults but that hasn't happened so far ." I finished off.

He nodded his head and turned to the man child.

"Apologize now."he said to him calmly.

"Hey ! That's not fair ! You didn't even get to hear my side!" He whined like a little kid.

"Fine , go ahead."  Chocolate locks said.

"I walk into creamy loops and as I was trying to get by she was right by the entrance blocking me from going any further. I told her to move and when I walked passed her she said rude and I turned to confront her and I told her I wasn't being rude and it was either she moved on her own or I moved her myself ." He finished in one breath .

"Please." Chocolate hair spoke up.

"What?" Twat waffle asked all confused.

"You told her to move,not asked. You didn't use manners nor were you being polite . See where the problem came in. There's plenty of room around the entrance so she couldn't have possibly even come as close as to blocking your path . It was either you asked nicely or just ignored her being there and walked around" Chocolate locks said tilting his head to the now fuming man beside him.


Chocolate hair shook his head and fully turned to me.

"I'm sorry for Ashton's behavior. He shouldn't have said such things to you nor acted that way. I take full responsibility for his actions."


"Thank you for the apology. I'm sorry for the way I acted but I sadly cannot say I'm sorry for anything I said. Yes it was out of anger but it was honest and I cannot apologize for being honest."I said back.

"I completely understand....."before he could Ashton interrupted him.

"No way ! First you pick sides with her then you expect me to be okay with that apology?? Zul that's not right....."before he could go on he was interrupted.

"You should be lucky she even apologized to you cause she didn't need to. For the bit of man that you have in you own up to your own freaking mistakes and don't even try to say that you are a full on man because if you were you would know to be respectful not only cause she's a woman but the simple fact that she is a person . Yes she wasn't entirely right for the way she acted but she realized when she was in the wrong and apologized for her actions. Maybe try reasoning ,understanding both sides of a party before you go off and creating bloody disputes like this." Who I know now as Zul spoke.

Ashton stood there quietly for about five minutes without taking his eyes of off Zul then he slowly turned to me and all I could see was anger. He was about to open his mouth but closed it and turned away. He tilted his head and looked at the both of us.

"Fuck off." He said and walked away and just disappeared.

So mature of him.

"Bloody hell." Zul whispered underneath his breath as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

" Pardon me but I have to be on my way. Again I apologize." He said and was gone before I could say anything.

Just then an alert Sage with Kaesar in her arms ran out of creamy loops towards me.

"You okay?" She asked concerned.

"Yes I'm fine."I said running a hand through my hair as I looked around.

I could hear sage speak but I couldn't make out a word . I got distracted.My gaze stopped on the figure of a man in the middle of the road. I couldn't make much of him because  of the dark clothes and his long hair that covered his face . I could only tell he was big. He didn't move tho.

It was as if he was a statue. Suddenly a car came out of nowhere and my eyes couldn't help but to widen . I looked from the car to him and it seemed like he had no intention on moving.

Without thinking I was on my feet and running towards him and just once I got close enough to grab him I got blinded by bright white headlights and I froze.......

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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