Chapter 3 - Letters for the damsel

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Arthur was preparing all the wood he worked on for hours. He was going to sell it to his father's friend who ran a business that involved it.

"Pa, everything's ready now!" he shouted as he carried all the wood pieces on his back.

"Good! Wait for me and we'll deliver that to my kumpare," his father shouted back. Unlike Felli, Arthur's family didn't earn enough for their entire family. It was so difficult for them to earn money because most of them weren't lucky enough to sell different things. It once came to the point when they almost sold their cow to be able to save his sister's life.

Arthur and his dad walked hours to get to their destination. It was always difficult for them but they had no choice. It was their only income and if they stop once, they would lose all the chances they had.

"Pa, I can't wait to finally be rich enough to help you and Mama," Arthur said as he sat down to take a rest.

"I can't wait for that to happen too. I'm sorry you have to give up your studies," his dad replied.

"It's alright. I know how much my sisters need the opportunities," he replied back.

It was only a minute or two of rest. They walked again until they reached their destination. They sold everything and bought food that was enough for them to eat all day long. They went back home and started preparing the food they got.

Arthur sat down. He thought of Felli. He felt bad that he didn't get to say goodbye to her for the last time. It was supposed to be that day but destiny didn't let them see each other again for the last time.

Arthur had a few hours of free time before he proceeded to do what his father told him to do. He still had the supplies he had when he was studying that's why he started writing letters.

"Dear Felli,       March 10, 1953

I apologize I didn't get to say bye to you. I had to leave school earlier than I thought. You're probably expecting right now that I'll be there somewhere ready to call your name or poke your head. You know what? This morning was so busy. After chopping tree trunks, I had to bring it to my father's friend. I would like to tell you everything through this letter. I am not as priveleged as you. We struggle financially that's why I couldn't go with you every lunch time. I had to skip lunch everyday just to save up money. I hope you understand why I was so terrible as your friend. Thank you so much for being my friend, Felli. I never thought someone would want me to be their friend. You're one of my few friend! Isn't that hilarious? I only have a couple and you're one of them. It's definitely and honor to be your friend even though we didn't have enough time to get to know each other more. I hope we'll be able to meet again in the future.

Love, Arthur.

As soon as he wrote the letter, he immediately kept it. He wanted to give it to her when they finally meet each other.
Arthur took his axe and went to the woods nearby.

"Hey, Arthur. Why are you so early here?" his uncle asked out of nowhere.

"I wanted to get the best ones possible," he replied.

"I've seen a lot around here. You'll probably see some easily," said his uncle confidently.

"How long have you been here?" asked Arthur.

"A few minutes earlier than you. I heard your footsteps so I decided to find where that sound was coming from. Good thing it's you," replied his uncle.

Arthur continued cutting as many bamboo trees as he could.  Felli and his family were all on his mind. He really appreciated Felli as his friend. He never thought he would be friends with someone so beautiful—someone who resembled her dream girl.

Arthur went home with his back aching because of the heavy bamboos he got. He immediately prepared some of it to build a single chair. It was his first time to build something like it making him decide to sell products out of the bamboo trees he gets.

"That's impressive! I never knew you had that ability," said his dad staring at the chair he built.

"Me too, Pa. I think it's quite sturdy," Arthur said proudly.

"Let's keep this one and soon, we'll sell one of those,"  his father said.

Arthur sat on the chair he made proudly. He brought it inside their house and wrote another letter for Felli.

"Dear Felli,                                              March 11, 1953

      I would start this letter by embarrassing myself. I made my own chair out of bamboo. It's pretty sturdy and I know that because I'm sitting on it right at this time. It's quite late for me to learn something like this, isn't it? I will be selling chairs like this from now on. Some of the income I'll have will be in my savings so that we will meet again. My dear friend, you inspire me to do better in the things I do. I am really determined to pursue you, Felli. I apologize for not telling you right away. I am such a coward for it. I got terrified of your family and I didn't want to lose our friendship because you are all I had. I wish your brother never saw us. Maybe we're still seeing each other if it wasn't because of it. I will see you again soon.

                                                            Sincerely Yours,

Arthur missed Felli so much that he decided to save a little bit of money for them to meet again. Arthur's family isn't as blessed as Felli's family. Unlike Felli who can earn in various ways, Arthur didn't have that chance. His mom would sell fruits, he and his dad would chop down trees, and his sisters would go to school and help the other members of the family do the work.

Unlike Felli, Arthur had a much supportive family. Well, Felli's family was supportive too but they were just a little too tight when it came to the damsel's personal love life. For Arthur, however, his family supported him in every way they could. It was unfortunate for Arthur that they couldn't support his academic needs.

"Young man, I would like to discuss this with you because you're aging. I want to teach you some things about women," Arthur's father said chuckling.

"Discuss what, Pa?" Arthur asked.

"Well, are you interested in getting into a romantic relationship with anyone?" his father asked. Arthur was shocked with the question. His father never asked him anything like that before. In fact, no one has ever asked him about that before.

"I met a damsel near my previous school. She's really beautiful and I loved every single moment we shared together. Too bad I won't see her ever again," Arthur sighed.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, 'nak. I'm sure she's thinking of you too," his father replied.

"I don't think so, Pa. It was probably becoming irksome for a damsel like her to be with someone like me," Arthur shrugged.

"Stop shrugging. It does not look good," his father said jokingly. "'nak, it does not matter how poor or rich you are. If a person is madly in love with you, it's going to happen no matter how dreadful the universe might become for the two of you," his father continued.

"Pa, I am not emotionally attracted to her yet!" Arthur replied. He looked at his dad weirdly as if he was trying to figure out what was his dad's intention.

"Really?" his father chuckled. "you do not have feelings for her yet? I don't believe that," he continued.

This was the beauty of Arthur's family. Though they were unfortunate when it came to livelihood, they were still fortunate to have each other. They didn't earn much but the love that they give for and receive from each other are enough to inspire them to work everyday endlessly.

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