I Wanna Be Your Man

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This One Is For marmaladeskies67 But She Didn't Ask For This. It's A Late Christmas Gift.

Imagine Type: Fluff

One Of My Ideas

Ringo Starr

Let's Get It!


I waited at the bar sipping my Brandy Alexander. The place was packed with tons of people standing and sitting. You were lucky if you found an empty seat. The reason it was so packed was because everybody knew who was playing tonight.

The Beatles. The Fab Four were playing in my favorite bar. I made sure to dress up the best I could, nothing to impress, but something nice. I was ecstatic when I heard The Beatles were playing, I've been wanting to see them for so long. I never had the money to though.

This was my one and only shot just to see my favorite. You see, I wasn't here to see all of them, I just wanted to see one in particular. Ringo Starr. He stole my heart ever since the Please Please Me album. His blue eyes were so beautiful, they drew me in fast.

A man on the stage came out right after the band Smile came off. "Please give a warm welcome for The Beatles! That's right, John, Paul, George, and Ringo!" The man said as everyone cheered and clapped. I smiled brightly knowing this was the moment I would never forget.

As the boys came out, I made sure to limit my looks at Ringo. I didn't want him to catch me staring, that would be awkward. They played two or three songs as I watched Ringo play his drums and shake his head to the beat. He was so adorable!

"Alright everyone, before we end this lovely night we would like to say thank ye' to all the people. We really loved playing here and we wish to come again soon. On that note, our last song will be sung by Ringo!" Paul yelled as I almost squealed in anticipation. He was going to be singing!

They pulled the microphone back to where his drums were. He leaned close to it, "This song is called 'I Wanna Be Yer Man' and it's dedicated to the gorgeous woman in the red coat sitting at the bar!" He said as he pointed right at me. Everybody cheered as he looked at me.

I turned beet red at his staring as he winked at me making me giggle. Holy cannoli, I can't believe this was really happening! The man of my dreams is dedicating a song to little ol' me! The other Beatles looked at me and smirked. Paul gave me a thumbs up and I almost lost it. I was so, so red.

They started playing the song as I smiled wider then I think I ever had. Me and Ringo kept eye contact throughout the song, winking at me making me blush as he smiled at what he accomplished. When they finished, they went back stage. I sighed happily and turned around to face the bar and finish my Brandy Alexander. Although this was the one and only time something like this would happen, I felt good.

It would definitely be a day I will always remember. I sipped my drink but almost choked, Ringo came and sat right next to me. "Aye, bartender! Whatever the lovely lady's having, put it on my tab!" Ringo said as he smiled at me. Once again, my face turned red as he chuckled.

"Ello, darling, what's yer name?" He asked as I smiled and tried to play it cool. "(Y/N) (L/N)." I replied as he smiled back at me, "Well (Y/N), my name's Ringo Starr." He said as I giggled at his adorableness. "Yes, I know." He laughed a bit, "Umm...could I take ye' out sometime?" He asked as my eyes widened.

"Ye' want to take ME out?" I asked a bit shocked as he smiled sweetly. "Of course, I couldn't keep my eye off ye'." He said as I blushed, "So, how about a night on the town sometime, yeah?" He asked as I smiled. "I'd love that very much." I replied as he smirked. "Could ye' give me yer number?" He asked holding his hand out.

"Umm...yeah, do ye' have a pen?" I asked as we both looked around, the bartender handed me one and we both turned back to face each other. I wrote my number on his hand as he stared at me smirking. When I was finished, I told him I had to go and he walked me to the door.

As I opened it he grabbed my wrist, "Wait!" He yelled as I turned around to face him. We looked at each other for moment, he slowly leaned in and kissed me. He put his hands on my hips and I put mine on his neck. When we pulled apart, I felt like heaven as he smiled. He had red lipstick on his lips that smudged off. Mine still looked fine.

"Goodbye, (Y/N)." He said as I smiled, "Goodbye." Then, with that I left the bar and walked down the street. I still felt his lips on mine, I still felt his hands on my hips. I couldn't believe this was all happening! I just kissed the man of my dreams!

This was a moment I will never forget.


Word Count: 907

I WILL DO A PART TWO IF marmaladeskies67 WANTS IT!

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