Chapter 2

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I woke up with a smile on my face because I am in Tobias' arms. I can feel his gaze on me so I turn around to face him.

"How long have you been watching me sleep?" I asked.

"Only like 10 minutes. Come on we have to get ready, your choosing your job and apartment today." I wish he would just ask me to move in with him...


I want to ask her to move in with me but I'm afraid that it will scare her or she will think that I'm moving to fast. I notice she's staring off into space so I move my hand in front of her face a few times.

"Tris? Tris!" I say clapping my hands in front of her face.

"Huh? Sorry, yeah?" she questioned me.

I started rubbing the back of my neck, I do that when I'm nervous.

"Are you ok?" she asked me when she realized that I was nervous.

"Yeah its just... Tris, will you move in with me?"

"Yes! I'd love too!"


(Time lapse to the job choosing ceremony)

"OMG! Tris where were you?!?! I was so worried!!!" Christina literally attacked me the second I walked in.

"I'm fine" I say chuckling a little bit.

Eric asked if all the intiates, or now dauntless members, could come up to the stage so that they could start getting us in order by our ranks. Right before I walked up to the stage Tobias squeezed my shoulder and said, "be brave, Tris."

"Thanks, Four."

When I walked on stage Eric showed me where the #1 chair was. I gladly sit down.

"Now, we are not big on speeches here," Eric begings, "but we'd like to make are new members of dauntless feel welcome by giving them new jobs and apartments. You'll choose your job now, and once everyone has chosen, go see Max for your apartment. The initiates will choose from highest to lowest rank so, Tris, come choose your job."

I walk up to the microphone and find Tobias's eyes in the crowd, he gives me a reassuring smile.

"Tattoo artist and a trainer for the transfers" I say confidently, then I walk back to my seat and watch my friends choose their jobs.

~Uriah: Dauntless- leader- in- training
~Christina: store clerk
~Marlene: nurse
~Will: doctor
~Lynn: dauntless-leader-in-training

And thankfully Peter decided to go guard the fence. Tobias, Zeke, and Shauna walk up to us after.

"Congrats guys" Tobias says as he puts his arm around my shoulders.

"Zip lining then truth ir dare at my house tonight for celebration!"

"Ok" we all say.

Christina has a huge smile on her face, she was so upset that she didn't get invited last time. We got in a fight for like a week after that.


I walked into the dormatories after zip lining, it was so much fun.

"Where have you been?" Christina asked me.

"Zip lining, some of the dauntless borns invited me to go" I tell her.

"They didn't invite me and that is not fair!"

"Chris, what do you mean its not fair?!?! If you don't remember I am the one that found the flag!"

"But I am ranked higer than you by like 13 spaces!"


---end of flashback---

We eventually got over it though so I know that she's extremely excited. When I look up at Tobias he looks a little pale.

"You alright?" I ask him. I know he has a fear of hights but I still hope he comes tonight.

"Yeah, just fine."
"Come on please????" I give Tobias my best puppy dog face, we've been doing this for an hour.

"Fine! Fine! I give up! But dress in layers" he tells me.

"Why?" I ask, confused.

"Because we are playing truth or dare and if you don't want to answer truthfully or complete the dare then you have to take off an article of clothing.



I check me and Tris's outfits before leaving. I am wearing a T-shirt, a sweater, my leather jacket, and jeans. With my combat boots of couse. Tris looks striking in the outfit I picked out for her, but she looks striking in anything. She has on a tanktop with a loose shirt over it and one of my sweaters, I love her in my shirts. She is also wearing black skinny jeans over her tights and then of course, her combat boots. When the train comes by I swiftly jump on with no problem and Tris has almost mastered it. When Zeke sees the Hancock building we all jump off, ride the elavator to the 99th floor, and climb the ladder to the 100th floor, by this point I am shaking.

"Calm down," Tris said, "It's going to be okay."

First went Shauna, then Marlene, Uriah, and finally it was our turn.

"Single or double?" Zeke asked.

"Double" me and Tris respond at the same time.

Zeke straps us in then lets us go on 4 instead of 3, trying to be funny. As soon as we push off I squeeze my eyes shut tightly.

"Tobias, look!" Tris says.

I open one of my eyes and follow her finger to the ferris wheel, the one we climbed together, and felt a little bit clamer. Soon enough Tris pulled the brake and we were done, I was so relieved. We all jumped on the train and went to Zeke's to play truth or dare.

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