Day 5: What happens off camera, Stays off camera

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Mark's POV
    Ethan was coming over around noon, about a half an hour from now, to film more videos for our Unus Annus channel. Amy had gone to visit her parents so we had to film ourselves, wouldn't be easy but not too hard either. We're going to be filming around four videos today; tying nooses and hanging our barbies, nostalgic toys/cartoons, buying clothes for each other and seeing if we like them or not, and we haven't figured out what else we could do. Maybe a contest of who can make something funnier than the other. We'll see when the time comes.  I had all the material we needed, lots of rope, barbies, other stuff.
     Ethan was here, standing in the doorway smiling. He was wearing a CLOAK hoodie and black jeans with a little cut at the knees, revealing a small area of his pasty white skin. I let him in, closed and locked the door behind him.
   "So, what we finmung- FILMING first?" He asked. I thought for a while and replied with, "Let's buy eachother clothes, our bugdet will be 150 in one hour."

   He nodded, "Who's car are we takin?" I pointed at myself and he laughed a bit. We went outside and into my car. Me in the drivers seat, Ethan in the passenger. He started filming and pointed the camera towards me.
     "Mark look at me." I shook my head no, but he still insisted me to. I peeked over but then back to the road as the light was green. "Hahaaa, there you go!" He said and pointed the camera back at himself.

    "Today we areeee going to the mall- right?" I nodded as he continued, "Yeah the MALL and we're gonna spilt up, buy each other some clothes, maybe things if we think the other would like itt. Hey Mark, what size are you?"
    "I am a large for shirts and im not quite sure for pants, I forgot. Maybe a little bigger than your size- actually, A LOTA bigger than your size, pesant." I said and we both laughed.
  "Well I'm a medium and a lotta smaller than your thick thighs for pants." He giggled.

    We finally arrived at the mall, parked and got inside. Ethan gave me another camera for me to film aswell. I turned it on and pointed it at him as he did the same with his.
     "We've got the double action so you can see the time that we get each other the stuffs and the fluffs and the huffs and the fuffs and the suffs and the yuf-"
   "Ethan, no. Not again!" I inturupted him. He chuckled and explained how we had this much to spend in this much time and da-da-da-da-dah.

   We walked away from eachother and I walked into a random store that had clothes. I saw a 90's looking hoodie. "Oooh, that just screams Ethan." Ethan would love that. I grabbed it and said, "Do they have more?" I looked around to see if they had more but it had just been placed down randomly. The sticker on it said 'XL'. "Eh, I'm sure it'll be fine, no one likes a skin tight hoodie anyway."  The price was 23 dollars so I had like 130 left. Now a bottom for his hoodie. Waltzing around the store, I found their jeans. "Ahah! There they are." I grabbed a pair and looked at it. They were black, the left leg had cuts on the thigh and the right had cuts at the knees. "Doesn't he like- eh. I've seen him wear something like this one time." I threw it over my shoulder and continued looking around. After I had raided the whole store, I paid and soon walked out. I had spent around 40 dollars so far.

   After a couple more stores, I had 47 dollars left. I saw the heading 'Spencers' and walked into that store because it just caught my eye. I heard that they had cool stuff there so maybe I could get some accessories for Ethan's outfits I picked out. They had a bracelet that held together with handcuffs. I picked it up and kept it with me. I walked around the store and there was lingerie, sex toys, other kinky shit. My face felt hot as I got a boner. Thank god no one else was in this section. There was a lacy blue-greenish lingerie that came with a matching ball gag, vibrator, handcuffs, and cock ring. On the box it read 'Sexual fun for everyone!' I picked it up as it reminded me of Ethan. My brain started making me think of Ethan IN it, me fucking him or torturing him with the vibrator and cockring- God, I wonder what his moans would sounds like. I looked around to see if anyone was here, which there was not. I walked to the register and paid for that and the bracelt, leaving me with 10 dollars left. I walked out and hid the Spencers bag among the other bags. I walked outside and back to the car, putting my bags in the trunk. I got back into the car and set up the camera.

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