Day 26: Among us

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I've been playing Among us non-stop help, and the pink and black memes are going around so fuck it, why not
Mark's POV
     Looking at my reflection in the shiny, polished spacecraft, my black spacesuit was dull compared to it. This is my first time going into space, but I didn't have the intention to help around with anything. I wanted to cause a scene in the public, do bad for the world. My parents were imposters, and its only tradition to follow what out parents were. They always said to me, if someone else is the imposter with you, you've got to stick up for them, and succeed with them. Even more so, taking on different missions together, and being with one another till the end.
     While others with similar space outfits boarded, one of them caught my eye. It was someone in an almost neon pink suit with something poking out their pocket, a knife. Once they realized, they pushed it down into their suit more, and fully went in. Running over, I was behind someone in a dark green suit, and after we were on, the door closed.
     "So, welcome aboard! I'm sure most of you met when we had you come along to check out the ship, if not that's okay. You all have name tags just in case you don't remember. You are listed tasks on a tablet, and you have to go around the ship doing them. Simple enough?" The captain in a lime green suit said. Looking over, I saw pink standing next to me, their name tag reading, 'Ethan.' I saw very little of him, and his features through the visor, but I'm sure we'll get to know each other.
     After more explaining, we were given a map, and sent on our way. We all waited in the cafeteria in the beginning before doing tasks, since sone of them we needed to actually be in space to do them.
     "So, what's everyones name? I'm Ethan." He said, leaning back against the table, his hands and arm propping him up.

     "I'm Mark." I replied, and others did as well. Felix, Bob, Wade, Tyler, Sean, Joey, Amy, and Mika were the crewmates. We got the notification from Sean to start doing tasks, and we did. I followed Ethan around, faking the same, or near by tasks that he was doing. It was  until we got into electrical that he finally said anything. His hand ripped out the wire to the door, making it close shut before he tackled me down.
     "What the fuck is your deal?!" He nearly growled at me. Such an innocent appearance, yet so aggressive.
     "I'm the other imposter, I saw the knife you had in your pocket when we were boarding. Can you get the hell off of me? I gave plenty of hints that I was the other one." I fought back.

     "Really? What's your murder weapon?" He asked, letting go of the collar of my suit.
     "Same as you." I grunted, getting up after he got off of me. He wiped off some of the dust he had on him from the floor, and apologized. I told him it was okay, and he fixed the door as we walked out.
     "So your parents were uh.. the same as mine?" He asked in a low voice just in case anyone else were to hear. I nodded, and opened a small door to a wiring compartment, and undid the wires that were there before closing it, and walking into medbay with Ethan. He dumped out the antidotes that were there into a sink on other side of the room, making everyone's life more miserable than it already is. Mika walked into medbay, about to run back out, but Ethan tackled her to the ground while I ripped the wire out of the door like he had to me before. His hands pulled off her helmet, to reveal a woman in her late 20's with short green hair, and a terrified look on her face. He pulled out his blade, and traced it over her neck in a way of teasing to her last moments here. She tried to put up a fight, screaming and kicking, but he impaled her in the area of where her windpipe would be. Blood rushed up, getting onto Ethan, but he got up, dragged her body over to a bed, and made another slit on her throat before, running back over to me, grabbing my hand and taking me to the near by vent, closing the top.
     "God, it's been so long since I've done that." He whispered, letting out breathy laughs.
     "I've never actually done this before, it's my first time." I said, as we both took off our helmets to breathe better. His hair was brown, and his eyes were a dull grey, somewhat hazel. He was breathing heavily, calming down after murdering someone completely innocent. He was cute, but he couldn't be any older than I was, at least 23. I was 31, and he's younger, but he's killed people before me. Honestly, I was a little intimidated, but you've got to do what you've got to do.
      "Really? Wow, you moved so fast to close the door I'm surprised at that. But I guess we stay with eachother from now on, huh?" He commented, walking throughout the vent, looking for a room that didn't have anyone.
     "Wait shit- her blood got on me. Do you ave anything?"
     "I guess we do, but yeah I have a cleenex, would that work?" I replied, grabbing out the tissue. He took it, desperately trying to get the freshly splattered blood off. It worked after a long while of rubbing it. I whistled to him, and he came back to me, somewhat like a dog. I saw that there wasn't anyone in admin, so I could only guess that this was a good place to go, it's far enough away from medbay. My fingers grasped around the indents in the vent, moved it aside, and climbed out. Reaching down, I helped him crawl up, and stand while I put the cover back on. We both walked out, making our way to the cafeteria. Joey and Bob were there, having a cup of coffee, having a laugh. They noticed us, and waved us over to have a talk aswell.
"You guys look like you've seen a ghost, you alright?" Joey stated, he switched his weight to his right foot, leaning his left onto the wall. We nodded, and Ethan gave a small laugh.
     "We're good, yeah. We were playing tag around storage and admin." His voice was soothing, and I actually believed it even though I knew what we were doing.
     "Well, do you guys want anything to drink? Eat? They have a chef here, did you know that? You didn't hear this from me, but like, he's kind of hot." Joey gossiped. Bob scoffed, and looked over to the small area that had a middle aged dude standing there with an apron and chef hat on.

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