Day 24: Haha Ethan's horniness go brrr

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Another request, please tell me if you want credit for it!

Ethan's POV

I groaned as Mark wasn't next to me in bed, and he usually was when I stayed over because him and I recorded videos later on in the day. We had been in a relationship for almost year, but we've hidden it well enough for anyone to not catch on. When we got a little touchy with eachother everyone thought it was a bit, an act, but it wasn't. To surprise everyone, when it is our one year, Mark and I wanted to make a channel together and delete in a year, to 'celebrate' in a way. We had some of the videos already recorded for when it launches, and all that good stuff.
Getting up, I stretched out my back, following to my legs, but my vision started to patch up with black spots, showing I got up too fast, but I didn't because it hit me later on- it usually did that anyway. Sure, it was annoying, but who knows why it does that. After it went away, I went over to the calender above the desk, and grabbed the red sharpie to cross oit today which indeed was streaming day for a charity. Sighing, I realised it was gonna be boring today, although I could join him, and don't get me wrong, I probably would, I just wanted a break from all that. We needed a day off just for us to catch up, and just in general a break. We haven't had one in over six months, and we only kiss softly, sometimes hug, but we're always busy to actually go on a date, or really hang out. Usually on Wednesdays I stay the night from filming Unus Annus videos, and today is a Thursday, the seventeenth of October, 2019. Putting the cap back onto the pen, I heard a loud laugh come from Mark's recording room, and it made me smile.

     Taking off my clothes from last night, I grabbed a Cloak shirt I left here on accident a couple weeks ago, along with a pair of Mark's shorts he let me borrow so many times before. My phone then pinged, so reluctantly, I went over to the bed side table to unplug it, and looked at who texted me. Mark did, but I didn't care to actually read it. Going back over to the desk, I grabbed Mark's brush, and went through my hair with it, getting out the light tangles from moving around in bed the other night. A small bottom with a clear liquid inside was left out, and I grabbed it, turning it upside down, watching it fall back and forth. Before I sprayed it onto myself, I turned to the fairly big circle mirror that I remember hanging up with him. I had hit my thumb with the hammer when putting the nails into the wall to hold it up, and he had to do the rest of the work because he didn't want me getting hurt more than I "was already." The memory made me think of other timeswe shared, playing on the playground for toddlers and tweens, kissing at the movies at a cheesy part, so many more. I hadn't realised how much time went by until another notification from my phone went off.

Hey, can you uh maybe come help me?

Ethan pleaese

What the hell did you do

This is kinda important

     I giggled to myself before putting my phone back onto the nightstand, and making my way to his recording room. My hand grabbed onto the handle, and turned it as slowly and quietly as I could. Popping my head in, I saw Mark standing his chair with a broom and a sombrero sitting on top of his head.
     "We should joust." He finally said as I opened the door more, leaning against the white molding.
     "That's what's so important?" I finally asked, crossing my arms, glancing at the monitor showing the chat quickly go along. Smiling, and looking back at him, he smirked.
     "Yes." And with that, minutes later we were jousting by somewhat running at eachother, holding out whatever we could use for what is supposed to be our swords. It came around to the last round, but as we passed, he slipped, and fell back onto his back, screaming in the process. I laughed, and giggled, covering my mouth to block out noises coming from me so who ever was watching could only hear Mark's blood curdling scream. When I went to take a breath, I exhaled with another long laugh, and he looked up at me.
     "HAS THOU BETRAYLED ME?" He exclaimed, making me choke on my own spit.
     "Maybe- Maybe we shouldn't do that." I let out through chuckles. He nodded aggressively, getting up with my hands that offered to help him. I accidentally pulled up to much, and his face was pulled to mine.
     "Why, hello there." I replied, trying to make it seem like it wasn't anything more than an accident, and it wasn't but if we weren't live, we would've kissed.

    He sat back down into his chair and read the chat as I got down onto the floor. I made up a lie saying, "Your headphone wire is tangled- how do you not care about it?" I said as I went underneath his desk, wanting vengeance from when he kept he grabbed my thigh, teased me at my parents' house during an Easter dinner. Mark looked at me for a moment, but when I moved onto my knees he knew exactly what I was doing. The only thing I could do was smile at him but he gave me look that was warning me, and I didn't care. He proceeded with his stream, and he opened his legs for me to crawl closer to him. My hands reached over and undid the button to his tan jeans, and tried to roll down the zipper without making noise. The microphone he has would definitely catch the zip, so I faked up a cough while quickly pulling it. I hope it worked.

     "Cough you." He said, laughing a bit. I scoffed, but thanked him, going on with what i was doing. As I pulled his jeans down to his knees, I told him to stop moving to explain the sudden noise to the audience, and palmed him softly through the cloth of his boxers. He huffed, but said he could move all he wanted, and started wiggling.
    "Do you want to kill me?" I asked, and he stopped, replying with a maybe. Shaking ny head, he said he was gonna play some game but I was more focused on pulling his boxers down to wear his jeans were aswell. His dick popped out, and hit my nose gently, making me giggle. I got closer, putting my hands on his inner-upper thigh to have more support, and kitten lick the tip. Mark groaned, and looked down at me, sliding his hand through my hair, and asking what's taking so long.
     "Well if you'd stop moving, it would've been done and over with a long time ago, but you said, 'nOoo I'm gonna be a little bitch baby and have a fuckin' seIzUreE!" I finished with the last part being the voice I mocked him with all the time. We had a good laugh from that, and took in his tip, letting my tongue go over the slit on him. He gasped, and pulled on my hair which made my eyes water, but it felt good when he did it.
      "Oh, you're gonna be sorry later. I let it pass when you make fun of me but that hits hard!" He said pretending to be hurt. Taking in more of him, he went on playing the game from the pressing sounds on the keyboard, and I started to bob my head back and forth. I could tell he wanted to thrust into my mouth but it was too much of a risk. Mark laughed, and leaned his head back, but down to me.
     "I swear, how long does this take?" He asked, slowly thtusting into my mouth anyway, not caring anymore. I almost gagged, but when I went to pull away, he pushed my head down for me to now have all of him inside my mouth, and to my throat. Pre-cum was coated around his dick, and it made me realise that the only thing I've 'ate' today was his dick.

     He then got a text message, and said that we had to reschedule the rest of the stream because his friend was in the hospital. Mark apologized to them and said his day to day, "Buh-Bye!" Before ending the stream, and making sure that he did just in case because that would've been horrible if we left it rolling. He also turned off his camera, and his computer since he had no use with them after the stream. He finally let out a well deserved moan, and looked at me with a stern look. Letting go of my hair, I pulled away and crawled out from under the desk as he moved away from his desk aswell.

      "Why the fuck do you think you can just do that? Especially when I'm busy, you had me cancel a charity stream. Ethan, you're in trouble, you got that?" He lectured me, but I pretended to not pay attention to piss him off more than I already have.
     "Sorry what? I was looking at your dick." I said looking up at him. He wasn't very happy, but I was overjoyed, excited even. We've had sex a couple times- okay maybe a lot but it would be less than you would expect. Mark grabbed onto my hair again, and yanked me up to look at him, making me yelp. He growled in a low voice, "You need to be put in place, you want to be put in your place. Such a sweet, sweet whore, hm? You'll be begging for me to stop, but it's apart of your punishment, you're brave, you can take it." When he got to the end of his sentence, he pulled harder onto my hair, and I bit my lip, getting ready for what he was gonna do, but he let go of my hair for now, and walked off. I groaned, and he popped his head back into the room asking if I wanted anything from the store.

     "Yeah, sex with you." I joked, and he laughed, but so did I. His smile was contagious, and I couldn't do anything about it- it was like the plague. I enjoyed sharing the same happiness with him.
     "That isn't something you can buy, baby." He cooed, and walled out, leaving me alone in my (tho)ugh(t)s.

This is so short I'm sorry sjabxkwnxkenx

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