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"Stop!" Percy complained, swatting Annabeth's hands away from his chest.

Annabeth smacked the side of Percy's face and he retracted his hands instantly. "Shut up. Your gear is crooked."

Percy rolled his eyes but grinned anyway. Annabeth fixing his armor seemed to be a tradition.

"Besides," she added, tightening a side strap, "this is your first mission since the oil spill. You need to be careful."

He groaned, annoyed. "Gods, Annabeth, I've said I'm fine a thousand times. Bruce and Chiron have done plenty of physicals and they both cleared me to go."

"Yeah whatever," Annabeth replied, stepping back to admire her work. "Just don't die, please. It's terribly frustrating to have to call your mom every week."

Percy grinned. "I'll do my best."

They heard tires on gravel and turned to see a long, black limo pull up at the bottom of the hill.

Percy kissed Annabeth on the cheek. "Well, that's me. Hey if I don't die today, want to celebrate afterwards with a date?"

Annabeth smiled, but quickly covered it with a serious expression. "Come back after your mission and then we'll see."

The son of Poseidon rolled his eyes. He waved back to Annabeth over his shoulder and jogged down Half Blood Hill to the black limousine. The back door opened and Percy jumped in. He checked his person as the car peeled away to make sure he was set. SHIELD had told him to dress like a civilian, so Percy wore a brown jacket over his gear and a cap on his head. He had a classic USP .45 strapped to one hip and a Desert Eagle on his other. His shield had been painted black, like the rest of his uniform, which Percy appreciated. He felt dumb running around in red, white, and blue.

Clint and Natasha sat across from him, sliding extra magazines into their pockets and adding more guns to their person.

"Ready to go, Cap?" Natasha asked with a smirk, looking Percy up and down. She had on a black and grey striped hoodie.

He shrugged, twirling a gun around his fingers. "I think so."

Clint nodded and leaned forward. "Ok remember, the mission is pretty simple: infiltrate the building, get into the computer in the Apple shop, and download all the SHIELD info onto this USB," he held out a small black device and tossed it to Natasha. "Nat's gonna be downloading the files and wiling the computer, so we're just providing her cover."

Percy nodded. "Alright."

A few minutes later, the car stopped outside a mall. "Alright, Nat and Perce, you two go through the mall. I'll cut around back," Clint said.

Natasha nodded. She beckoned to Percy, who followed her out of the car and into the mall. They navigated through shoppers and children, making a beeline for the Apple store. Percy checked over his shoulder, glancing around quickly to check for a tail.

Nat turned into the Apple store. She looked around calculatingly for a moment and then walked towards a computer. Percy followed her as she opened it and began typing away. She stuck the small USB into the side and started downloading the SHIELD information. Enemy operatives were coming to take the files any time, so their mission was to recover the stolen information first.

Percy raised a hand and pressed his com in his ear. "We're in position. Hawkeye, what's your twenty?"

"In the Macy's a floor up, across from you all. Two agents up here, but I don't see any others yet.

"Copy. Over."

A staff member approached them. He was tall and had a blonde beard. "Can I help you guys with anything?" He asked helpfully.

Percy Jackson: The Truth About Captain AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now