Chapter 2- Darkness it's the first thing I remember

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Jack raised an eyebrow at the others. They were very serious, as if bothered by the very fact that this fifth spirit was the next guardian. "What's with you guys?" He questioned, furrowing his white brows in anger. "We should be going to get her now." Jack urged them.

North sighed. "Elsa... we've known her for so long. She's not just any young woman Jack. She's been through very difficult experiences." He explained, his large arms folded across his chest.

Sandy stepped forward, creating images in the air of Elsa alone somewhere, sobbing. The very image itself tugged at Jack's heart. "I'll go. Where can we find her?"

Bunny quickly interrupted. "Hold up there! We don't want you scaring her off. You need to be prepared mate." He scolded, disliking the haste Jack had. "Just cause you got eyes for the sheila doesn't mean you rush into things. This is strictly guardian business. No smooching!"

Jack scoffed and rolled his eyes. "That's not what I want to do! I want to know why you're all being weird about her." He angrily turned away, not giving them another look.

"Because we failed her." Toothiana softly said, sadness in her voice. "Everything we did to keep her happy as a child failed... her childhood... was one of the worst times of her life." Jack Frost softened his expression, relaxing. Now it made sense. The guardians were afraid of seeing someone they couldn't protect.

"I'll go. I'll bring her here. But you all can handle this. You're the Big Four. You'll find a way." He encourgaed them. They all looked at him with worried eyes. He gave them a smirk. "I mean come on. You convinced me." He smiled, catching a snow globe from North.

"This will take you to the closest place to her. Good luck Jack." North gave him a smile, but Jack noticed such sadness within his eyes. It made him feel sad, North was like a father to him after all. "I promise I'll bring her here. This is your second chance to protect her, all of you." Jack nodded to them. 

He threw the snowglobe into the air, it suddenly created bright shimmering light that hovered in the air, forming a circle. Jack held his staff and jumped in, the portal closing behind him. He was suddenly met with a fierce storm. The wind making it hard for him fly, it pushed against his body roughly. There were giant sea waves below him. Lighting flashing across the sea. Jack held his staff and tried to keep control.

"Hey wind buddy! Keep me nice and steady." He asked, with that the wind around him was smoother. Less rough.

In the distance he saw a glowing glacier of some sort, it was large and grand. The light within it seemed to hold secrets that he could feel were deep inside. Jack made the wind take him over. He landed on the shore. His feet touching the cold ground, it was wet. His eyes gaze around. He didn't see the woman in the image. This place seemed deserted.

He walked over to the large wall, peering at his reflection. A bright light caught his sight in his reflection. Two glowing dots. Jack peered in closer.

They blinked.

He whirled around aiming his staff at the now panicked creature behind him. A horse, made from the sea water had been standing behind him.

It shrieked and bobbed its head up and down. Jack slowly placed his staff on the cold ground. "Hey it's okay. It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." His voice softly cooed. Jack gently stepped forward, reaching his hands out. "Ssshhh shhhh..." He softly whispered. Jack was no stranger to horses. In his past life he tended many horses that were in his village.

With that, the strange water horse began to relax. It's clear watery body shining a bright blue. Jack placed his hands on the horse's face. For a moment everything was still. The watery surface of the horse felt smooth and glassy against Jack's fingertips. This very encounter made Jack chuckle. "Not so hard to tame eh?" He smirked.

The creature suddenly neighed angrily, grabbing Jack's arm and plunging into the sea. He didn't even have a moment to catch his breath.

This was familiar. The cold around him, stinging him somehow, despite all his hundreds of years not once feeling pain with ice. The darkness of the water. His lungs clenching and aching within him. Air. Need air.

Jack tried to free himself, but he had left his staff back on the shore. Terror filled his entire body. It was the water. The water scared him. That familiar sense of drowning, unable to escape. He remebered the ice above him, trapping him. The creature swam further in. Jack began to lose conciousness. The darkness... returning.

Before his eyes close, he saw moonlight, floating towards him. Beautiful... beautiful moonlight... the moon...

"Oh thank goodness... he's breathing." Jack could hear a faint voice say. "He doesn't look like a sailor washed up. But he could be. What's gotten into you? You don't attack people. Especially if a storm washed them here." He heard her scold. Jack could barely move. His body felt numb.

"He could be a castaway? We can help take him back." He heard the voice say, he paid attention more. Her voice. A she.

The horse neighed in response to her.
"Keep him here? That's foolish. He can't speak to me or see me... but we... we touched." The woman suddenly realized, her voice in stunned awe. "How..." She uttered in shock. Jack then felt the woman hold his hand. Her hand was so smooth, so gentle in his. Like placing your palm in a cloud of soft snow. He softly held her hand back, grunting and forcing himself to wake up.

"If you're going to wake me with a true love's kiss next. At least ask first yeah?" He flirtatiously teased, opening his eyes. He now saw the woman up close. She again took his breath away. The woman was even more beautiful in person, her eyes so blue, so bright. And very... startled.

"EEEEEIIIII!" She shrieked and yanked her hand away. Quickly standing and moving back. "You- how!? How do you see me!?" She frantically questioned. Now her hands were up in defense.

"Argh- Well that's a long story but-" The water horse menacingly stared at Jack. Making him uneasy. "Can you please calm your horse- it nearly drowned me!" He backed away. The woman looked to her horse, nodding. This made the horse jump away into the sea.

Jack groaned and pushed himself up, trying to keep his balance as he did so. "Thank you..." He grumbled.

The woman kept staring at him in shock, somehow relieved but also scared. Jack took a step forward. And she suddenly raised her arms, sharp icicles forming near Jack. "WOAH! WOAH OKAY- This is such an unwelcoming place." He jumped back, narrowly missing.

"Answer me." She commanded, now incredibly serious. Fierce. Powerful. "Who are you? Why are you here?"

Jack stared at the icicles that spiraled out of nowhere. She had magic that was like his. She didn't need a staff to wield it. All Jack could do without his staff was... snowflakes.

Carefully he stepped around the icicles and stood a small distance away.

He slowly raised his hand in the air, a sparkling snowflake formed above his palm. Then the wind itself carried it over to her. She gazed in amazement, lowering her guard. Elsa then raised her own hand, forming her own glittering snowflake that the wind carried over to Jack. The two snowflakes then danced together in circles, floating in the space between them.

"Are you someone out there..." Elsa began to sing softly. "Who's a little bit like me..." She stepped closer. Placing her hands over her heart. "Who knows deep down... I'm not where I'm meant to be..." Her voice gently sang. Jack Frost's bright blue eyes gazed into hers. The moon suddenly began shining above them, its moonlight surrounded them. This made their pale skin glow, like freshly fallen snow. The wind sudenly flowed around them, with it were thousands and thousands of glowing snowflakes. The two gazed at one another then turned to the moon.

"Elsa..." She softly said. "My name is Elsa." She introduced herself as they stood together.

"And how do you know that?" Jack asked her. His heart pounded. He waited for her to say it.

"Because the moon told me."

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