Chapter 1

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"Arrgh" Kristina Daniels sighs out as she dismisses her phone alarm. "Time to wake up for school, hoorah." She says with every ounce of sarcasm she has in her body. She closes her eyes wishing that she could sleep for an extra five minutes, but she knows that five minutes would turn into another three hours. "Dear God, thank you for waking me up this morning. I ask that you watch over me and my family and make this a safe and uneventful day. Amen." She already feels ten times better than she did a few seconds before. Fumbling out of her mess of sheets, she sits herself up on the bed and swings her legs to the floor as her feet touch the floor. She loves the feeling of cold wood on the bottom of her feet, it makes her want to wrap herself up in a pile of sheets. Ahh this should be a beautiful chilly15th of October, then she looks down at a fuzzy blur of her best friend, Levi Collins, sleeping on the floor in a heap of comforters next to her bed. "Where are my glasses?" she says she feels around her night stand for them, Ugh, how can this be an uneventful day if I have this guy here. She looks at his beautifully toned face with his perfect tanned skin complexion. God he's beautiful, she's lost in a trance in his face but she quickly jumps back to reality, "That's your best friend you dummy." she whispers to herself.

"Wake up you creep." She says as she kicks him on his side. God, what a pain in my ass.

God, what a pain in my ass. "Did you wake up stupid?" he says as unravels himself from underneath the covers and grabs her by her ankles.

"Let go of me, it is too early in the morning for this." she says as she squirms trying to get out of his grasp.

"You should've thought about that before you started conflict girl." he says as drags her down to the cold floor.

"Let go of me you animal!" she says as she tries to get out of his grip.

"Nope not until you apologize." He says as he starts to tickle her (knowing well that Kristina is very much ticklish)

"STOP! STOP! STOP!" she says loudly as the tears of laughter form in her eyes as she's starting not breathe. My parents are going to come in here and kill me.

"I won't until you sing the song." he says as huge smile forms on his face as he continues to tickle her.

"NEVER!" she says as her lungs are burning, feeling as if they might just explode.

"Do it or die." he says tickling her even harder.


"Kristina! What are you doing up there?" Kristina and Levi both freeze at the sound of Gloria's voice.

"Oh shit, it's your mom."

"Get off of me!" Kristina scowls in a whisper at Levi as she pushes his body away from her then she quickly scrambles off the floor and hurries to her room door. She places her hand on the door knob and composes herself then opens the door. "Nothing mom just cleaning my room!" she shouts in the hall.

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