Chapter 16

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“And there,” Serena says with a smile, “That’s the best cast signature that you would ever have on.” She says to Levi.

“Thank you.” He says as he hugs her, “See you later.”

“See you later Hot Stuff,” she grins at him, “And see you tomorrow sexy.” She says to Kristina as she gets on the bus.

“She’s a nice girl.” Levi’s says Kristina as they start down the block to go walk home.

A little too nice, “Yea she is.” She mutters.

“I’m not around for a couple of days and a nigga think they can just go around to make friends.” He says to Kristina.

She laughs so hard her ribs start tu hurt, “You sound jealous.”

“I am,” he says as he gives her a serious look.

“You can’t be my only friend and plus you we so eager for me to be friends with Vanessa the other day.” She snaps at him.

“Well that’s different I just wanna sleep with her but now you’re gonna go and start sharing your feelings and secrets with this girl, then staring having period parties and whatever those girls do.” He mutters as they turn the block.

Kristina erupts with laughter again, her ribs are on fire. “You’re on a roll today Mr. Collins.” She says with a smile as they reach in front of her house. “Today is Friday so my parents should be home at eight.”

“Pshh I been knew that girl” he says casually as he opens the gate and heads to the front door. “Honey were home.” He smiles to her as she opens to the door.

He really needs to stop, she puts her stuff on the couch and heads upstairs as Levi follows behind her. “My room is a mess.” She sighs as she starts to clean up.

“Its cleaner when I’m here,” he says, bending down to put up one of her books, “I’ll help you.”

“No sit you must be sore,” she says as she takes the book out of his hand.

“I am but this is my room too, I can’t have you fucking it up.” He says with a smile. “Look I have a surprise.” He says as he reaches in his bag for something.

“What kind of surprise?” she looks at him questioningly.

He pulls out a bottle of Patron, “Happy get of the hospital and having the best friend any guy could ever have.” He smiles at her.

“Hmm I forgot to mark my calendar for that.” She says, smiling back at him. Even with a cast he’s still gorgeous. She watches as he opens the bottle with his mouth.

“To Kristina Daniels,” he says as he puts his mouth of the bottle and drinks. “Here your turn.” He says while wiping his mouth and smiling at her as he passes her the bottle.

“No cups? And plus alcohol damages your brain ce-“

“SHUT UP! You think too much just drink.” He says as lifts her chin as he pours the alcohol in her mouth and watches her cough.

“That was disgusting!” she shouts as she looks around for a water bottle to rinse her mouth.

“Just take a couple of more swigs to the head Tina, you’ll be fine.” He says as he drinks some more.

After convincing her to drink some more they sat there drinking for another 20 minutes. “Are you trying to get me drunk, Mr. Collins?” she says as she giggles.

“I just might.” He laughs back.

“I hope so.” she covers her mouth realizing she blurt out, she starts to laugh. “I think my liver is broken.”

He laughs so hard his ribs start to ache causing him to wince, “Yea well I think my heart is broken.” He licks his lips as he takes another gulp.

“You’re so sexy when you do that.” She stares at him with liquid courage overcoming her.

I like her like this. “Oh really.” he smiles at her.

“I just wanna ki-“, before she gets to finish her sentence she starts to throw up all over the floor.

“Tina!” Levi lifts her with one arm and rushes her to the bathroom, then hangs her head over the toilet as he holds her head.

“I’m. So. Sorry.” She says in between fits of vomit. Her head hangs over the toilet for 10 minutes, she feels as if she threw up all of her body organs.

“How are you feeling?” he says as he sits down on the floor next her. She groans as he pulls her head into his lap. She's just too cute. “I’m guessing that’s a no.” he says as he smiles at her while he reaches to take the nearby toilet paper and wipes her face. Before she even gets to respond she overwhelms her as she goes fast asleep right in his arms.


“OH SHIT!” Kristina exclaims as she jumps awake from her sleep suddenly remembering her parents.

She startles Levi awake, “Shh calm down.” he says as he rises up on his elbows next to her calming her down.

“What about my parents and the vomit?” She says worriedly as she rubs her head feeling a strong headache.

“I cleaned up everything and when your parents came in your room to check in I hid in the closet and the left as soon as they saw you sleeping. I locked the door.” He says reassuringly as he pulls her back down to the bed with him.

She breathes out, “I’m so sorry.” She says as she closes her eyes scared to look at him so close.

“There is nothing to be sorry for I should’ve never given you so much,” he says as he pulls her chin up and brushes the hair out of her face. “And plus it was nice to take care of someone who does so much for me.” He says smiling at her.

“Did you change my clothes?” she says in shock as she looks down and sees her night clothes on her.

“You had vomit all over you and trust me I’m not a pervert, I don’t roll like that.” He says seriously, “And plus I like my girls to be fully aware of every single touch.” He smiles at her.

Why are we having this conversation now?, her face flushes as she shifts in her spot.

“If there is one thing I hate about you is that you always doubt yourself and how you feel.” He says as he lifts up her chin so she can look at him. “You’re beautiful you know that?” he says as he smiles at her yet again. Before she gets to answer Levi leans in kisses her forehead and then kisses her lips ever so gently. She wants to push him back but she just can’t as she feels the electricity zings from her head to her toes. When she moans, he grabs her face as the kiss intensifies, biting her lip in between kisses but then he suddenly stops. Fuck! “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that.” He says as he pulls back.

She’s speechless as she takes in the fact that she just had her first kiss ever, with her best friend. She closes her eyes as she lies on her back. Why did he stop? Am I not good enough? All these emotions filling her body, she’s exhausted and just wants to ball up and cry.

“Hey come here.” he says, pulling her in close as he wraps his arms around her and rubs his nose in her hair. “Just fall asleep.” He adds as he hugs her tighter. She has no words to say, she just stays still as she feels his breath on her neck and his cast on her side. Just as she starts to drift to sleep he says, “The last thing I want you to do is catch feelings for me. I’m just not the guy for you ‘Tina.” He breathes in her ear and drifts to sleep.

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