Hang Out?

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Elsa's Pov

I walked down the beach, lonely. Last night all my friends came to know about Jack. I told them I don't want to do this shit but they persuaded me to do it, and the most carefree person like I am, I agreed.

I sighed for the 5th time today. I kicked a piece of rock sending it flying to the salty waters.

My mind was filled with Jack right now. His past. His rude behaviour. His stupid handsome face. Wait what?

Ugh Elsa you lost your mind. You are just doing it for your friend's sake. After his true self returns and everything will go back to normal. No boys, no love, no--


Fuck this falling on the butt. I looked up and saw that stupid annoying face ever, Frostjerk.

"You again?"
He tried to get up. I thought quickly of something and I ended up doing the most stupidest thing ever.

I jumped on top of him. He was under me and I was on top of him. Awkward....

I looked at him as he did the same. His frosted hair was now covered in sand. His eyes reminded me of the ocean. I could here the tides rolling peacefully behind me. Those tingles...

"Get off of me!"

I sheepishly grinned.

"What do you mean nope?"

"You don't know the meaning of nope?"
I fake gasped.

"Get up you ridiculous woman!"

"Not until you agree to hang out with me right now."
Did I say that?


"You heard me Frostjerk."

"Stop calling me that."

"Stop protesting then."

"You're uglier than a pig, who would hand out with you?"
Now that hurts. I felt tears nearly seep out but I blinked it back.

"You're uglier than a frog, I would definietly hang out with ya."
I winked. God I was so bad at flirting.

He kept glaring at me while I cheekily smiled at him. I knew he would give up and actually, he did.

"Fine. Now get up!"

I quickly got up and dusted off the sand from my white sundress. He jolted up and ran his hand through his hair several times, trying to get rid of the dust.

"Allow me."
I raised my hand but he slapped it away.

I gave him a stern look. He raised an eyebrow.
"I think you like touching me a lot don't you?"

"Pft as if."
I raised my hand again but this time he didn't slap it away. He stood still as I brushed the sand out of his hair. The tingles were getting worse.

"That's enough."
He grabbed my hand and removed it from his hair. He started walking away.

"Wait up!"
I jogged behind him. My frenchplait swaying a bit. He was damn fast. He abruptly stopped and I bumped into him....again.

"Why are you even talking to me?"
He asked, confusion etched in his beautiful ocean orbs. Damn it.

"Because I love to?"
That came out more in a question. He stared at me, like he was searching for something. I felt small in front of him.


"I-I d-don't know."
I stuttered. He started walking closer to me. I stayed frozen on my spot and let him walk near to me. My heartbeat increased and my tingles getting worse. He kept a straight face. I wanted to scream for help since he looked scary now.

"Finally found you two."
We both looked at the source. It was Hiccup. Thank lord.

Jack backed away and I felt a little relieved.

"Hi Hiccup."

"Hey Elsa....and Jack."
He silently took Jack's name. Jack nodded and walked off. I looked at Hiccup who was now smiling.

"How did it go between you two?"

"Not well."
I frowned.

"We could tell."


"Um....about that."
Hiccup nervously smiled and looked behind. I followed his gaze and saw five heads poking out of the bush.

"Hi Elsie!"
Anna waved earning a smack from Merida.

"Don' blow up ourr covarr ya fool!"
Merida yelled.

Hiccup chuckled, watching Merida and Anna fighting with each other. I think he has a little crush for Merida.

"So..." Hiccup looked at me. "We have a plan."

Oh no....

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