Part 1

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"Sweetie why don't you eat something" A woman with hair in a messy bun asked.

"Im not hungry and my name is Black Sheep, " Black Sheep said refusing to look at the women her back facing the women the entire time. The woman defeated stepped outside of the room locking the door.

"No luck huh," A man said walking up to her, she shook her head.

"I mean its understandable she was just taking away from the only place she knew, her whole wourld has been turned upside down. She was brought up by criminals for Pete sake, she's never even met another child!" The women stopped taking a breath to collect her thoughts. The child had only been with them for three days. Three days since a criminal organization had been taken down. No one had suspected to find a child at VILES headquarters.

In the past three days, the child who only responded to the name Black Sheep had tried to run away multiple times and once she realized she couldn't run away, She had kept asking for one of the criminal leaders when she had realized she wasn't going to see her again she had broken down into tears and had cried herself to sleep.

Back Sheep had been taken to Acme headquarters and she had been tasked with watching over and helping her adjust to a normal life,  she couldn't be brought to social services because of where she came from and had to be kept under close supervision She hoped that within a mounth or so she would finally come to terms with what was happening and that she would be able to begin school and meet kids her own age. She and her husband would act as her foster parents and hopefully, after a period of time, she would forget about her old life.

So far though it seemed like it would take a miracle for that to happen. She refused to eat only taking small sips of water when she absolutely had to and only eating small amounts of crackers to the point where she was worried about the health issues it would cause. It was evident she didn't trust her or anyone else for that matter. At least she would answer her and acknowledge her presence she acted as if nobody else existed. 

"Look Beth" The man started trying to find a way to help encourage her, "I'm not good with kids or anything but maybe try and look at it from her point of veiw I mean obviously this is all new to her and she was taken away from the only home she ever knew, but they kept a lot of things from her she dosn't know what  to believe or who to trust anymore everything she knew was a lie"

"You know what" she said smiling, "That does help thanks Matt" She kissed him and went back inside the room and sat down next to Black Sheep.

"I know we already talked about this and its scary but this happening also has its good parts wouldn't you like to meet kids your own age, there are so many fun things you would never be able to do if you stayed there.

Black Sheep looked up to her playing with her fingers. She could meet kids her own age?

Beth smiled seeing she was getting through to Black Sheep however little an amount that might be. "If there is anything, anything at all I can do to make you feel more comfterble I will do my best to make that happen, is there anything you really wanted to do that you never had been able to.

"I want to see Coach Brunt" Black Sheep said after a moment.

"You know I don't have the power to do that we talked about this, but while I can't promise anything, you behaving and eating, getting adgusted to a normal life after a few months maybe you could see her but it would be a one-time thing" Her heart throbbed for the poor girl she could tell she looked up to Coach Brunt as a mother figure.

"Could I maybe write to her?" Beth smiled. "Thats a great idea I think if you ate your food and started to adjust to a normal life my boss might be willing to permit a few letters I still can't promise any-"

Black Sheep cut her off, "I'll take that chance," Black Sheep said, "But I want to choose what I eat no offense but I don't know who cooks the food around here, package foods only"

"That can definitely be arranged, know about your name-"

"The name stays"

What do you think anything you want to see in this let me know in the comments

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