Part 9

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"Are you sure your up for it I mean its a whole night, it's not to late to back out" Beth said as she and Black Sheep pulled up into Jackie's driveway. After the party Jackie, Molly, and Emily had begged their parents none stop to have a sleepover together at Jackie's house. All parents were a little hesitant but in the end all agreed.

"I start school Monday how am I suppose to do that if  I can't even do this?" Black Sheep said with a duh in her voice. 

"Right" Beth said turning the car off trying to keep her hands from shaking, she wasn't worried about Black Sheep not getting along, or even being scared and wanting to go home, she was worried that she might try to run away. She had made so much progress since she had first come to live with her and her husband but how did she know that wasn't just a act? All she could do was hope for the best.

"Alright see ya!" Black Sheep said hopping out of the door interupting Beth's chain of thought.

"Be good"

"I know"

"Be respectful"

"I know"

"Do what-"

"Beth I know okay" Black Sheep said rolling her eyes before running up the driveway.

"Wait for me!" Beth said getting out the car as well and grabbing Black Sheep's sleeping bag which she had forgotten over all of the excitement, she got it, she remembered her first sleepover and how excited she was when she had first pulled up into her friends house. Black Sheep rang the doorbell and almost imidiantly Jackie answered.

"Carmen your here! What are you waiting for come inside you can just put your stuff with everyone elses. Everyone is in the kitchen were making cupcakes!"

Sure enough Molly, and Emily were there sitting at the kitchen table which had ingrediants for cupcakes and directions on how to do so.

"Carmen's here!" Emily said clapping her hands.

"Yay!" Molly said through a mouthful of sprinkles.

"Hey those are for decorating the cupcakes!  Jackie said laughing.

"Oops" Molly said shrugging.

"Your here just in time, Jackie and Molly want vanillia, but I want choclate." Emily says.

Black Sheep didn't want to upset any of her friends, she did prefer choclate but she liked vanilla to so it didn't really matte to her, but sure seemed to matter to her friends. "Why not both?"

"We can't Jamie's mom only set out the ingridiants to make 12 cupcakes, we coca powder that we can add in as well to turn the batter from vanilla to choclate but you can't make both" Jackie said grabbing the sprinkles before Molly could eat more.

Black Sheep thought for a moment before realizing something, "There's ingridiants to make 12 cupcakes if you make the batter vanilla and then divide the batter evenly into 2 diffirent bowls and but the cocoa powder in just one then we can have six choclate and six vanilla."

"Hold-- up, did you just--- do division?" Molly asked.

"Yeah she did! She did 12 divide 2 my mom tried to explain it to me but it didn't make any sense" Emily said excited. 

"You can't?" Black Sheep asked confused, she was so little when she learned how to do it, it was just like common knowlage to her, it was finding the area of circles that was hard for her, and fractions with exponents,, those were impossible. Beth had told her that VILE had taught her alot more then what a average kid at her age knows. She didn't want to make her friends feel dumb.

"No I just heard Beth say that when she was cooking"

"Oh few, for a second I was like whoah, if you did you would be way to smart for our class you would to go to a class with like fifth graders!" Jackie said.

"Fifth graders are--- the worst" Molly said. The others nodded in agreement so Black Sheep did as well, she had to be careful, as long as she played dumb she would be fine, she pushed the thought to the back of the mind.

"Lets make cupcakes!" Black Sheep yelled throwing her arms up in the air.

The four of them quickly got to work measuring and mixing until the batters were done. JAcvkies mom put them in the oven and they started to clean the mess up when Emily started bursting out laughing.

"Whats so funny?" Black Sheep asked confused.

Jackie started to laugh to. "You have batter underneath your nose it looks like a mustache."

"Oh yeah well you have coca poweder all over your shirt" Jackie looked down, what no i Ahh!" Black Sheep through coco powder all over Jackie laughing.

"Food fight!" Emily yelled, and just like that the kitchen had become a war zone, sprinkles, left over batter and coco powder went flying.

"I'm hit!" Molly yelled pretending to die, as they all laughed.

"Guys" Jackie said trying not to laugh, "My mom will flip if she see;s this we need to clean this up"

"I'll get some wet paper towels" Black Sheep said grabbing some paper towels and going to the sink.

"Wait the sinks broken-" but  it was two late, Black Sheep had already turned the sink on and the handle fell off and water began to spray everywhere.

"Ahh!" Black Sheep yelled sheilding her face, as the others laughed.

"It's not funny!"

"It kind-- of is" Molly said laughing.

Jackie ran over getting hit by the spray of water as she put the handle back on turing the water off.

"Great know i'm all wet" Jackie said.

"I guess we'll just have to make it even" Black Sheep said grinning.

"You wouldn't

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