Part 12

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(Black Sheeps pov)

She had to admit she got an awesome feeling helping Jackie do her work. On the island it was always the same thing, she was too young to understand, I'll tell you when your older and such. But here she didn't need to ask questions she understood everything.  Not to mention there was someone older than her that actually talked to her! Sometimes trainees were nice and would interact with her but it was er rare and usually only if a faculty member was in the room.

She also kind of felt a little relieved that there was an older kid that had picked on her on the bus. In a way it kind of made her feel more comfterble. It reminded her of VILE. Though that was about all the good there was. As the day continued she found herself going extremely bored and stopped paying attention. 

She couldn't help but fidget in her seat, and she kept having to stop herself from calling somebody dumb. She had to remind herself that first, it wasn't nice, and second, she knew more for her age than most kids did due to her 'unique upbringing'. It was also extremely frustrating not to be called on when she raised her hand. Why would the teacher call on somebody who obviously didn't know the answer?

She wasn't even allowed to talk with her friends because she had to be quiet! It was one thing f it was because she needed to pay attention but she didn't. Overall even though she had only been here for an hour or two she had decided regular school stunk. She ended up spending the rest of the morning doodling in a notebook. That was until it was taken from her. Things had just gone downhill from there.

"Carmen you need to pay attention" 

"Why, I already know what your gonna say."

"Because it's rude."Mrs. April said.

This had gotten her mad. Everything she did was rude. Not letting other kids answer was rude, correcting the teacher was rude, correcting her classmates was rude, and now this! This was getting ridiculous. 

"Hey give that back!"

"You can have it back at the end of the day." Mrs. April said walking away with the notebook as kids at other tables snikered.


"YOur being inapropite you need to apoligize."

"What- but they were laughing at me!" I frowned mumbling a sorry.

"I thought you said she was a good teacher," I said to Jackie as soon as she was not looking in my direction. She just shrugged.

"She usually is, I guess she just doesn't like you for some reason," Jackie said with a what can you do expression. 

"I swear it's like she's out to get me!"

"She's not out to get you," Emily said rolling her eyes.

She was totally out to get me. Exhibit A being when it was time for silent reading, and she had asked very nicely for a kid at the table next to hers to stop talking Mrs. April had rudely shushed her.  Though when she had tried to explain this to her friends at lunch they had acted like it was her fault!.

"Maybe you two met before and you did something to her without realizing" Jackie said then taking a bite out of her sandwich."

"I didn't do anything!"

"Well people aren't-- just- mean to people for no- reason," Molly said with a shrug.

"Uh yeah they are, that's how everyone on the island was-"

"Island? Wait you're talking about where you lived before you lived with your Mrs. Beth right?" Emily said confused before turning excited.

"Yeah, it was a small one you wouldn't know it." 

"That's so cool!" Jackie said the others nodding their heads in agreement.

I shrugged, "Not really-" I cut myself off I really shouldn't have said anything, to begin with.

"It is too! But I can totally see that. You probably lived in a tropical paradise with tons of trees, I bet you climbed them all the time that's why your so good on the monkey bars" Jackie said.

I had to try really hard to not frown before I let out a hint of a smile. If I thought about it Mrs. April was kind of like Countess Cleo. That caused me to frown again because thinking of her made me think of Coach Brunt. I couldn't stop the tears and even though I wiped them away Jackie had noticed.

"Carmen what's wrong -was it something I said?"

"I'm just feeling homesick, I guess you could say there was a person where I used to live that I really looked up to, she was the closet thing I had to a mom."

"And you can't see her anymore?" Emily asked confused.

"Apparently she did some bad things after I was repeated from her I never saw her again, I haven't seen any of them since then."

"So social services just separated you and won't even let you send letters that's horrible! Even if she did do something bad you should still be able to see her I mean what kind of jail is she in!" Emily asked in disbelief,

"I don't know, I wish I did."

"Mrs. Beth won't let you talk to her?" I shook my head, and at this point I didn't even wipe away the tears.

"Don't worry Carmen, I don't know how but we'll help you look for her, I mean the internet has to have something."

"Really, even though she did something-"

"We don't care what she did Carmen, the thing is even though she did something bad she was a good enough person to look after you, you at least deserve to be able to say goodbye," Emily said cutting me off.

"Thanks, guys your the best."

(Suggestions will happen but I just need to set up the foundation for it, thanks so much for reading your comments brighten my day and help me feel like I should write this!)

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