Part 11

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Today was the day, she was going to school, not VILE academy, but a real school, with friends her own age. If you had told her this a year ago she would have laughed, she never thought it was possible. Black Sheep  wacthed as they pulled up into the school parking lot. She was excited, but was also kind of scared. Was that normal?

The bus ride wasn't honestly something she had looked forward to, none of her friends would be on her bus route, she was surrounded by strangers. She had tried to read her book but it just made her feel sick to her stomach so she closed her eyes.

Black Sheep squeezed her eyes shut she didn't want to go, she couldn't she wasn't ready there were to many people. She began to cry hugging hers knees not realizing the fourth grader that had come up to her.

"Look at that kid shes crying what a loser"

"Leave her alone Becky see the pass around her neck she's special needs"

"Oh yeah how would you know?"

"My cousin is in a special needs class so mind your own buisnness"

Even though Black Sheep didn't here what they were saying she knew it was about her and it just made her more scared, then she felt someone sit next to her, she looked up to see a boy with short brown hair and blue eyes with a guitar on his shirt.

"Can I see your pass?" What did he mean pass? Oh right, Beth had giving her something to put around her neck, just in case you need help finding your way. She tired to speak but nothing came out. Instead she just took it off and gave it to him.

Hi my name is Carmen today is my first day. I might need some help finding my classroom I need to go to Mrs. April's room.

"Hi Carmen its nice to meet you my name is Tyler" Nothing, she couldn't even make her mouth move to form words. He waited a moment before speaking again.

"Oh are you mute?"

She shook her head, "I-"

"Hey don't worry about it, the first day at a new school can be scary but your gonna love this school I promise." Black Sheep let out a hint of a smile.

"Come on you two everyone else is already inside" the bus driver said.

"Want me to walk you to your class" Black Sheep nodded

"Your going to love Mrs. April, I never had her but everyone here loves her she's in charge of alot of the clubs like chess and the junior writers club."

"I like chess"

"really we'll have to play sometime i'm the president of the chess club, don't worry i'll go easy on you."

"No thanks its not fun if you try and go easy on me"

"Alright then, were here but we'll play that game of chess soon alright?" Black Sheep nodded. He knocked on the door and a women with long orange hair and brown eyes opened the door.

"Oh there you are Carmen I was just about to call the office I was getting worried. I know its your first day but try to get here by the time the bell rings if you get lost you can ask any of the teachers for help, oh I see you met Tyler, why don't you take a seat with your friends it seems they're very excited to see you" Mrs. April said eyeing Jackie, Molly, and Emily, who were waving their arms and patting at the open seat at their table.

Black Sheep nodded before taking a seat next to her friends waving goodbye to Tyler. She liked him but he didn't stand a chance against her in chess.

"Alright class as you can see we have a new student, why don't you tell us a little about yourself"

"Okay, um, my name is Carmen i'm 8, I like the color red and these are my best friends" Black Sheep said gesturing to Molly, Emily, and Jackie.

"Carmen were going to start the day off with math if theres anything you don't understand just raise your hand and i'll answer your question.

Black Sheep wacthed as Mrs. April past a peice of paper with subtraction problems on them to each student, she finished hers with ease and then began to look around the classroom. In the front of the room was a white board, a sticker chart with what she assumed to be everyones name.

"Mrs. April what are the stickers for?"

"You need to raise your hand Carmen"

"I did?" Black Sheep said confused.

"I'm sorry I forgot you were home schooled until know, you raised your hand but before you can ask a question or answer one you need to wait to be called on."


"Thats quite all right, as for the stickers you get stickers as a reward for doing something good.  If I see you giving a pencil to someone who needs it or maybe answering a really hard question. You won't always get one though and you won't get one if you ask, does that make sense?"

Black Sheep nodded, that sounded easy she was going to get the most stickers.

"When your sticker board is filled up you can turn them in for a peice of candy or a homework pass, or some free time while everyone else is doing work. That reminds me I have a packet with all the imformation of classroom procedures and rules, I need you to go over them with your parents tonight."

"Her name is Beth" Black Sheep said.

"Of course my bad"

"Whoa Carmen your already finished! Can you help me?" Jackie said.

Black Sheep smiled and nodded, the day had gotten off on a rough start but it had gone up hill quickly and felt like it could only get better.

Important- what would you like to happen next?

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