25.Night Sweats

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Von p.o.v

Dr.von Dell

Your patient is in room 213

Good morning ms.Slane

She smiled when I looked up , my eyes froze.

I couldn't believe who was standing in front of me.

She says how did you find me.

I wasn't expecting to see you but I have a heart issue as well. But that's not why im here

There's something I need to say.

I'm HIV infected.

And you may need to check yourself out

I felt  like vomiting.

What was she doing here.

Why was she doing this.

Is it true she showed me her paperwork ,

And I looked at her wrist band.

It's true...

She says I'm sorry for doing what I did to you.

I didn't mean it.

I looked at her , I forgive you.

It doesn't matter.

How much longer do you have left.

She says two weeks.

Who ever I caught it from messed me up

More like fucked up

The medication won't do anything.

My chest felt like it was closing.

She closes her eyes and falls asleep.

I come out and I run to the bathroom.

I run into a stall and vomit in the toilet.

I could feel like I was emptying everything in my body.

After a few more throw ups.

I rinsed my mouth.

And left work on the drive home.

I ran in the house and In my room

My mind was spinning.

I felt like I could black out.

Could I be infected too.

could I

its like the minute things get good with me and tisa something fucked up happens


Next thing I know I fainted.

And fell on my bed

Tisa listen please,

We can work this out.

Work what out Von.

Your infected I can't stay with you.

How do you expect me to stay.

Tisa .

I didn't mean to you know it.

I grabbed her arms begging her not to go..

Von you don't understand.

If your infected that means I maybe infected and possibly our baby..

Our baby..

Yes our baby Von.

I'm pregnant ..

I could cry .

I woke up . I took a deep breath..

I know I'm good..

But maybe it's just my mind playing with me..

Or not

Tisa came in the room baby you okay, 

Yeah. I said .. just a nightsweat  ohh

well did you dream of catchiing a hIv or something

what my eyes poped out my head

im just joking

where did you get that from

no where i just made it up

i took a deep breath

Baby.  I'm here .. no.matter what okay

okay i rested my head on her stomach and didnt even go back to sleep

my heart was beating a mili second maybe not maybe im good

how do i tell her..

I cant .. I just cant

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